Spitz can hardly be called truly seriousdisease, but its treatment takes place. This disease brings more emotional discomfort than physical ailments. Thorny, in fact, is a common wart, which often occurs on the body of adults and children. Externally, it looks far from attractive, which negatively affects a person’s self-esteem. If such a wart occurs in places with increased exposure to other objects, then it can also bring physical discomfort.
Quite often, the spike is formed on the feet, whichis very painful, especially in cases where a person needs to be in a standing position for a long time. It is worth noting that in the process of friction of such a neoplasm, it is capable of rapidly progressing and increasing in size, which can even lead to a deterioration in overall well-being. In people, the treatment of the spine is called simply - the elimination of a plantar wart or on the palms.
The main reason for the formation of spines on the bodyare certain types of papillomavirus. They can be very different, so the warts have several varieties. Also, this disease can be transmitted from one person to another by contact in everyday life, for example - if people use the same cutlery. Therefore, it is recommended to exclude contact with the person who suffers such an ailment as the spike.
Factors affecting the progression of the prick:
In some cases, the period of origin of suchWarts can take several months, so a person may not even suspect that he needs treatment for a spike. It is worth noting that this virus may have a hidden form in which it is able to stay up to several years and not manifest itself as an obvious symptom as a wart. In most cases, this disease affects people with weak immunity. After too stressful situations or injuries, it is also possible to activate the virus and its manifestation in the form of a prick or condyloma.
Spines have several varieties, the mainA distinctive feature of which is the place of the appearance of warts. Education may appear on such parts of the body as heels, palms, toes, and even the face. In most cases, they occur on the legs and arms, since it is the limbs that are in continuous motion. In the process of moving the legs take an active part, which affects the development of the spike, the treatment of which should be prompt. Hands and palms are also quite often affected by such tumors, since these parts of the body are actively involved in many human activities. Official medicine claims that the most common areas of the warts are the palms, fingers and toes, the feet and the limbs themselves.
Externally, the dog is not very different from the usualcorns, however, in addition to the horn mass, filamentous papillae, surrounded by a cushion of horn cells, are also part of this neoplasm. The shape of the spinea is a bit like nodules, and sometimes there are deep species with a crater in the center. After removal of the middle part of the wart, the surface remains on which the next tumor may appear in the future. Therefore, in some cases it is very difficult to perform a full treatment of the spinea at home.
Initially, a wart appears on the skin, andover time, and other neoplasms, which leads to the appearance of a bunch that is very difficult to treat. Therefore, such a disease is often compared with herpes, which progresses just as randomly. There are cases when several warts grow into one large formation. This phenomenon occurs in people with excessive sweating or with improper personal hygiene. It is the dirt that can cause the appearance and development of warts.
Despite the fact that the thorn is similar to ordinarycalluses, it has slightly other symptoms and brings a lot more discomfort to the person. The main feature of the spike is a sharp pain, which is felt even with a slight contact of the tumor with other objects or parts of the body. For example, if such a wart appears on the leg, then the pain appears in any movement, especially when walking. Therefore, if you feel a sharp pain when pressing on a neoplasm, think about the treatment of the nails at home or consult a specialist.
Completely get rid of this disease is enoughdifficult, so the pain disappears gradually, very slowly. This is explained by the fact that the roots of such warts are able to reach the deepest layers of the skin, up to fixing on the muscle tissue. Therefore, even after successful removal of the “head” of the neoplasm, a new one may appear in the same place.
To treat the nails between the toes or onSome part of the body was successful, you must remove the tumor completely, along with the root. The elimination of this disease is recommended with the help of a qualified specialist in a medical institution. Surgeons and dermatologists are engaged in the treatment of such ailments.
To date, there are several methods of treatment of the spinach (a photo of one of them is presented below). The main methods of treatment:
Seek help from your doctor, your wartinspect and determine the stage of development of this pathology. In most cases, the main neoplasm is determined, on which the “life” of the remaining warts depends. In the surgical treatment option, the patient is prescribed pharmacological agents aimed at getting rid of the reason for which this disease has appeared. Despite the fact that the treatment of the spine on the leg at home is a fairly common topic in the media, the removal of this neoplasm is not recommended to be done independently.
Today there are many waystreatment and causes of the spinea on the hands, but in most cases the removal of this neoplasm is accompanied by a decrease in the amount of sweat excreted on the palms and legs. Since it is he who is considered the ideal habitat for a wide variety of bacteria.
Many parents practice the treatment of the spine on the legin a child alone, but for all the rules are the same - in the case of both adults and children, removal of tumors must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. This is a very strong virus that can lead to the development of serious diseases, even skin cancer. His home treatment increases the risk of breaking the epidermis due to the use of too strong agents. In the case of mechanical treatment of this disease, one can only provoke its progression, which will cause the appearance of malignant tumors.
Today the most commondrug treatment for warts is freezing with liquid nitrogen. This method is absolutely painless and not dangerous. After it there are no scars or scars.
Удаление при помощи лазерного воздействия – это also effective and painless method. In most cases, the expected result appears after the first procedure. However, in the later stages of development of this disease, additional measures may be needed.
At a time when we know the causes of the spines,The treatment may be different in each case, since it depends on the stage of development of this disease. However, there are several of the most common folk treatment methods:
Despite the fact that the above are common methods for treating spine on hands and other parts of the body, they can only be used after an examination and permission of a doctor.
Before using this remedy for treatingNeoplasms need a strong steam out of their location. After that, grated horseradish is taken and applied to the wart, then wrapped with a film in order to preserve the original properties of the plant for a long time. The location of the spike is bandaged and closed with a cloth (toe, if it is a leg). Such compresses are made daily at night until the complete disappearance of the disease.
For the preparation of this tool is necessarypeel the onion and grate. After that, vinegar is added to the resulting texture - on this wrap is ready. A plaster with a hole for the formation, on which the compress is applied, is glued to the location of the spinea. Means is stuck with the whole plaster. Such procedures should be repeated every night no more than 3 times.
The preparation of this remedy for spine starts.by rubbing raw potatoes on a grater. Two teaspoons of the mixture are placed on a cotton pad, which is applied to the affected area and wrapped with a bandage. Such compresses are applied in the morning and at night for several weeks, until the spine is completely removed.
For this means it is necessary to usenettle, not burning skin. The plant must be cut in such a way that it becomes a gruel, which is subsequently superimposed on the skin area with the spinach. Compress should be closed with a piece of burdock and wrap with a cloth or wear a sock in the case of a foot. Having done this procedure before bedtime, in the morning you will be able to remove all hardened skin with a wart.
Today the spike is enoughcommon phenomenon, so a huge number of people seek help from the clinic with this disease. You should immediately contact the hospital if you notice:
Remember that timely diagnosis of this disease will allow you to start its treatment in time and save you from many inconveniences.
Recommendations for prevention:
Prevention of spine is shown to all people who are in constant motion, which contributes to increased sweating.