/ / Jaundice: signs in children, the main causes and characteristics of treatment

Jaundice: signs in children, the main causes and characteristics of treatment

Probably, many are familiar with such a term asjaundice, signs in children and in adults which consist in staining the skin and mucous in a yellowish color. This process is due to the accumulation of pigment in the tissues - bilirubin. Jaundice is still not a separate disease, it is rather a sign or a kind of signal that something "abnormal" occurs in the body. And it's always scary when a similar phenomenon occurs in a small child. So what is hidden under the term "jaundice"? How is she treated? What are the signs of jaundice in children and adults?

What is bilirubin?

Before delving into the essence of this yellow syndrome,you need to understand what bilirubin is. Simply put, it is the coloring pigment of bile, which is the product of the breakdown of hemoglobin. In a normal state, bilirubin accumulates in the digestive tract, and then is excreted from the body naturally, that is, through feces. But if a person has an unhealthy condition, in which this pigment is not excreted and begins to accumulate in the blood, his skin and sclera acquire a yellowish tinge.

jaundice signs in children

Bilirubin: the norm

Normal bilirubin in healthy people is as follows:

  • The total is up to 20.5 μmol / l.
  • Direct - up to 5.1 μmol / l.
  • Free - up to 16.2 μmol / l.

Стоит отметить, что билирубин - крайне опасное compound. It is very toxic to our body. Its significant excess has a negative impact on human health. Excess bilirubin leads to intoxication of the whole organism and to malfunctions in the work of organs. Especially dangerous is the impact on newborns.

Types of jaundice and underlying causes

The symptom of jaundice itself develops only in three cases:

  • First, if bilirubin is formed in excess.
  • Secondly, if the processing of this enzyme is disrupted.
  • And, thirdly, if its derivation is violated.

Based on these three cases, three forms of jaundice are identified:

  1. The superhepatic. In this case, excessive formation of bilirubin occurs due to increased disintegration of erythrocytes, and the liver simply does not have time to process it.

Superhepatic jaundice develops with the following diseases and certain causes:

  • Anemia in children.
  • Sepsis, malaria, typhoid fever.
  • Endocarditis.
  • Parasites in the blood.
  • Incompatibility of the donor product.
  • Extensive hematomas.
  • Malignant formation of hematopoietic tissue.
  1. Hepatic. This form of jaundice is associated with cell disruptionliver. It is simply not capable of capturing bilirubin, as a result of which both the direct and free pigment in the blood is elevated. The diseases that are accompanied by hepatic jaundice are diverse, but the most frequent are viral hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver.
  2. The liver. This form occurs when a violation occursfunction of outflow of bile. The cause in this case may be a blockage of the bile ducts with stones or parasites, or squeezing with various formations: cysts or tumors.

There is also a so-called false jaundice,which appears due to the use of products with a lot of keratin. Similar signs of jaundice in children (1 year - 2.5 years) arise if the baby eats a lot of carrots, pumpkins or oranges.

first signs of jaundice in children

The first signs of jaundice in children

Each form of this syndrome has its owncertain symptoms. The signs of jaundice in children at 3 years differ little from adults. But the child most often jaundice occurs against the background of hepatitis. To ensure that children do not suffer from this disease, mandatory vaccination is carried out in our country. And now we will analyze the symptoms for each form, and consider the signs of jaundice in a child (2 years and older).

Understand that the baby has suprahepatic jaundice by the following indicators:

  • Increased indirect bilirubin in the blood.
  • Skin, sclera and mucous become yellow with moderate pallor.
  • Cal also changes its color, it becomes dark brown.
  • The liver and spleen increase in size. There may be pain in the left hypochondrium.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Moods, headache, fatigue and increased heart rate in a child.

The following symptoms are characteristic of the second form of jaundice (hepatic):

  • Bright orange shade of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Enlarged liver and spleen.
  • Chills and fever.
  • Lack of appetite in the baby.
  • Nausea, headache.
  • Apathy.
  • There may be nosebleeds.
  • Diarrhea.

