/ / Why does the hair grow poor in a child and how to solve this problem?

Why does the hair grow poor in a child and how to solve this problem?

A parent is not only the person whobrought the child to the light. Parents need not only to become, they need to be. The duties of mom and dad include daily caring for the child, and even when he is no longer a toddler. Care is not only an obligation to monitor the cleanliness and timeliness of food intake, verifying lessons and parental meetings. Real parents must monitor everything - for the physical and moral health of their child.

One of the possible problems of a child of any age is hair. If your child's hair grows poorly, the reasons can be completely different.

First, you need to pay attention to heredity. If in your family no one has a luxurious head of hair, then there is nothing to be surprised that the child does not grow hair.

Secondly, at mum and the daddy with growth of hair all canto be in order. But, nevertheless, the hair of a child still does not grow well. What is the reason? Maybe it is an individual feature of your child, well, he does not inherently have thick and long hair.

Thirdly, the reason can be hidden not in thegenetic features or predisposition of the child, but in the violation of metabolism, lack of vitamins and similar problems. In particular, if we are talking about a very young child, then often the baby may simply not have enough vitamin D. In this case, in winter it is necessary to take, for example, Aquadetrim. The pediatrician will help with the problem, he will also prescribe the treatment. Of course, such treatment will be conservative. No one will prescribe a hair transplant. Often helps the introduction in the diet of more products containing calcium, such as milk and dairy products. But also about the vitamin complex, too, do not forget.

Very often it happens that your babyhalf a year, and you notice that the hair grows poorly in the child. In addition, they do not just grow poorly, and there is a bald spot on the nape. Someone can scare - this is rickets. Do not rush into panic, because children who do not move by themselves, this is a common and common problem. So it turns out that the baby is forced to lie almost all the time in one position and turn his head in different directions. The hair on the back of the head simply wipes and falls out. The problem will go away by itself in a couple of months, when the child begins to move independently - first creep, then run.

If the child's hair grows slowly, firstturn it is necessary to think about its nutrition. The diet for a growing organism should be rich in useful microelements and vitamins. Cooking is better for a couple, and vegetables to give in raw form.

When the hair grows poorly in the child-boy, thisnot such a terrible problem. Moreover, in time everything can be normalized. But in the case if the hair of a child-girl does not grow well, it can already turn into a family catastrophe. For the girl, the appearance is of particular importance, so she pays much attention to the hair. If the hair does not grow at all, dull and lifeless, then the child can experience and experience discomfort.

Sometimes a complex of hair masks can help, ifpoor hair grows in the child. Well in this case, helps the decoction of onion husks, burdock oil and decoction of the roots of thistles, infusion of nettle leaves and the like.

Modern medicine works wonders,Vitamin complexes and various bioadditives are being developed. On the shelves of the store you can find the means for any type of hair: it's shampoos, and conditioners, and masks. In addition, for older children, adolescents whose hair growth problem is not exhausted, the possibilities for solving it are not over. Recently, such a procedure as hair extensions is very popular. In this case, hair can not only grow in length, but also increase their volume. Another procedure - lamination - will make hair shiny and healthy in appearance.

But whatever happens there, if the hair grows poorly in the child - do not despair. Everything in our lives is fixable and you can find a way out of any situation!

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