/ / "Biprol": indications for use, instructions for use, reviews, analogues. What helps "Biprol"?

"Biprol": indications for use, instructions for use, reviews, analogues. What helps "Biprol"?

Cardiovascular diseases takeleading position among other diseases. They suffer thousands of Russians. This is what Biprol helps. It prevents the development of the disease, relieves heart attacks and is affordable.

Form of issue and composition

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels - this is what helps "Biprol." The drug is produced in coated tablets. The active substance is bisoprolol fumarate at a dose of 5 and 10 mg.

As additional ingredients are:corn starch, microcrystalline cellulose, aerosil, crospovidone, ludipress and magnesium stearate. The shell contains polyethylene glycol, hypromellose, talc, titanium dioxide, tropeolin O.

In a carton are 30 or 50 tablets.

Pharmacological properties

The drug belongs to the selective beta1-adrenergic blockers, does not possess internal sympathomimetic activity and is not endowed with membrane stabilizing qualities.

Bisoprolol fumarate reduces renin manifestationplasma, reduces the myocardial need for oxygen, as well as the heart rate as at rest, and during exercise. It has antihypertensive, antiarrhythmic and antianginal properties. In small concentrations, it resists the β1-adrenergic receptors of the cardiac apparatus, reduces the formation of cAMP from ATP and the flow of calcium ions inside the cells activated by catecholamines. Used in large doses, exhibits beta2-adrenergic blocking properties.

what does biprol help

Общее периферическое сосудистое сопротивление в the very beginning of the use of pills, especially on the first day, increases, but after 1-3 days it comes to its original state, and with prolonged use it decreases.

Гипотензивное свойство определяет снижение minute blood count, autonomous activation of peripheral vessels, reduces the activity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone complex. Characterized by the reconstruction of susceptibility to lower blood pressure and effects on the central nervous system. With an increase in blood pressure, the primary result is observed for 2-5 days, and the state stabilizes in 30-60 days.

Антиангинальное свойство проявляется в снижении myocardial oxygen needs due to a decrease in heart rate and muscle contractility, an increase in diastole and progress in myocardial perfusion, as well as an increase in diastolic finishing pressure in the left ventricle and an increase in the elasticity of the muscles of both ventricles.

The antiarrhythmic characteristic is associated with the removal of arrhythmogenic causes, an increase in the amount of cAMP, a decrease in the excitation of sinus and ectopic pacemakers, and inhibition of AV conduction.

The use of the drug in medium therapeutic dosesIt does not have such a strong effect on organs with β2-adrenoreceptors. The drug does not affect the amount of carbohydrate metabolism and does not stop the release of sodium ions from the body. High doses of the drug inhibit subtypes of β-adrenoreceptors.

The above described characteristic of the properties of bisoprolol fumarate shows in detail how Biprol helps.


The medicine "Biprol" is dissolved ingastrointestinal tract by 80-90%. Its absorption is not affected by food intake. The highest concentration of the active substance in the blood is observed after 1-3 hours. Connection with blood proteins occurs at 30%. In small quantities, the active substance penetrates the blood-brain and placental barrier, a small part is excreted in the mother's breast milk.

Metabolized in the liver. The half-life is 10-12 hours. Half of the active substance is excreted unchanged in the urine, and 2% in the bile.

What helps "Biprol"

Biprol analogues

The drug is prescribed for arterial hypertension.In hypertension, a steady increase in blood pressure is observed. Biprol also has indications for use in ischemic heart disease, where it is most often used for prophylactic purposes in cases of strokes.


Must be taken strictly as prescribed by a doctor.drug "Biprol." Indications for its use are described above, and now on contraindications. These include shock of various genesis, including cardiogenic. You can not drink pills for collapse and pulmonary edema. The prohibition is acute and chronic heart failure, as well as stage II-III of the AV block. Contraindication is the diagnosis of sick sinus syndrome, cardiomegaly, bradycardia, arterial hypotension and Prinzmetal angina pectoris. Do not prescribe a drug for asthma bronchopulmonary apparatus, obstructive pulmonary disease in a chronic form, and when taking MAO inhibitors. It should not be used in patients with diseases of the peripheral circulation, with pheochromocytoma, when metabolic acidosis occurs, to persons under eighteen years of age. Forbidden to patients with hypersensitivity to the active substance and other components of the drug.

biprol indications

С осторожностью прописывают «Бипрол» больным, suffering from liver failure, as well as people with chronic renal failure, in patients with myasthenia and thyrotoxicosis. Caution should be exercised by persons with diabetes mellitus, grade I AV blockade, and patients with depression. Only in special cases, it is prescribed for psoriasis and patients of retirement age.

Instructions for use

Should be considered when using the medicine "Biprol" indications for use. Tablets drink on an empty stomach in the morning. They are not chewed and washed down with water.

The drug is taken in 5 ml once a day. If necessary, the dosage is increased to 10 mg, which is drunk once a day. Per day you can take a maximum of 20 mg.

For persons with impaired renal system, as well as for patients with liver disease, the maximum dose is 10 mg per day.

Special conditions

Biprol testimony

Must be made permanent medicalcontrol of patients using "Biprol." What the medicine helps with has been described above, and now how to observe the condition of the patient drinking these pills. First of all, heart rate and pressure measurements should be taken, these indicators are very important at the very beginning of therapy. Patients do electrocardiogram, and in patients with diabetes take a blood test for glucose level. In elderly people, the state of the renal system is controlled.