To determine this form of jaundice can be on the following grounds:

  • Dark color urine with foam.
  • Colorless feces with lots of fatty acids.
  • Increased rate of bilirubin, cholesterol in the blood.

signs of jaundice in children 1 year

Jaundice in the newborn

About 60% of all newborns have an average of 3day shows a specific skin color. Jaundice in infants is called physiological, as it does not signal any disease, but speaks of a period of adaptation. This phenomenon is temporary and lasts no more than 10 days. So why does it arise and what are the main signs of jaundice of a newborn baby?

The fact is that when a child is inwomb, he has blood with a special hemoglobin that carries oxygen through the organs. When a baby begins to breathe with its lungs, its blood composition changes, the special hemoglobin collapses and forms “alive”. This is where an excess of bilirubin appears, and a small body is not yet able to cope with it, so jaundice appears. Signs in young children of this syndrome are expressed only by the yellowness of the sclera and skin, and the rest of the baby is quite normal. Liver and spleen normal size. In newborns, jaundice is not treated with drugs, since the liver itself restores its function.

external signs of jaundice in a child


Jaundice treatment comes down to identifying the causeswho called her. For example, suprahepatic jaundice, whose symptoms in children have been described above, is treated by stopping the breakdown of red blood cells. If jaundice is caused by destruction of the liver, then in this case, drugs are used that can restore it. In the case of viral hepatitis, antiviral drugs are prescribed. With more severe diseases, liver transplantation is possible. And subhepatic jaundice, whose symptoms in children have been described above, can only be treated surgically.

what are the signs of jaundice in children

Nutrition for jaundice

При лечении заболевания, которое вызвало желтуху, Be sure to follow a certain diet. The essence of the principle of nutrition will be to reduce the load on the liver and clear the biliary tract. Here is a list of foods that should be excluded from the diet at the time of illness:

  • Any broths and soups (fish, meat, chicken, mushroom).
  • Any pickles, as well as pickled products and canned goods.
  • Chocolate and all products that contain cocoa.
  • Smoked products and meat delicacies.
  • Cold drinks and ice cream.
  • Spices and seasonings.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Sweet buns and fresh bread.
  • Fruits and berries with sourness.
  • Eggs (any).
  • Beans
  • Vegetables: radish, radish and spinach.
  • Alcohol.
  • Strong coffee and tea.
  • And, of course, fatty and fried foods.

Signs of jaundice in a child 2 years

Yes, the list is impressive!Any violation can aggravate the situation, so you need to strictly adhere to this diet. After jaundice, it will take about 2 weeks to eat this way, otherwise the risk of a relapse of the disease is high.

Probably many at first glance will seem to have to go hungry at all. But it is not. There is a list of permitted products from which it is possible to make a daily diet:

  • All low fat dairy products.
  • All cereals, pasta and vegetable dishes.
  • Boiled meat (any).
  • "Yesterday's" bread.
  • Fruit.
  • Oil (butter, sunflower).
  • Poor tea and vegetable juice.

And finally, the food should be fresh and warm. To build a nutrition plan, depending on the severity of the disease, the attending physician will help you.

Preventive measures

The simplest and most basic preventive method isit is the observance of the personal hygiene rules both of one’s own and of one’s own child. Particular attention should be paid to the purity of food. That is, all vegetables and fruits should be thoroughly washed. Be sure to teach your child to wash their hands before eating and after using the toilet. It is also necessary to avoid contact with other people's personal belongings, for example, do not use someone else's razor, comb, toothbrush, nail scissors. On these things can remain biological products of a sick person. Drink only boiled water. Try not to eat in street cafes. It is possible to get the disease through some procedures, for example, piercing, manicure, pedicure, tattooing. Therefore, these manipulations spend only in proven stores, which have the appropriate certificates. And the most loyal and effective method of prevention is vaccination.

signs of jaundice in children 3 years


The liver is a kind of filter in ours.body, it absorbs all unnecessary and harmful. And when its function is impaired, the body is attacked by toxins and other harmful substances. If you find external signs of jaundice in a child or yourself, contact your doctor as soon as possible. Timely treatment will always provide a cure. Do not be ill!

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