/ / The validity of the medical book. Personal medical book

The validity period of the medical book. Personal medical book

Personal medical (or health) bookcalled a special document, which is necessary for employment. This does not always happen. It may be necessary for those people who plan to work in the production, transportation, storage and sale of food and drinking water, as well as in the area that deals with household services. Consider the validity period of the medical book and the procedure for its processing and renewal.

What is its function?

the validity period of the medical book

The function of medknizhka is to inform the employer and the inspecting service about the state of health of the employee. Thanks to this compulsory document, he can be admitted to work.

The medical book serves as a guarantee that the employee will not spread an infectious disease when interacting with the products or in contact with other people.

What do you need to receive?

It can be issued at the polyclinic by residence permit or ina special institution that deals with this. To obtain this document, you will need to go through certain doctors and take some tests. These studies will help to determine the presence or absence of diseases that can be transmitted to others. On average, the period for processing a medical book is from one day to one week. This will depend on the profession and the speed of the bacteriological laboratory.

Anyone wishing to obtain a health record must haveon the hands of mandatory identification document, as well as photos of the standard size 3x4. After that, he must purchase a form of an empty book, in which information about the tests and notes of doctors will be made. This form has an established sample.

If vaccinations are made in advance, then information aboutthis is indicated in the book. In addition, a person may be given other tests or studies, such as fluorography. Then this information should also be attached to the medknizhke.

The need for a second medical examination

personal medical book

What is the validity period of the medical book?Repeated medical examination is necessary after a certain time. It totally depends on the scope of work. These inspections are related to mandatory hygienic and preventive attestation. To save the opportunity to work in a certain place, the medical book is subject to regular extension.

At some enterprises, the employer pays for the registration of a medical book. But sometimes an employee is hired only under the condition of an already valid such document or the readiness to receive it.

What kind of doctors go for a medical book?

At registration of the medical book it is necessary to pass following experts:

1. Reception of the therapist.

2. Reception of an otolaryngologist.

3. Reception of the dentist.

4. Reception of a dermatologist.

5. Reception of the venereologist.

The duration of the analysis of the medical book depends on the profession.

Types of research

the validity periods of medical book analyzes

It is mandatory to conduct the following studies:

1. Radiography (or digital fluorography).

2. Delivery of analyzes for helminthiasis.

3. Research on the presence of typhoid fever.

4. Delivery of blood tests for sexually transmitted diseases.

5. Delivery of blood tests for the presence of syphilis.

6. Delivery of analyzes for the presence of protozoal infections (lamblia, amoeba and others).

7. Taking a smear for gonorrhea.

8. Delivery of tests for the presence of a causative agent of intestinal infections.

Women also need to visit a gynecologist,In some cases, additional examinations may be prescribed, for example, ultrasound of the mammary glands. This is greatly influenced by the sphere of activity in which a person plans to work. Therefore, the list that we gave above is approximate.

Where to issue a health book?

This question is of interest to many, sincechoice depends on the cost of medknizhki. There are commercial medical institutions in which the price of such a document can be very high. If you independently take medical examination in the district clinic, then this procedure will be much cheaper. But you need to understand that this can take more time. Therefore, if a personal medical book is needed urgently, then the rate should be overpaid.

However, you can take tests in different places - no one forces you to do it in a particular center. But this can also take quite some time, which is not always desirable.

So, let's consider all the options where you can get a health book.

In a state institution

medical book expiry date and procedure for renewal

The cost of a medical examination here will be much lower,than in private clinics and centers. But in a polyclinic or a hospital there are usually big queues. So you should be patient and wait. Completely free of charge also fails to pass a survey.

In the registry of a state institution,present a passport, policy, SNILS, bought a blank form of a book, application for a physical examination (it can be filled in place). After that, go through all the doctors and get a ready medknizhku on hand.

Private specialized centers

It is quite easy to obtain the necessarydocument. There are almost no queues in these centers, all specialists are located nearby. You only need to pay all expenses at the cash desk and fill out an application for the commission. Literally in a few hours the medical examination will be passed. The book can be received on the same day. True, the cost can be very high such services. It depends on the region. In Moscow, a visit to one specialist can cost about 1500 rubles, which not everyone can afford. The validity period of the medical book is the same everywhere.

What else is required for the health book?

accounting for the availability and duration of medical books

The medical commission is not limited to.Mandatory is the sanitary minimum. This is a kind of hygienic training - a lecture, after listening to which a hologram is pasted into the medknizhku. These lectures are conducted by the Center for Epidemiology and Hygiene or its affiliates. To the passage of the sanitary minimum, all tests must already be submitted.

The lectures explain the basics of working with food, discusses the observance of precautionary measures, sanitary norms and hygiene rules at the workplace.

Areas of activity where a personal medical book is required

Below are the employees who need the medical book without fail:

1. Workers in the field of sales, as well as transportation of food products.

2. Workers of production, processing of food products.

3. Employees involved in the preparation, processing of food.

4. Employed in the service in places of food intake.

5. Workers of trade (footwear, clothes).

6. Employees of children's institutions.

7. Medical workers.

8. Employees, Provision of household, cosmetic services.

If you need a medical book when applying for a job, the validity period and the procedure for the extension must be specified in advance. About this further.


The deadline depends on the scope of work.The book itself operates perpetually. It is usable until it is completely filled. But the records in it can become expired. In this case, the book must be renewed.

At the enterprises of the industry medical examinations passonce a year. The municipal service - every six months. Sellers in grocery stores - every three months. The health minimum, as a rule, lasts 2 years.

If the work activity involves the possibility of developing occupational diseases, then workers need to regularly take tests to monitor their health.


what doctors go for a medical book

The renewal of the medical book assumes the passage of the same specialists anew. The cost of this medical examination will be the same.

The validity period of the medical book is determined by the normative acts:

  • The Labor Code.
  • The law on the epidemiological welfare of the population.
  • The Food Safety Act.
  • Acts of government, departments and ministries.

The Labor Code specifies the duty of certain categories of citizens to undergo a medical examination. Accounting for the availability and duration of medical books is maintained by the employer in a special journal.

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