The term "hirudotherapy" means one ofdirections of medicine. In the process of this type of treatment, specially grown leeches are used. Hirudotherapy reviews are mostly positive. The procedure itself is scary for many, but the effect of its implementation is quite impressive: the condition improves with existing diseases and the vitality rises.
Hirudotherapy was an effective waygetting rid of many ailments thousands of years ago. It was successfully applied in practice by the Egyptian pharaohs and famous ancient healers: Hippocrates, Galen and Avicenna. The flowering of the method occurred in the period from the XIII to the XIX century. But soon it began to be used less and less in practice, which was due to the use of an excessive amount of leeches.
Currently, judging by the reviews, the treatmentHirudotherapy has again become very popular. Doctors use this method in practice throughout the world. If earlier leeches were caught in natural conditions, or the person himself plunged into the reservoirs where they lived, now they are grown on biological farms.
These ringed worms are parasites,who feed on blood. The leeches at both ends have suckers, the front is considered the oral cavity. A hungry worm at a time can drink up to 15 ml of mammalian blood, after which it will not need food for several months. Folding liquid connective tissue in the leech stomach does not occur, due to the presence of anticoagulants in it.
В гирудотерапии используют только тех червей, hunger which reached the maximum degree, that is, about 5 months have passed since their last saturation. Leeches put strictly on certain points of the body. Skipping the skin in a given area has a positive effect on various systems. In addition, in the process of sucking blood into the body enters leech saliva, which also has a beneficial effect on it. Judging by the reviews, the benefits of hirudotherapy are colossal: after the first procedure, the state of health improves, sleep normalizes, the emotional background stabilizes, and a high degree of efficiency remains.
Treatment with leeches has many advantages.
During hirudotherapy, worms have the following effects on the human body:
Due to the complex effect, the following positive changes occur in the body:
Currently, leeches are being implemented forhome use. But it is important to remember that, like any other method of treatment, there are hirudotherapy and contraindications. Feedback from people confirms that the procedure, the execution of which seems to be simple, is in fact extremely difficult. Only a specially trained doctor can strictly follow the procedure. Treatment with leeches should be carried out exclusively in medical institutions.
Reviews of hirudotherapy prove that it helps to cope with many diseases.
Doctors may recommend resorting to this method of treatment if the patient has the following pathologies:
In addition, indications for treatment with leeches are:
It is important to understand that only a specialist can assess the feasibility of hirudotherapy. Reviews of doctors confirm that self-treatment can lead to serious consequences.
Before prescribing the procedure, the patient is examined by a specialist, he also prescribes studies that confirm or exclude the presence of factors under which hirudotherapy is prohibited.
Leech therapy is not carried out if a person suffers from:
In addition, the method is not used for the treatment ofvarious ailments in pregnant and lactating women, as well as in persons who are intoxicated or in those who consumed alcohol-containing beverages the day before.
According to medical reviews, hirudotherapy effectively relieves many diseases, but only if its purpose was taken into account all the peculiarities of the patient's health.
With proper application of the method of complications, asusually not observed. The main rule is to use only specially grown leeches. This is due to the fact that worms are carriers of diseases from a sick body to a healthy one. Part of the infected blood always remains in their jaws, and when they bite, pathogenic organisms can penetrate inside the person and provoke the development of any disease. Currently, the probability of infection is reduced to zero, since only specially grown worms are used in medical institutions, and after they are saturated, they are destroyed.
Leech saliva contains anticoagulants, as a result of which wounds in the places of their bites can bleed throughout the day. If this period is delayed, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
Before the procedure, the patient needs to undergo a series ofresearch. Ignoring this need can lead to a deterioration of health on the background of blood loss and disruption of homeostasis. Judging by the reviews, hirudotherapy significantly improves the state of health, but only if all the contraindications were taken into account and diagnostics were carried out.
In order to assess the feasibility of prescribing the method, the doctor at the reception asks the patient questions about when and what he was ill with, what is bothering at the moment.
In addition, a person must donate blood for the following types of tests:
According to the results of these studies becomesit is clear whether the appointment of hirudotherapy. The need for diagnosis should be taken responsibly. All activities are performed to ensure patient safety.
Hirudotherapy is carried out according to the following algorithm:
The number of used worms can be different.For example, based on medical reviews, only 2-3 leeches can be involved in hirudotherapy in osteochondrosis, if the disease is at an early stage, up to 10 - if the pathology progresses and is accompanied by pronounced symptoms. For the prevention of various ailments also use up to 3 leeches.
When setting worms you need to strictly adhere to the scheme. Suction points are selected based on the existing disease:
The duration of treatment with leeches is determined by the doctor.For prophylactic purposes, 2-3 procedures are usually sufficient. For the treatment of various pathologies, the doctor may prescribe up to 10 sessions, but it is not always necessary to complete the full course. For example, based on the reviews, hirudotherapy in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can help after 5-6 procedures.
В настоящее время лечение пиявками является очень popular. Hirudotherapeutists receive patients in almost every private medical institution. Information regarding whether this service is provided should be clarified at the reception of the selected clinic.
Гирудотерапия – это метод лечения, который carried out on a paid basis. Pricing is different for each institution. It depends on its level, the purchase price of leeches on biological farms. On average, the price of one session is 1500-1800 rubles. It includes the use of 3-5 leeches. In some clinics, an initial consultation of the doctor is additionally paid, during which he determines how many worms need to be placed in one procedure. The cost of each additional leech is about 150 rubles.
Hirudotherapy is a method of treatment, effectivenesswhich is time tested. Most of the patients noted a significant improvement in health after the first session: pain recedes, a constant feeling of fatigue, increased efficiency and concentration. Doctors advise to take a course twice a year to maintain good health and prevent various pathologies.
Hirudotherapy - a method of treatment, in the processwhich uses medical leeches. The procedure is absolutely safe for the patient, since the worms are grown and purchased on special biological farms, and after they are saturated with blood, they are destroyed by placing them in acid. This method effectively copes with many pathologies. For example, judging by the reviews, hirudotherapy for cervical osteochondrosis has helped thousands of people. In addition, this method is used even in the treatment of infertility.