/ / Redecorating. An Effective Acne Diet

Redecorating. An Effective Acne Diet

Oh, these pimples!They can appear at the most inopportune moment! The life of more than one teenager was poisoned by these red rashes on the face and body, and this phenomenon is a lot of trouble for adults.

Acne can be the result of an incorrectnutrition, so they appear depending not on age, but on the quality of human nutrition. In the case of uncontrolled consumption of a wide variety of products, not only acne can appear, but also illnesses such as gastritis and dysbiosis. These diseases, as a rule, are accompanied by deterioration of the skin, the appearance of black dots and various kinds of rashes. When solving this problem, complex treatment should be carried out. It is important to pay attention not only to external manifestations of the disease, but also to remember that the diet from acne is no less effective than local antibiotic therapy.

Diet against acne. General recommendations

Do not eat less than four hours beforesleep. Eating food is recommended at intervals of three to four hours. Snacking is undesirable. It is important to comply with the diet, eat in a relaxed environment, chewing food well. The normal functioning of the stomach is hampered by reading, watching TV or movies.

The limitation of which products implies an acne diet?

It is not recommended to use (or you need to reduce consumption to a minimum) the following:

- fatty foods, cooked on a lot of vegetable oil, pork, beef, fatty fish.

- spicy condiments, pickles, various marinades, chili peppers.

- cakes and sweets (cakes, cakes, chocolate, cookies).

- fast food (hamburgers, cheeseburgers, french fries) and canned food.

- highly carbonated drinks, coffee, black tea (strong), energy drinks and alcohol.

If you abuse the above productsthere may be increased activity of androgens and, accordingly, increased sebum. Another problem can be irritation of the gastric mucosa, and invariably the next after him acne.

What is a diet from acne?

Diet, aimed at fighting acne,must be saturated with foods rich in vitamins and beneficial microorganisms. Such food helps to remove toxins, toxins and harmful bacteria from the body. In addition, immunity rises.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are the best products frompimples. Bananas will fill the lack of vitamin C, B6 and PP, peaches contain the beta-carotene we need and vitamins B, C and A, and apples are rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium and pectin. Vegetables can be consumed both fresh and boiled. They also contain many vitamins and trace elements that are healthy.

The body also needs:

- fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir, milk) with low fat content

- cheeses

- eggs (however, it is not recommended to abuse them)

- seafood (prefer non-fat fish, sea cabbage)

- dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes)

- a large amount of liquid (herbal infusions, freshly squeezed juices, green tea).

Problems with digestion help to overcome legumes, nuts, bran, rice and oatmeal, rich in fiber.

The research, aimed at confirming the fact,that the diet from acne does exist, have proved that following a special diet for three months can get rid of half of the acne. The recommended diet adhered to the first group of adolescents, while the participants in the experiment from the second group were allowed to ignore what they ate. As a result, they experienced either a worsening of the skin condition or a lack of any changes.

The result of the study was the conclusion that an effective diet from acne means excluding high-carbohydrate foods from the diet.

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