/ / If the urine is dark brown, what does it mean?

If the urine is dark brown, what does it mean?

The color of urine is a very important characteristic,on which first of all they pay attention to laboratory technicians. A special pigment - urochrome gives the urine of a healthy person a specific shade that can range from light yellow to saturated amber. In this case, the released liquid must be transparent and free of foreign impurities. Deviation from normal color does not always indicate a malfunction in the body, but with the exclusion of natural causes, urine of dark brown color is a symptom of serious pathological changes.

Natural causes of darkening of urine

Urine of dark brown color
Complaints about changing the shade of urine are not uncommonphenomenon in people of different ages. To determine the main cause of such changes, it is necessary to take into account the products that the patient eats. Urine of dark brown color is observed after the use of legumes, rhubarb, aloe and black tea. In addition, darkening of urine can provoke some medications, rare urination and intense thirst.

Pathological factors of color change of urine

Brown urine causes
With liver disorders such as hepatitis andcirrhosis, urine becomes brown as a result of exposure to bilirubin and biliverdin - specific dark pigments. Another sign of such diseases is the formation of a yellow foam when the urine is agitated. With the defeat of the kidneys, namely, with urolithiasis, the tissues are traumatized with solid inclusions, which leads to the appearance of blood in the excrements. Urine of dark brown color with purulent impregnations is observed in the development of tumors of the genitourinary system. It should be noted that this phenomenon can occur with such infectious diseases as pyelonephritis, urethritis and cystitis.

If you have a brown color of urine,the reasons of which are pathological in nature, it is recommended to visit the doctor urgently, otherwise possible complications can lead to very serious consequences.

Disturbing symptoms accompanied by darkening of urine:

- temperature jumps;

- fever;

- frequent painful and difficult urination;

- the appearance of unpleasant smell of urine;

- nausea, vomiting;

- abdominal pain.

Urine dark brown in men
Моча коричневого цвета у мужчин – серьезный повод for the reference to the urologist, nephrologist and the therapist. After all, only timely detection of the disease and competent medical control are a guarantee of complete cure. Often urine of dark brown color indicates such serious pathologies as march and sickle-cell anemia, thalassemia, Marciafava-Michelli disease, as well as syphilitic and hemolytic disease in newborns. In addition, darkening of urine may indicate the development of malignant tumors, poisoning with heavy metal components and alcohol overdose. Different color combinations of urine help doctors to orient in the problem, but the final diagnosis can be established only after carrying out clinical analyzes and other research methods.

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