Examined is the work of external respiration in patients suffering from lung diseases in history.

Patients themselves must learn to count their own heart rate, and if the rate is less than 50 beats per minute, then they should seek medical help.

In the process of therapy may decrease productiontear fluid, which must take into account the owners of contact lenses. In individuals with diabetes, the medication can hide the tachycardia caused by hypoglycemia. The drug does not increase the hypoglycemia that occurs when using insulin and does not inhibit the recovery of glucose concentration to the normal level in the blood.

Before surgery, the drug is canceled for two daysuntil general anesthesia. If the patient did use the pill before surgery, then the drug for anesthesia should have minimal negative inotropic properties.

People with bronchospastic diseasesprescribe cardioselective adrenergic blockers in case of inappropriate use of other antihypertensive drugs. Overdose can cause bronchospasm.

Older people with bradycardia and with obviouslowering blood pressure, AV blockade, the concentration of the active substance should be reduced or completely discontinued therapy using "Biprol." It is also necessary to stop the treatment if a patient has a depression.

Do not stop therapy if there isdanger of progression of severe arrhythmias and myocardial infarction. Refusal to use the drug is carried out gradually, reducing the rate for 14 days. Tablets are canceled in advance if a laboratory examination of urine and blood is planned for the presence of normetanephrine, catecholamines, etc.

Side effects

biprol analogues reviews

Нужно употреблять только по предписанию врача drug "Biprol." The use of tablets in doses exceeding the recommended, as well as in diseases in which the use of this drug is prohibited, leads to the appearance of side effects.

При длительной терапии наблюдается повышенная fatigue, headache, weakness, sleep disturbance, depression, confusion, hallucinations, anxiety, tremor, asthenia and myasthenia. Patients have a violation of the visual apparatus, expressed in the reduction of tear fluid, excessive dryness of the eyes and their pain. Conjunctivitis appears.

In the treatment of patients noticed:sinus bradycardia, excessive heartbeat and myocardial conduction failures, as well as AV-blockade, arrhythmia, aggravation of the patient's condition, suffering from heart failure in a chronic form. Sometimes there is a weakening of myocardial contractility and lowering of blood pressure, hypotension in orthostatic form, pain in the sternum, withdrawal syndrome, which was accompanied by more severe angina attacks and an increase in blood pressure.

Наблюдалась чрезмерная сухость во рту, понос, nausea, abdominal pain, constipation, etc. In some cases, nasal congestion and difficulty in breathing were recorded. Sometimes patients are worried about allergies in the form of rash, itching, and urticaria. Excessive sweating, hyperemia of the epidermis, rash, psoriasis were observed.


biprol instructions for use reviews

Strongly recommends abide by the prescribeddoctor dose when taking the medicine "Biprol" instructions for use. Reviews claim that this drug is worthy of attention. It is effective and inexpensive, but in the case of using a dose greater than the one prescribed, symptoms of overdose may occur. They are expressed in the form of arrhythmias, extrasystoles of ventricular nature, overt bradycardia. Overdose can cause AV-blockade, a noticeable decrease in blood pressure, heart failure, cyanosis of the nail plate, bronchospasm, convulsions, dizziness, difficulty breathing.

In case of overdose, gastric lavage is done andprescribe adsorbents. Symptomatic treatment is performed. If an AV block has occurred, then 1-2 mg of atropine is made, which can be replaced with epinephrine or the installation of a temporary pacemaker. With low blood pressure, the person is placed in the Trendelenburg position and plasma-substituting solutions are injected intravenously. For heart failure, diuretics, glycosides, or glucagon are recommended. When convulsions are administered "Diazepam", bronchospasm is removed by inhalation.

Storage conditions and shelf life

It advises not to apply after the expiration date of the drug "Biprol" instructions for use. Analogs are affordable and can be found at any pharmacy.

Shelf life of the drug is three years from the date of manufacture. The preparation should be stored in a cool dark place inaccessible to children at a temperature not higher than +25 ° C.

"Biprol": analogues

Biprol instructions for use analogues

Если препарат по тем или иным причинам не suitable for the body, then instead of it you can find a medicine with similar properties. Replace "Biprol" (analogues are similar in active ingredient and effect) to it, you can only after consulting your doctor with the following medicines: Tirez, Aritel, Niperten, Bidop, Coronal, Bisogamma, Cordinorm "," Bisoprol "," Concor. " The difference between the funds is only in price and producer.


The price of the drug is about 150 rubles for 30 tablets of 10 mg. Dragee with 5 mg costs about 80 rubles for 30 pieces.

Patient Reviews

In almost all situations, can replace "Biprol"analogs. Feedback on this drug is mostly positive. Some individuals have chosen to replace the original, as it has many side effects. Those persons who nevertheless decided on reception of "Biprol", well tolerated the medicine. Noted its high efficiency and good results. There are patients who have replaced them with the imported Concor.

Specialists about the drug respond well. It is said that he relieves angina well and rarely causes side effects. Basically it is a headache.

Biprol is one of the most popular and effective means. With the correct appointment and strict adherence to all the doctor's prescriptions, it gives a lasting and lasting effect.

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