/ How to get rid of warts on the face?

How to get rid of warts on the face?

Warts are common, but veryan unpleasant problem that many people face. Despite the fact that these entities are for the most part benign and completely harmless, they often bring a lot of discomfort to a person's life. That's why many are interested in questions about how to get rid of warts on the face. After all, their presence often becomes a source of complexes about the appearance.

The causes of the appearance of warts on the face

warts on the face

In fact, the presence of such formationsindicates the infection of the body with human papillomavirus. Transmission of virus particles can occur as a household way (for example, when visiting baths and swimming pools, sharing towels and bed linen), and during unprotected sexual intercourse (depending on the type of virus).

But in this case, of great importance is andthe state of the immune system. The virus of the papilloma can easily exist in the human body for many years, without showing itself. But with a significant weakening of immunity, one can observe the formation of warts on the face, hands, neck, décolletage and even on the external genitalia. Like it often happens in the background of a cold, beriberi, exacerbation of a chronic illness, nervous stress, etc.

Is it safe to remove warts on your face at home?

remedies for warts on the face

Many owners of such skinneoplasms is interested in the question of whether it is possible to get rid of them independently. In fact, the removal of warts at home, without first consulting a doctor, is not recommended.

To date, about 100varieties of human papillomavirus. And some forms of infection are still dangerous, as they often lead to malignant degeneration of tissues. That's why you first need to go through a full study, pass some tests to confirm whether the appeared wart is benign. Only then can the question of its removal be raised.

But in no case should not try to rip offbuild-up, as this can lead to inflammation of the skin tissues. But the fresh juice of celandine or concentrate of this plant, which can be bought at the pharmacy - is the most affordable remedy for warts on the face. But such treatment takes time. In addition, there is a possibility that the skin will remain traces of burns.

Warts on the face: treatment

warts on face treatment

It is worthwhile to understand that the appearance of suchformations on the skin is primarily due to the weakening of the immune system. That is why the doctor usually appoints patients with immunomodulatory medications, as well as complexes of vitamins and minerals. Often, the skin growths will disappear by themselves.

But quite often conservative therapyis not enough. Sometimes warts need to be removed. The difficulty is that in this case cryotherapy, burning with acids or surgical excision is not suitable. After all, after such procedures on the skin often remain scars and marks.

To date, to remove warts onface increasingly use methods of laser therapy. This technique allows you to quickly remove the build-up, while reducing the risk of scarring and postoperative inflammation.

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