/ / Than to finish the socle of the house outside: variants, materials, photo

Than to finish the socle of the house outside: variants, materials, photo

When erecting any house is arrangedA reliable foundation that can be represented by a particular construction. The value of this element can not be overemphasized, because it is he who takes on the weight load and distributes them. The foundation usually protrudes above the ground, forming a socle part.

After completion of construction work beforethe owners are faced with the question of how to trim the base of the house from the outside. There are many options for solving this problem. Having studied them, you can understand which finish to prefer. Some owners of private property think about why to use the finish of the socle.

Эти работы осуществляются для того, чтобы сделать your house as attractive as possible. However, the lining of the socle performs not only this role, it also protects the materials at the base of the foundation from destruction. After all, they are affected by external adverse factors. Among them, one should distinguish between humidity, wind and temperature changes. In addition, the walls at the base of the cap are susceptible to pollution to the maximum extent.

If you want to protect the socle from the emergence anddevelopment of biological life, it is worthwhile to install a lining on it, then the materials will not be covered by the fungus colonies and mold. If there is a possibility, it is possible to provide also warming of this part of the house. The base of the socle is a capacious cold accumulator, where bridges and entire lines are formed to penetrate low temperatures inside the premises. Part of the spent energy resources will be wasted, if not to carry out thermal insulation.

The material at the base of the foundation is affected bylow temperatures will freeze, which activates erosion processes and reduces strength. In this case, we can conclude that the basement needs finishing when operating the building, not only for decorative reasons.

Options for finishing the plinth: plastering and staining

than to finish the base of the house outside

Если вы тоже задались вопросом о том, чем to trim the base of the house from the outside, then you can use one of the simplest methods - plaster. This finish can create a good protective barrier with high vapor permeability. As the main advantage of this method is the cheapness, because the material is one of the available in the market.

You can do such work yourself oruse the services of plasterer. But if you want to create on the surface of the socle not only an effective barrier, but also make it attractive, then the surface can be painted with a permanent facade paint. It is on sale in a wide range, and the consumer has the opportunity to choose the right option.

As a finishing coat you can usedecorative plaster, which is offered by manufacturers in a wide palette of colors. You can give the socle a variety of textures, one of which will certainly satisfy the needs of the landlord. If you show the imagination that the plastered surface can be made very original. For this purpose, the base is given the appearance of natural materials, for example, a stone.

Directly on the surface of the socle, you canform something like a natural stone. For modeling in this case, you do not need to have special skills. The main thing is to prepare a high-quality dense solution. After solidification, it remains only to decorate with the help of dyes. The shortcomings of such technologies include the fragility of the coating. The condition of the layer will have to be monitored, timely carrying out repairs or renovation of damaged areas, which are covered with cracks.

Variety of materials: natural stone

finishing the plinth of a private house

Solving the question of how to trim the base of the houseoutside, you can get closer to the natural stone. This decision can be called elitist. The building with such a design of the socle will look good, and the natural material will show all its performance characteristics and will be ready to serve for quite a long time.

For facing use special stoneplates, which are called slabs. Their thickness usually varies from 20 to 30 mm, they can have a regular shape or uneven edges, which allows for greater decorativeness.

The surface can be chosen to suit your taste, itcan be mirror, polished to shine, or have rough chips. Despite all the practicality and beauty of this type of finish, he has many shortcomings, among them:

  • impressive weight;
  • increased complexity of installation;
  • high price.

As for weight, it will giveadditional load on the base of the building, this is especially true when the base has a large surface area. If you plan to trim this part of the building with a natural stone, then it is necessary to calculate everything at the design stage, in order not to strengthen the foundation afterwards. A large mass of products makes installation more difficult. Even the use of the highest quality glue sometimes can not cope with the situation, so there is a need for additional formation and creation of stops.

If you still do not know how to finish the baseat home outside, then you should get acquainted with several solutions at once. Among others it is necessary to allocate a natural stone. It is environmentally friendly, looks very attractive, but has one significant drawback, which is expressed in high cost. This also applies to the price of installation works, which is important for those homeowners who do not plan to work independently.

Even the most budgetary types of natural stonehave a fairly high cost, which ranges from 1200 to 1500 rubles. per square meter. In this case we are talking about limestone and shell rock. But among the more expensive one can distinguish marble and granite, which have a chipped or polished surface. If you want to make your house exclusive, then for finishing its base you can use materials such as labradorite and gabbro, but you should be prepared for the fact that the cost of them is really sky-high.

Use of artificial stone

than to finish the socle of the house outside of the photo

Отделка цоколя частного дома может быть is also made by an artificial stone. If you like the kind of natural material, but are limited in the budget, then this is the solution for you. It has many positive features. Among others, it should be noted the affordable price, as well as a negligible mass. But in the end, you can achieve almost complete illusion of natural stone.

This material is based oncement-containing mixtures to which light fractions, micro-reinforcing agents and polymeric plasticizers are added. Among the components of the stone for finishing the socle of the house can be distinguished claydite rubble. Plates are manufactured using vibro-technology in silicone molds and accurately repeat the bends of natural texture.

