Among chronic diseases at one of the firstplaces is cholecystitis. This diagnosis is made by the doctor so often that this affliction sometimes doesn’t attach any importance to it. But what it is, we begin to truly understand only at the time of exacerbation. However, most of us make the mistake of seeking to immediately start treatment for cholecystitis with drugs. This disease is treated quite difficult, most often the condition stabilizes only slightly, but without a special diet, the unpleasant symptoms will return again within a few days. Therefore, it is imperative to constantly maintain a healthy diet, avoid alcoholic beverages and stressful situations. Then treatment of cholecystitis with drugs may not be necessary.
It is an inflammatory disease of the gallbladder,moreover, the reason for its appearance is most often the vital activity of a colony of bacteria. At first glance, everything is simple, you need to take an antibacterial drug, and everything will be fine again. However, before you go to the pharmacy and ask the pharmacist to choose for you the treatment of cholecystitis with drugs, it is a good idea to understand the causes of this disease, its etiology and flow characteristics. There are many subtle points that are difficult to understand without medical education.
The main reason, as we have already noted, ismicroorganisms. That is, all of the same streptococci and staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Proteus (as well as shigella, typhoid bacillus, sometimes various fungi, etc.) get into the zhelchetok from the intestines, where they can even be found in small quantities in a completely healthy person. This is the usual contact path. In addition, they can get with blood and lymph from any source of inflammation, whether it is caries, tonsillitis or pyelonephritis. Therefore, treatment of cholecystitis with drugs is not always the right scheme. Antibiotics, of course, will defeat the colony of microorganisms in the gallbladder, but they will be replaced by other of the remaining chronic foci. Therefore, this problem must be approached comprehensively.
Before you begin treatment, you need to know withWhat are you doing? Does a person have chronic cholecystitis? Symptoms and treatment is something that a professional gastroenterologist must deal with. Therefore, do not entertain yourself with hopes that you can buy a magic pill at the pharmacy and forget about the problem. The fact is that the symptoms of cholecystitis are cleverly disguised as dozens of other diseases.
The patient may complain of pain behind the sternum,palpitations, emotional lability. A neurologist is treated by dozens of patients with complaints of dizziness and headache, sweating, the cause of which can also be this disease. A little closer are the gastrointestinal symptoms, which also do not always directly indicate cholecystitis. This may be causeless nausea and vomiting, frequent heartburn, bloating. Finally, this disease can provoke allergic reactions. As you can see, even a therapist may not always be able to easily determine the cause and make a diagnosis - cholecystitis. Treatment - drugs, a special diet and folk remedies - gives good results, but only if the scheme is chosen correctly.
Sometimes the prerequisites for its occurrence havea person for many years in a row, but at one moment one or several factors are added and the rapid development of the disease begins. In order for us to present the picture in all its scope, it is necessary to analyze in detail how chronic cholecystitis is born. We will treat the symptoms and treatment for informational purposes; this does not replace a visit to the doctor. Low physical activity and irregular or too abundant food contribute to the appearance of problems. In addition, among the predisposing factors, overweight and intestinal dysbiosis, constipation can be distinguished.
The process is not too fast.Typically, pathogenic flora enters the gallbladder and promotes the development of inflammation of its membrane. If in the early stages it can manifest itself in a minor discomfort, then the disease will only progress further. The inflammatory process moves to the deeper layers, submucosal, and then muscle. The connective tissue grows in the affected area, which deforms the gallbladder. Bile begins to thicken, that is, there are prerequisites for the formation of stones. With a strong decrease in immunity, serious errors in diet and constant stress, acute cholecystitis can develop. Symptoms, treatment and features of the flow, we will look at a little later.
If you happen to face thisdisease, then get ready for the fact that there is an endless chain of remissions and exacerbations. Moreover, the more carefully you follow the diet, the less chance that an exacerbation of cholecystitis will develop. Treatment of the disease in remission is not carried out. The main symptom of chronic cholecystitis is pain. It is often localized in the right hypochondrium, and may be different. In some, it is constant, but mild, most often aching. If, on the contrary, the tone of the gallbladder is increased, the pain is manifested by attacks, it is cramping, very intense. The most common cause is food error, fried and fatty foods, alcoholic beverages.
Patients tend to complain of bitterness duringmouth, especially at night and in the morning. They are tormented by a bitter eructation, sometimes it is accompanied by vomiting. In addition, frequent symptoms are digestive problems, pruritus, fever up to 38 degrees during exacerbations. In addition, fatigue and irritability are characteristic.
Cholecystitis treatment methods have been known for a long time,The most popular and recognized among gastroenterologists is diet therapy. To smooth the acute symptoms allow a hunger strike for a period of several days. Next, you should gradually enter into the diet broths and pureed mashed potatoes, cereals. Gradually, you should go to a full-fledged diet table number 5. This diet and must be respected constantly. Even on holidays one should not deviate too much from it in order not to cause aggravations. It should be noted that effective treatment of cholecystitis is possible only with proper nutrition.
Forget the lack of breakfast and a hearty dinner,you need to eat at least five times a day, little by little. You can eat only freshly prepared food, in the form of heat. A full-fledged, varied diet is required, and dishes based on steamed or boiled should be its basis. Baked products are allowed. Alcohol is strictly prohibited. In the chronic form of the disease, it is easy enough to maintain a normal state, for this you need to adhere to the above principles of healthy eating, and if discomfort occurs for several days, switch to a lightweight or completely drinking regime.
