/ / Prosthetic dentistry in the absence of a large number of teeth: species

Prosthetic dentistry in the absence of a large number of teeth: species

Quality oral hygiene and timelytreatment for dental care will help to keep the smile beautiful and healthy for a long time. But it is not always possible to do without surgical intervention. Bad ecology, genetics, trauma - these are just a few reasons why you can lose your teeth at a young age. To make a smile attractive will help prosthetics. Which procedure to choose? Let's try to understand.

Prosthetic dentistry. What it is?

Everyone knows that the lost molars do notrestored. Prosthetics is the main part of orthopedic dentistry. With this procedure, you can completely transform the smile. Even in old age a person will have all the teeth, though not his own. Prosthesis is a partial or complete restoration of the structure and function of the teeth. The aesthetic component here is not in the last place. Many are keen to put the crowns in place of the darkened tooth. And with the help of veneers you can successfully hide the hole between the central incisors.

Prosthetics of teeth in the absence of a large number of teeth
Prosthetic dentistry in the absence of a largethe number of teeth is vital. Without crowns or implants, a person can not properly chew food. As a result, there will be problems with the gastrointestinal tract. A ugly smile can cause many complexes. Neuroses and depression are provided. What kind of prosthesis should I prefer? Consider the different types of procedure.

Removable dental prosthetics

Patient feedback shows that this kind ofrestoration of the chewing function is the most common. Although a removable jaw in a glass and causes negative emotions in many, but this is one of the inexpensive ways to return a beautiful smile. Most often this type of prosthetics is used by elderly people, who almost completely lost their teeth.

prosthetics of teeth what is it
Today there are new technologiesprosthetics. To the great joy of patients in the sale there are special creams with which you can securely fix the prosthesis. Thanks to this, everyone is able to easily chew any food. At the same time, do not be afraid that a removable jaw will fall on people.

What are the removable dentures?

There are dozens of different materials, fromwhich make the false jaw. Conditionally removable prostheses produce on a plastic basis. Such a product is the most reliable and costly. Prosthesis is manufactured in several stages. The dentist makes measurements. The manufacture of the insertion jaw occurs in accordance with the individual features of the skull structure of the patient.

Prosthetics of teeth in the absence of a large number of teeth reviews
Prosthetics in the absence of a large numberteeth removable plates is the most convenient in terms of dentistry. If an inflammatory process occurs in the oral cavity, the doctor can remove the plate and carry out the treatment without problems. The use of crowns in this plan is less convenient.

Removablesmall prostheses. In most cases, they are used for cosmetic purposes. With the help of such a product, you can mask disfigured teeth or restore the integrity of a smile in the absence of several incisors. Each prosthesis is unique in its shape. The dentist makes careful measurements to ensure that the prosthesis can sit perfectly in the oral cavity.

Fixed prosthetics of teeth

This type of prosthetics is the mostpopular among middle-aged people. With the help of crowns can be relatively inexpensive and quite effectively restore the dentition. The prostheses look very natural. In rare cases, with the naked eye, it is possible to distinguish crowns from healthy teeth. Fixed prosthetics of teeth in the absence of a large number of teeth solves not only an aesthetic problem. It is also possible to restore the normal chewing function. A person can easily eat solid foods.

Prosthetics in the absence of a large number of teeth
Today there are a lot of techniquesnon-removable prosthetics. Expanded and testimony to this procedure. Gentle methods can restore the dentition even in inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Dental crowns have become available to the public. For a small fee, prostheses can be installed, which will last for a long time.

Clasp prosthesis

Popularity lately finds a claspprosthetics of teeth. What it is? Bugel is an arc. Hence, the restoration of the dentition occurs with the help of an arcuate construction. This technique allows you to securely fix the prosthesis. This is very important not only when restoring the dentition, but also in the treatment of periodontitis. After all, using bugels, you can not only fix the crowns, but also fix the loose tooth. Any dentist will say that the native incisors do a much better job with the chewing function. Therefore, first of all it is worth trying to keep your teeth.

dental prosthetics how to choose
To date, the claspDesigns that are of high quality. In the oral cavity they are installed in such a way that it is almost impossible for an outside observer to see them. This at times increases their aesthetic appeal. Clasp prosthetic teeth in the absence of a large number of teeth - this is an excellent way out.