Production may include the use ofhyperpressing method. If you are thinking about the question of wanting to finish the plinth of a private house with an artificial stone, you must understand its varieties. Among other things, one should distinguish products that are standardized or are piece-based. Equally popular are the sets, complete with a unit area. Such finishing is established in the usual way, which provides for the laying of products on tile glue.

In order to facilitate the installation process, you canto purchase finished panels. At the production stage, mounting brackets are installed in the concrete structure, which have a precise geometric arrangement. These parts allow the panel to be installed on the surface using mechanical fasteners, not mortar. In this case, there is an indisputable advantage, which is expressed in the simplicity of the work.

The technology involves the use ofguides. If desired, these panels can be installed on the solution, the brackets are bent inward, which makes the coating more reliable. On sale you can find tiles made of artificial stone, which are installed on polyurethane glue. The base must be tight.

Additionally, you can use a layer of insulation. The latter is fiber cement, glass magnesite or OSB. In this case, the basement will acquire additional thermal insulation qualities.

The joints between the panels will be completely hidden, whichit is thought over by the producer who carries out products with the castle part. In the end, it is possible to achieve the effect of natural stonework. The outer surface may have a certain texture, which is chosen by the consumer, among other solutions should be allocated crushed stone, rocks, slate and tuff. Mosaic solutions that provide for the inclusion of artificial mini-slabs with different shades and textures are quite popular today.

Use of brick finish

stone for finishing the basement of the house

If you are faced with the question of how to finishthe base of the house outside, photos of the options available will be the best helpers. Some, by the way, are presented in the article. Among other modern solutions, brick masonry should be distinguished. It gives the building respectability, and as a result, the facade is in harmony with any type of finishing the rest of the area of ​​the walls.

Choosing materials for finishing the basement of the house, youcan use natural brick cladding. This approach has an important advantage that allows you to create a ventilated gap between the lining and the base. You can fill the space with thermal insulation. Brick itself will serve as an additional barrier to cold. But the masonry will need a strip foundation, so this question should be considered at the planning stage of the building.

Some experts recommend doing otherwise.- create a support for masonry, which will be combined with a concrete pavement around the base. The decoration of the basement of a private house, the photo of which is presented in the article, can also be carried out with a hyper-pressed brick, which has low water absorption. Such products are just suitable for the base, they can have a variety of sizes, but the Russian manufacturer offers for sale standard parameters, they are equal to 250 x 120 x 60 mm.

For reference

panels for finishing the basement of the house

The most economical option is silicate.brick. But he is not particularly popular for these types of decorating. The hollow internal structure of ceramic bricks, including clinker, reduces the weight of the cladding and gives a thermal insulating effect. But to perform a real brickwork is not always possible. If you still want to make a basement in the form of imitation brickwork, you can use a clinker tile.

Decorating the basement of the house, photos of which are presented inarticle will have high performance characteristics that are not inferior to the brick. If the tile is laid on the technology, it will allow to achieve reliable visibility of the brickwork.

Using Panels

decoration of the basement of a private house photo

Panels for finishing the basement of the house is also enoughare common. They are elongated flat products with locking joints and mounting holes for mounting on the base. Such a lining has a large thickness, high strength and small width. As for the thickness, at the basement panels it reaches 3 mm. Such products are usually wider and shorter, which is convenient with a small height of the finished area. In this situation, one row may be enough.

Coating weight is small and is approximately 4kg per square meter, so there is practically no additional load on the foundation. Such decoration of the basement in a private house outside can be installed by you yourself, it is also good because it can have a shade that is similar to the rest of the facade cladding. As a result, it is possible to obtain a durable barrier that does not need to be treated with protective compounds, which distinguishes it from wood and natural stone.

Panel Features

basement home decoration photo

Такая отделка обходится дешево, она устойчива к temperatures and water, as well as ultraviolet rays. Material is not subject to rotting, fungal formations and corrosion. It is characterized by ductility of mechanical strength. After shock deformation, the panel restores its original shape, which favorably distinguishes it from metal panels.

Use siding

This architectural and design solution allows you to decorate and protect the base with minimal costs. Siding is performed in the imitation of various natural materials, among them:

  • a rock;
  • brick;
  • wood.

However, this list is not complete.Panels can have a variety of textures and shades. If you are thinking about the question of how to decorate the basement of the house from the outside inexpensively, then you can get acquainted with the siding, which is made of polypropylene. It consists of special additives that make the material durable and elastic.

More about siding

The finish is installed on the crate usingself-tapping screws or galvanized nails. The ease of use of such lining is the absence of the need to pre-align the surface. Easy docking of the panels is ensured by the presence of a groove system. If you are faced with the question of how to trim the base of the house outside under a stone, then you can use siding, which gives the building a respectable and solid look. With this solution, you can make the finish contrast using artificial and natural materials. Sometimes panels are used that have a smooth or glossy surface.


The most vulnerable part of any construction isbase, because it is located closest to the soil, which affects the materials negatively. It contains moisture, contact with which can cause destructive effects. For this reason, many owners of private houses think about the question of how to decorate the basement of the house from the outside inexpensively (photos of such solutions are presented in the article, as is the description of these materials). One of the most suitable options in this respect is siding, natural and artificial stone, as well as clinker tiles and natural brick.

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