/ / "Berlition 600" - indications for use

"Berlition 600" - indications for use

"Berlition 600" is a softcapsules that are used for oral administration. This drug belongs to the group of hepatoprotectors. It has hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic properties. The main active substance in this preparation is alpha-lipoic acid. During the experiments, the use of this acid in animals with diabetes mellitus significantly reduces the level of glucose in the blood and increases the amount of glycogen in the liver.

The application of "Berlition 600" helps to bring inthe blood content of pyruvic acid. In patients with diabetes mellitus, the development of ischemia ceases. "Berlition 600" helps to normalize the work of damaged hepatic cells. After taking this medication, alpha-lipoic acid is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.

"Berlition 600" - indications for use:

- the presence of diabetic or alcoholic polyneuropathy (both for treatment and for preventive therapy);

- the presence of liver diseases, such as hepatitis, except for severe disease, as well as cirrhosis.

Acid lipoic - instruction

The use of this drug is mandatorymust be preceded by a detailed study of the instruction. If the patient has alcoholic or diabetic polyneuropathy, "Berlition 300" is taken 2 capsules 1 time per day or "Berlition 600" - 1 capsule per day, taken half an hour before breakfast. In the presence of severe forms of these diseases, the use of the drug is prescribed for 7 to 14 days, and the drug is administered intravenously and orally.

Side effects with the use of this drug:

- the appearance of such reactions as skin itching, urticaria, rash, anaphylactic shock, eczema;

- Violations in the work of the nervous system in the form of the appearance of diplopia, heaviness in the head, convulsive syndrome and a change in taste;

- violations in the work of the hematopoiesis system, namely, the appearance of thrombocytopathy or thrombocytopenic purpura;

- the appearance of dizziness, visual impairment, headaches and excessive sweating.

Contraindications to the use of the drug:

- the child's age is less than 18 years;

- the presence of allergic reactions to substances that are part of the "Berlithion";

- is not prescribed during pregnancy and when the woman is breastfeeding;

- It is not recommended to administer this medication to patients who use medicines containing iron, calcium and magnesium;

- You can not prepare the solution of the drug on solvents that contain glucose or fructose.

Cases of overdose

When an overdose of this drug in the patientthere is the appearance of nausea and vomiting, as well as the presence of headaches. If a person, taking this medication, will get a strong alcohol intoxication, it can even lead to a fatal outcome.

When an overdose of "Berlithion" is necessary to cause a person to vomit, rinse the stomach and take enterosorbents.

As already mentioned, when taking the drug, drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited. Before you start taking the drug, you must definitely consult with an experienced doctor.

"Berlithion" - reviews of patients

Many patients indicate that the drugis very effective in the treatment of toxic hepatitis. Also, people suffering Lateral Amyotrophic Sclerosis (ALS), indicate the effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of this disease. Moreover, the drug should be administered in the form of injections 2 times a year or tablets also twice a year, but for 2 months. These patients note an improvement in general condition after taking the drug. Also, many patients note the effectiveness of "Berlion" in the treatment of neuritis, while taking 600 mg of the drug per day.

Most importantly, it is strict adherence to the instructions, and then the treatment will give positive results and will not cause harm to the body.

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