/ / Low body temperature. The causes of this ailment.

Reduced body temperature. The causes of this ailment.

The fact that the disease temperature of ourbody rises and often serves as an indicator of the disease itself, almost everyone knows, even children. But the reverse situation, when a person has a low body temperature, the reasons for which, at first glance, are not clear, very few people know. Often, this state is not paid due attention. And completely in vain. Moreover, it is much easier to notice the heat than the one that does not reach the norm. By the way, the normal temperature of a person's body is considered to be a temperature of 36.6 - 36.9 degrees. Although there are cases of individual deviations in one direction or another from absolutely healthy people. This can be considered a normal phenomenon associated with the characteristics of the body.

However, like any other ailment, the lowered temperature of a person's body has its symptoms, by which it is possible to determine the condition of the patient and begin providing assistance.

  • severe malaise and weakness;
  • characteristic drowsiness, which is difficult to combat;
  • increased nervousness;
  • mental and physical reactions are inhibited.

Noticing the manifestation of these symptoms, first of all, the temperature should be measured and if its decline is confirmed, it is necessary to take urgent measures.

The sufferer of low temperature should be warmed as soon as possible and immediately call a doctor.

Why is the body temperature lower? First of all, we must answer this question, thenthere is to try to find the cause, which lies in the violation of the thermoregulation of the body. Thermoregulation of an organism in itself is a certain mechanism that ensures the maintenance of body temperature within the limits of the norm. According to scientists, three types of thermoregulation of the body can be distinguished:

  • type of chemical thermoregulation

Due to this type of person is able to survive at low ambient temperatures. Chemical thermoregulation is an increased production of heat in the body.

  • type of physical thermoregulation

Thanks to this type of person is capable ofadapt to the differences in the temperature of its environment. Physical thermoregulation is the preservation of heat by the body due to sweating and vasodilation.

  • type of behavioral thermoregulation

Instinct. The desire of a person to move to a more favorable temperature environment. This type of person has since birth.

Reduced body temperature. Causes:

  • hypothermia caused by a violation of the behavioral type of thermoregulation, for example, under the influence of alcohol intoxication;
  • impairment or weakening of immunity, for example, as a consequence of a serious illness;
  • poisoning;
  • anemia;
  • strict diet. As a rule, those who want to lose weight exclude from their diet food that contains fats and carbohydrates;
  • use of medicines, such as sleeping pills and antidepressants;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • unhealthy endocrine system;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • state of pregnancy;
  • a state of severe stress accompanied by prolonged vasodilation;
  • the occurrence of serious diseases, for example, a brain tumor.

Recently, the main contingent thatfaces a similar problem - young girls who are eager to lose weight. What just do not go young ladies in the fight against excess kilograms. By depriving the body of the fuel that it must receive from products containing fats and carbohydrates, the champions of a slim figure gradually deplete it and lead to the emergence of various health problems. As a result of hungry diets, your thermometer can record a very deplorable result - a low body temperature, the causes of which can be very serious.

So, if there is such a condition as a lowered body temperature, the causes of which will be finally revealed only by the doctor, you need to immediately apply to it.

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