/ / 1 maternity hospital in Ivanovo: description, specialists, services and reviews

1 maternity hospital in Ivanovo: description, specialists, services and reviews

The appearance of the baby in the light is a great happiness forparents. In order for a child to be born healthy, a woman needs qualified medical support, even if the pregnancy has gone without fail. This kind of support is ready to provide 1 maternity hospital (Ivanovo city). The high level of professionalism and the availability of the necessary equipment enables women to meet the long-awaited baby without fear and pain.

History of the medical institution

1 maternity hospital (Ivanovo) was opened in 1945,although the construction of the building was started in 1925. Until 1942, there was a kindergarten. In 1977 a new building was built. Later, a reconstruction was carried out. Modern maternity hospital №1 in the city of Ivanovo is a medical center with all the necessary conditions for childbirth and infants. In 2013, the department of resuscitation of newborns was opened. Thanks to modern equipment, it is possible to save babies that are born before the time.

1 maternity hospital

In January 2013, a modernequipment for prenatal diagnosis. The 3D image of the fetus makes it possible to detect deviations in its development in the early stages. Thus, a woman decides whether to interrupt or maintain a pregnancy if these or other pathologies are diagnosed.

Contact Information

1 hospital (city of.Ivanovo) is a medical institution consisting of three departments. Women's consultation number 4 is located at Mayakovskogo Street, house 26. The department operates daily from 8:00 to 19:00. On Saturday, the reception is conducted by the doctor on duty. Another women's consultation functions at Voikova Street, 21. The working schedule is the same as in the previous medical facility. Both women's clinics are maternity home number 1. This means that the mothers who are here on the register are sent here also for childbirth.

1 maternity hospital
On the street Leningrad, in the house number 3, functionshimself 1 maternity home (Ivanovo). The phone number of the reception of the head doctor can be found on the official website of the institution. Roddom operates around the clock. You can ask questions by e-mail.

Structure of the maternity hospital

The success of childbirth depends largely on physicians andThe situation in which the baby is born. Reviews show that the 1st maternity hospital (Ivanovo) in recent years has changed a lot. The building was renovated, new equipment was purchased, which allows to solve any problems arising in the course of labor.

1 maternity hospital ivanovo reviews
Begins 1 maternity hospital (Ivanovo) from the receptionseparation. This is where the future mother comes in. A woman is examined and an exchange card is studied. It often happens that a woman comes with false bouts and the onset of labor can be expected for several more days. The obstetrician decides to send the pregnant woman home or leave under surveillance in one of the prenatal wards.

The maternity ward is a room in whichis the mystery of the appearance of the baby. It may happen that labor can be swift. All necessary equipment has 1 maternity hospital (Ivanovo). Doctors know how to react to unpredictable situations. Specialists can also accept the baby in the waiting room, if the woman is already coming with attempts.

The postpartum block is the chamber in which the womanrest after difficult labor. If there were no complications in the process, the mother will stay with the baby. After difficult delivery or surgery, the medical staff gives an opportunity to have a rest. The infant is brought only for feeding.

The operating unit is a sterile room, in awhich is delivered by cesarean section. There is all necessary equipment for resuscitation of the newborn and the mother. The medical staff has experience with the most complex cases.

What do you need to have with you when you arrive?

Those who came to the maternity hospital (Ivanovo) to meetwith the long-awaited baby, you need to have a completed exchange card, an insurance medical policy, a passport. Women-servicemen will also have to show their direction from the place of the robots. Girls who do not have an exchange card can be hospitalized. However, such pregnant women will be placed in the observatory for additional examination.

1 maternity hospital in Ivanovo
What things you need to take with you when you getin 1 hospital (Ivanovo)? The testimonies of those giving birth indicate that the medical establishment provides bed linen. From the house it is necessary to take means of personal hygiene, a nightgown, a dressing gown, a cup and a spoon.

Paid services

Those women who want after the birthtime in the most comfortable conditions, a special paid room is provided. The room has a bed for the mother and one relative, a bed for the baby, a bathroom, a refrigerator. A woman who lives in the hospital on special conditions can be visited by friends and relatives.

1st maternity hospital

Provision of paid services is made with a preliminary signing of the contract, which stipulates the terms of the woman's stay in the maternity ward. Payment is made through the cash register of a medical institution.

Partner birth

In recent years, partner birth has gained immense popularity. This opportunity is offered also by 1 maternity hospital (Ivanovo).

1 maternity hospital Ivanovo phone
According to the doctors of the maternity ward,partner births make it easier to survive the complex process of the mother and child. Finding a spouse nearby gives the woman the opportunity to calm down. A woman trusts a loved one more than a medical person. In this case, the spouse acts as the middle link between the mother and obstetrician.

If a family member wishes to attendus delivery, he needs to undergo a medical examination, purchase a sterile obstetric set (shoe covers, robe and cap). It is necessary to understand that partner birth is a serious step. If there is fear or insecurity, it is worth abandoning such an undertaking. It often happens that in the process of giving birth, doctors need to help not only the woman, but also her husband, who is losing consciousness because of excessive excitement.

Women's consultation

To the maternity ward № 1 of the city of Ivanovothere are two women's clinics. In outpatient settings, women prepare for pregnancy, and if conception occurs, they take all the necessary tests and become registered. In the women's consultation, every future mother can undergo a preliminary examination, cure pathologies that interfere with conception. Both women's clinics have a hospital, in which women are in the early stages of the threat of pregnancy disruption.

In outpatient settings, there is a qualitativeequipment for examination of future mothers. A routine examination with ultrasound is performed. At early stages it is possible to establish whether the child develops normally, to reveal a multiple pregnancy.

Reviews of maternity hospital №1 in Ivanovo

About medical institution can be heard onmore positive feedback. Many couples give an opportunity to become happy parents of one maternity hospital (Ivanovo). Reviews about doctors show that the staff here really knows their business. Particularly praise the woman in childbirth Elena Viktorovna Lapukhova. This is an obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category with many years of experience. Girls claim that Elena Viktorovna is able to tune the woman in the right way, knows a lot of psychological techniques that help to calm the pregnant woman.

1 maternity hospital ivanovo reviews of doctors
About the maternity hospital you can also hear a lot of good statements. The women giving birth note the cleanliness of the wards, the accuracy of the junior medical staff, attention from the midwives and children's doctors.

Negative feedback about the hospital is also found.They are connected in most cases with inattention of women themselves to the recommendations of doctors. As a result, parturient women have to face complications in the process of childbirth, and unpleasant memories remain about the moment of meeting with the baby.

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