/ / How is scarlet fever in children. Symptoms and possible complications.

How does scarlet fever occur in children. Symptoms and possible complications.

In the first years of life, the baby, consuming the mothermilk, well protected and practically not sick. Most often infected children aged between three and nine years, sometimes older. Sometimes an adult can get scarlet fever too. If the fever has risen to thirty-eight or more, a chill appears, the child complains of a headache and sore throat, this is perhaps the first signs of a disease such as scarlet fever. In children, it is difficult to determine the symptoms at the initial stage, since they are very similar to the flu or angina, but within a day after the deterioration of the state of health, rashes appear in the form of small red dots, sometimes with an itch, characteristic only of a disease such as scarlet fever.

In children, symptoms are expressed in the formation of a plaque ontongue, the rash spreads from the neck to the chest, and also on the arms and legs. It is especially manifested in the armpits, elbows and inguinal folds. The skin becomes rough to the touch. There are several precise signs on which you can identify the disease. First, it is a light nasolabial triangle that stands out clearly against the background of other reddening. Secondly, it is possible to determine the disease by pressing the palm against a bright rash. If the rash has disappeared for a while, then this is scarlet fever, if not, you should consult a doctor, as this is most likely meningitis. With the correct and timely treatment, after a few days the rash will turn pale, and after one or two weeks the skin begins to peel off. Precisely defined scarlet fever in children, the symptoms of which are visible if you check the language. It becomes characteristic of this disease bright red.

Virtually never scarlet fever in childrencomplications does not cause and is treated at home with mandatory observance of bed rest and necessary hygiene. A specialist will be given a course of antibiotics (erythromycin or penicillin). A baby should be given as much fresh drink as possible, especially in cases where his appetite is gone. The air in the room should always be fresh, clean and cool. It is also necessary to take drugs that relieve pain, temperature and itching. In a couple of days, the symptoms will begin to disappear, but even with good health the child needs to undergo the entire course of antibiotic treatment. In most cases, scarlet fever in children does not cause complications, but still, though rarely, they are likely. It can be myocarditis, inflammation of the kidneys, lungs, sinusitis, inflammation of the middle ear and abscess of the throat. Even more rare is osteomyelitis, bronchopneumonia, sepsis, kidney failure and meningitis. Therefore, if a child takes antibiotics for more than a day, and it does not become easier for him, you should consult a doctor.

It must be said that not always, with penetrationpathogens, develops scarlet fever in children. Symptoms of the disease completely depend on the state of immunity of the baby and with good health can result in other types of streptococcal etiology, such as pharyngitis, tonsillitis and others. It is transmitted by air drop, by coughing and sneezing, through food and dishes, and, of course, through direct contact with the infected person. The child should be given vitamin C and calcium preparations. The sore throat is treated with rinses. It is necessary to be gentle, not giving extra loads to the body diet in such a disease as scarlet fever in children. The consequences will be most favorable if you remove toxins from the body, use more liquid, have rubbed and warm food, observe strict hygiene, perform daily cleaning in the room and often change clothes. And adults, who have a kid, so as not to catch an infection, one should not forget about preventive measures.

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