/ Indications for use and reviews. Calcid is an inexpensive drug.

Indications for use and reviews. Calcid is an inexpensive drug.

Calcium is our building material.organism. It is especially important for children and adolescents to take during active growth, for pregnant women to properly form the bone tissue of the fetus, and also for elderly people to prevent osteoporosis and bone fragility. It is also a beauty mineral, its lack affects the appearance - nails become brittle, skin and hair dull. In our article, we will consider a supplement product containing calcium, its characteristics, indications for use and reviews. "Kaltsid" - what is this dietary supplement and how to take it correctly? Read more below.

Supplement form, pharmacological properties and price

Calcid reviews

Данный препарат производится в России компанией "Comfort Complex". It is intended for use as a tonic, as well as for the prevention of osteoporosis. The course is recommended to drink and in the post-traumatic period in order, for example, for fractures, the bones will grow together more quickly.

The main component of the drug is eggshell and a number of vitamins - C, D, group B (B1, B2, B6, B12), as well as PP, A, E and microcrystalline cellulose. Shelf life supplements - 2 years. At retail nutritional supplement "Kaltsid", the price of which, on average, is 100-120 rubles per pack of 100 tablets, can be freely purchased at the pharmacy. As for the dosage, it is usually prescribed to take one pill of the drug three times a day.

Indications for use

Calcid reviews of doctors

Of course, an additional source of calcium is notprevent anyone, because our diet is usually quite poor with this element. However, special attention and add the drug "Kaltsid" in your diet is necessary in the following cases:

  • with osteoporosis and predisposition to it;
  • for cardiovascular diseases - it helps reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood;
  • with rachitis;
  • to stimulate the speedy healing of wounds and fractures;
  • to enhance immunity, especially in winter;
  • with a lack of calcium in food, with an unbalanced diet.

It is also important to take calcium supplement for children and adolescents during the period of intensive growth, as well as for the prevention of deficiency of this mineral and vitamins B, C and D3. Below will be considered detailed reviews. Kaltsid is an affordable means for replenishing calcium in the body, which is recommended by many doctors and consumers.

Features of the drug during pregnancy

calcid Price

Please note that women in the reception positionThis drug should be prescribed by a doctor and only if indicated. The instructions and noted that the additive in this case can be used as an additional source of calcium only after consulting with a specialist, autonomy to anything.

Many say that doctors in the antenatal clinic prescribe the additive in question, and also say that there are practically no side effects from its use.

Препарат "Кальцид" при беременности отзывы имеет quite controversial, and mainly because many women are afraid to take it for 9 months of carrying a baby. And although no one noted that the drug did harm the mother and fetus, many still prefer to take supplements designed specifically for pregnant women. Among them can be identified, for example, the means "Natekal D3“Therefore, it is worth whether or not to use the“ Calcid ”supplement, it is up to you and your gynecologist at the antenatal clinic to decide.

The drug "Kaltsid": reviews of doctors and patients

calcid Price

Here is what the doctors say and those who have already taken this tool to replenish the reserves of calcium and vitamins in the body:

  • after a course of taking the drug "Kaltsid", the condition of the hair and nails is significantly improved;
  • Dietary supplement is relatively cheap, the package lasts exactly one month, more precisely, 31 days;
  • medication is a good way to prevent osteoporosis in the elderly;
  • rarely causes side effects;
  • The additive can be applied to children from the age of three.

Большинство врачей и их пациентов дают о данном means positive reviews. Calcid, however, has a number of negative characteristics. Its main disadvantage is that it simply does not help some, although this is a very subjective assessment. Quite often, symptoms such as hair loss, brittle nails, and so on can be caused by any diseases that are not treated by replenishing calcium reserves. That's why you should not think that the drug will immediately give a tangible effect, it is much more logical to count on it as an assistant in strengthening bones, as well as keeping hair and nails in good condition.

Conclusions and Conclusion

Anyway, calcium is needed by all.And to be sure that there is no shortage of it in your body, you can undergo a course of therapy with the considered drug 2-3 times a year. We hope the information provided will help you choose a dietary supplement with a calcium content. In our article we reviewed one of them, gave its detailed characteristics, indications and features of the application, as well as provided reviews. Kaltsid has one more indisputable advantage - it is relatively cheap, and even a few courses of taking this drug a year will not hit the buyer’s money very much.

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