/ / Vortex Corda: the good old Amulet

Vortex Corda: the good old Amulet

At the first acquaintance with the model, immediatelyit becomes apparent that the car's design was laid a fairly rigid price limit - about eleven thousand dollars. The Vortex Corda includes only a central lock, air conditioning, power steering, and fog lights.

Vortex corda
In this regard, the Amulet boasted of havinga wider range of useful options, so if you decide to change from one car to another, you may feel a lack of comfort. Outwardly there is almost complete similarity between Chery Amulet and Vortex Corda - a photo to that confirmation. In general, the platform, which served to create both models, is considered to be a popular car in its time Seat Toledo.

Vortex Corda was established in two thousandthe tenth year. The car is hard to name a novelty, but there are differences from its predecessor. First of all, this is a new, more economical engine. Now the 1.5-liter power unit with a capacity of 109 horsepower has a Euro-4 standard, the fuel is A-92. Installed and a new transmission. If earlier the first three transmissions were short, on the Amulet, to put it mildly, for Vortex Corda this disadvantage was eliminated - the new engine and 5-speed mechanics in the pair work perfectly. As for the fuel consumption, in the conditions of suburban driving it is quite possible to invest in seven liters per hundred kilometers.

Vortex corda photo

As for the car interior, it has become moreEuropean, but ergonomics and interior lines seem to have remained somewhere in the distant past. Landing at the wheel is low and not very comfortable, but the presence in the back seat is surprisingly comfortable even for three passengers at the same time. The trunk was not pleased with the new one - no, he did not become smaller, he became uncomfortable. Moreover, the luggage compartment of the hatchback is attached to the stretch, it is impossible to remove it. As it turned out later, there is a plus in this, but about everything in order.

We sit behind the wheel of Vortex Corda.The power steering is complete, but it does not hurry to turn the wheels in place. After the car starts to gain speed, the situation changes for the better. Surprised and the settings of the chassis. Thanks to the previously mentioned stretch in the trunk, the body has become noticeably stiffer, the characteristics of the springs and shock absorbers seem to have slightly corrected.

Vortex Cord
Be that as it may, the follower of Amulet becameless roll on the arc, and on the "cotton" before the helm appeared at least some kind of feedback. Of course, the search for controllability is difficult to find, but everything is transparent and honest, which is not peculiar to Chinese cars, from them a priori expect any trick. The running possibilities of the car are clearly delineated, it remains only to get used to driving without ABS and other auxiliary options.

What is the conclusion about Vortex Corda?The expression "means of transportation, rather than luxury" can be used here as well as possible. The car with a low-price bundle, relatively low price and inexpensive spare parts. Performed by the standards of the Chinese car industry carefully, and if you have not been in recent years driving a luxury car, Vortex Corda - a very good option as a family car.

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