Metal ceramic dentures

Selection of material for dental prosthetics formany is a serious problem. After all, I want to get an attractive smile for a small price. Cermet prosthesis is popular among patients with an average level of income. They are distinguished by high reliability and relatively low price. Crowns made of this material can last more than 10 years. They look attractive and natural.

prosthetics of teeth in the absence of a large number of teeth photo
Essential disadvantage of metal-ceramiccrowns is the need for extensive tooth fittings under the denture. In some cases it is necessary to depulpate an absolutely healthy tooth. This is done to set the tabs to increase the density of the cutter on which the crown will subsequently be mounted. Prosthetic dentistry in the absence of a large number of teeth with metal-ceramic crowns is often not performed. This technique is used if it is necessary to restore two spoiled incisors nearby.

It should be borne in mind that the installation of metal-ceramic crowns requires a lot of patience on the part of the patient. The specialist will have to visit several times before the dentition is fully restored.


Restoring the structure of the tooth withinternal tabs is called microprosthetics. This is one of the most promising directions in modern orthopedic dentistry. You can restore the appearance of the tooth and the chewing function without the slightest loss. There is no need to undergo a grinding procedure. Healthy incisors do not suffer at all. Very popular today is a similar prosthetics of teeth in the absence of a large number of teeth. The doctors' comments show that such a technique is the most sparing and closely interrelated with therapeutic dentistry.

 Prosthetics of teeth types of prosthesis better
Microprosthesis allows you to restoreonly the structure of the tooth. In fact, this is not prosthetics, but restoration of the dentition. The cost of services is often impressive. The procedure requires increased attention from the dentist. Materials are used only for high quality.


Popular today is the bridgeProsthetics of teeth in the absence of a large number of teeth. Photos of patients who choose to use this service are impressed. With the naked eye, it is difficult to distinguish crowns from healthy teeth. The procedure involves the installation of a permanent orthopedic structure, which is attached using crowns. The bridge is made mostly of cermets. This kind of prosthetics is relatively inexpensive. Therefore, it is also popular with people with moderate incomes.

Installation of bridges is not always possible.An obligatory condition is the presence of healthy teeth to the right and left of the structure. This is necessary in order to be able to securely fix the bridge. The supporting teeth are preliminarily grinded. In the future, they install crowns. In rare cases, the dentist has to perform a depulpation procedure.

Bridges are made by laboratoryby way of. The dentist carries out preliminary measurements. In a few stages, prosthetics of the teeth (cermet) takes place. The patients' feedback shows that the installation of bridges brings some inconvenience. For several days, the chewing function is absent. From the aesthetic point of view, the oral cavity also looks unattractive. But after installing the bridge, the crown is difficult to distinguish from healthy teeth.

Installation of implants

This type of prosthesis refers toconditionally-removable. The patient is placed root screws, which are worn implants. This method of prosthetics is one of the most expensive. For artificial teeth, the most high-quality materials are selected. If it is necessary to perform the restoration, the implant can be easily unscrewed.

Installing screws in the mouth is verya painful procedure. In most cases, the operation is performed under general anesthesia. A few dental clinics are licensed to provide such services. This is one of the reasons for the high cost of conditionally removable prosthetics with the help of implants.

Dental veneers

Installation of veneers today is excellentalternative to crowns and prostheses. The problem is that the veneers can only be attached to the front teeth. This is a special ceramic or composite plate, which with a special solution attached to the surface of the front teeth. Such designs can only be used on front cutters. For chewing teeth, standard crowns are suitable.

Veneers allow you to quickly restoretooth row. Lining is applied even to those teeth that are destroyed almost to the gums. In just one day a patient can get an attractive smile. To distinguish veneers from native teeth is almost impossible. It is relatively inexpensive such prosthetics of teeth. How to choose the material for veneers, the doctor will tell. Ceramic plates are considered to be the most durable.

Patients' comments on dentures

Which material is most often usedprosthetics of teeth? Metal ceramics reviews are mostly positive. This material is durable and inexpensive. Crowns made of cermets can last more than 10 years. Patients note that with such prostheses sometimes it is possible to pass 20 years or more. It all depends on the specialist who did the work.

The most natural implants are those that are attached to the screws. But this technique is one of the most expensive. To restore the entire dentition, you will have to pay more than 1000 y. e.

Let's sum up the results

If you could not keep the smile healthy,help will always come dentures. Species, which prosthesis is better in a particular case, the doctor will always be able to tell. The faster the dentition is restored, the faster the patient will be able to lead a full-fledged lifestyle. After all, a beautiful smile can not be replaced by anything!

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