If the patient comes with severe pain, thenfirst of all the doctor should take care of its relief. Such complaints are not uncommon if you have been diagnosed with cholecystitis. Symptoms (treatment should occur under the guidance of an experienced physician) can vary in intensity, and depending on this, either the traditional “No-shpa” is prescribed, 2 tablets three times a day, or, if the pain is severe, a more effective drug called "Duspatalin". Unlike Drotaverinum, its active ingredient acts more directly on the pain center.
Here the choice of drugs will depend onpatient conditions. Acute cholecystitis is treated with stronger antibiotics. Symptoms (treatment at first will be directed specifically at alleviating acute symptoms) are primarily expressed in increased pain, cramps, and severe swelling. The choice of gastroenterologists is usually ciprofloxacin and amoxicillin. The drugs are quite benign, because the extra burden on the liver in this disease is completely useless. We emphasize once again that it is especially important to prescribe antibiotics if we are talking about acute cholecystitis. Symptoms whose treatment requires immediate action are severe pain, nausea and vomiting, high fever, chills and delayed stools and gas. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the acute form is treated quite effectively and rarely becomes chronic.
Already after the condition is normal, the doctoroften recommends tubing, or "blind sensing." This will require a bottle of mineral water without gas, which you need to drink early in the morning (preferably at 6 am) for 20 minutes, then lay down on the right side on a warm water bottle and lie down for about an hour. Cholagogue means the doctor prescribes, depending on the individual characteristics of the course of the disease.
То есть происходит недостаточно интенсивное contraction of the gallbladder. In this case, the pain is usually unexpressed, dull, constant. In this case, the tubage also helps well. Of the medications often prescribed holokinetics: these are Flamin and Berberine, Sorbit, Magnesium Sulfate. In addition, choleretic herbs help very well in this case. It can be immortelle and corn silk, St. John's wort. They can be brewed and drunk for a long time, like regular tea. In the autumn and spring, they are connected to the radiogram of pink and lemongrass, Eleutherococcus, ginseng, which are able to increase the tone of the gallbladder and vitality in general.
In this case, the gallbladder tone is increased, itshrinks too fast and often, and sphincters do not open enough. At the same time there are sharp attacks of pain, which usually do not last more than one hour. In this case, choleretics are used, these are preparations containing bile, such as Allohol and Lyobil. In addition, these are the vegetable "HOLAGOL" and "Olimatil", as well as the synthetic "Nikodin" and "Oxaphenamide." There are herbs that help well, these are mint and chamomile, motherwort and valerian, they help relieve spasm and normalize the flow of bile. In addition, coniferous baths are recommended, in courses of 10 days, the water temperature is not higher than 35-40 degrees, the bath time should be no more than 15 minutes.
Gradually stagnation of bile leads to the formation ofstones. That is why you can not just give up on the inflamed bile (cholecystitis). Treatment of gallstone disease is more complex, requires special examination and long medical support. Moreover, the form of this disease may be different, hidden, or dyspeptic, in which the attacks of pain are periodic, and they themselves are not too pronounced. The most severe pain is characterized by hepatic colic, which occurs during acute obstruction of the gallbladder and duct. In any case, if the process of stone formation has already begun, it can be treated only with surgical intervention.
If exacerbation of cholecystitis occurs(symptoms, treatment, we briefly discussed above), then you should not independently engage in herbal medicine, you need to seek help from a doctor. But when the stage of remission begins, it is time to extend it with the help of special fees. In the autumn-winter period, you will need a tincture of the following mixture of medicinal herbs. These are yarrow and wormwood, mint and fruits of fennel, immortelle flowers. Two tablespoons of the mixture is poured boiling water, insist night and take a third of a glass three times a day before meals. In the spring, an infusion is made of birch leaves (2 teaspoons of crushed leaves per cup of boiling water). In summer, an excellent option would be juice from dandelion leaves and roots. It is diluted with water one to one and take a tablespoon three times a day. This is how phytotherapy of such a complex disease like cholecystitis passes. Treatment (drugs should only be selected by the doctor) should be systemic, so besides the herbs, you will also have to take various medications and follow a diet. However, this disease often develops simultaneously with other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, so we will devote a little more time to their description.
In fact, they often developat the same time, because the provoking factors are in most cases the same. The signs and symptoms, complications, and even the treatment regimen are in many ways the same. Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, which is also caused most often by bacteria. With cholecystitis, the bile in the bladder stagnates and inflammation begins, and with pancreatitis, instead of entering the intestine, the pancreatic juice remains in the gland and digests itself. First of all, the doctor will prescribe you antispasmodics, and only then will he deal with the disease. If the pancreas produces too much of a secret, then drugs such as Omeprazole are prescribed, if vice versa is not enough, then Festal, Pancreatin.
Also a frequent duet.And if gastritis and cholecystitis develop together, treatment can be carried out quite successfully, if pancreatitis develops with them, then you are guaranteed a long and difficult rehabilitation path. All these three organs are prone to self-destruction, as they contain enzymes involved in the digestion of food. So, gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Pain and discomfort with it are localized in the central, upper abdomen. For the treatment of gastritis are used such drugs as "Omeprazole" and "Pariet". Additionally, it is recommended to drink fresh potato juice, motherwort and valerian, licorice, plantain and calendula.