/ Pain when arm is raised in the shoulder. Pain in the Shoulder Joint: Causes and Treatment

Pain when arm is raised in the shoulder. Pain in the Shoulder Joint: Causes and Treatment

Pain when raising the arm in the shoulder may occurfor different reasons. To identify them, you should see a doctor. But what if there is no such possibility? In this case, you can find all the information you are interested in in the article.

pain when raising a hand in the shoulder

General information

Pain when raising a hand in the shoulder - it's prettyan unpleasant symptom. After all, the upper limbs belong to one of the most moving parts of the body. To eliminate such feelings, it is necessary to analyze what exactly could contribute to their occurrence. To do this, it is recommended to evaluate the nature of the pain, and also to determine which specific part of the shoulder you are concerned about. The nature of the treatment and its effectiveness depend entirely on this information.

The main causes of shoulder pain

Why does my shoulder hurt?This question is rather difficult to answer, if a full medical examination was not carried out. After all, the reasons for this phenomenon can be different. The most common of them we will consider right now.

Reinforced physical activity

Professional athletes and amateursvery often complain of pain in the shoulder when raising their hands. Why does such a feeling arise? Most often, these complaints come from those people who are engaged in physical activity spontaneously or in no way control them. As for professionals, they can easily pull the tendons or develop the muscle so that later it simply atrophies.

shoulder pain in the shoulder joint

It should also be noted that pain when liftingThe arms in the shoulder very often occur in those who do heavy physical work (for example, loaders, as well as farmers who spend a lot of time in an uncomfortable position).

In such cases, the person most oftenthe muscle is damaged. To confirm its stretching, you need to conduct the following test: you just need to raise your hand and feel what kind of muscle pain. If the cause is not in the tissues and not in the ligaments, then the shoulder joint should be checked. In this case, you need to contact a traumatologist.


Bursitis is an inflammatory process of the mucous membranesbags, which often occurs in the area of ​​the shoulder joints. The causes of this deviation may be trauma, and frequent mechanical irritations, and infections, and diathesis. However, it should be noted that it often develops suddenly and without any apparent reason.

pain in the shoulder when raising the hand why appears

With bursitis, a person can not only feel pain in the shoulder joint by raising his arm up, but also observe redness, as well as severe swelling.


Inflammation of the tendons of the shoulder joints alsocan lead to painful sensations. Often the cause of tendonitis is infection. That is why, when setting the right diagnosis, the doctor will always find out from his patient whether he has recently suffered any diseases. If this deviation is not treated for a long time, then very soon it can lead to the appearance of nodules in the tendon area.

Nerve pincers

If you constantly have a shoulder ache while liftinghands up or sideways, then this may indicate a pinched nerve. As you know, nerves branch out all over the body. This is why pinching can bring discomfort away from the site of its localization. Often this condition is promoted by a hernia of intervertebral discs or arthritis. In this case, the pain is sudden and acute.

Arthritis and arthrosis

Pain in raising the arm in the shoulder may occur anddue to the degenerative process in the cartilage tissues. Usually this happens over time, and the patient can not be unaware of the presence of this disease.

causes shoulder pain why does the shoulder hurt?

If the disease was manifestedrecently, then the patient is recommended to pay special attention to the nature of the pain that bothers him. Most often with arthritis and arthrosis there are sharp unpleasant sensations.

It should also be noted that a person with a diagnosis"Arthritis" often feels pain even at night and in a calm position. Moreover, during attacks, the shoulder of the patient can become swollen. As for arthrosis, with such a disease, the pains begin to bother in the morning and continue until the lunch.

Myocardial infarction

People with heart disease can experiencerather severe pain in the shoulders. What if my shoulder aches due to myocardial infarction? In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance and immediately take the pills prescribed by your doctor.

Unfortunately, not all people are capable ofto determine the onset of myocardial infarction, which often ends pitifully. To correct this situation, we decided to describe in detail the symptoms of this deviation.

So, if the pulling pain in the shoulder is accompanied byintensive breathing, as well as increased sweating and a feeling of tightening in the chest, then, perhaps, you have developed this pathological condition.

pain in the shoulders what to do if the shoulder hurts

Pain in the Shoulder Joint: Causes and Treatment

If you suddenly have a pain in the left shoulder, and the painhas a pulling character, and there is a suspicion that this is a heart attack, in this case it is recommended to pay special attention to the additional features that were described above. If they occur, you should immediately call an ambulance. As a rule, the patient is immediately hospitalized. He is placed on a hard couch so that the upper part of his back rises a little above the whole body. In the future, doctors take all the necessary measures to remove the patient from the condition that has arisen.

If the pain in the shoulder is related to other causes, then they can be eliminated at home.

How to treat yourself?

Before starting to eliminate symptoms,it is necessary to find out, for what reason they have arisen. If you know that you have this or that disease, then you can immediately take a series of measures in advance agreed with the doctor.

So, pain in the shoulder, caused by the pathology of the joints,are eliminated by NSAID administration. If such feelings are acute and long-lasting, the drug is given in the form of injections. The duration of such treatment should be 5 days. As a rule, after the expiration of the term, the pain completely passes and does not return for a very long time. One can not help saying that it is forbidden to use NSAIDs for people with peptic ulcer disease.

pain in the shoulder joint causes and treatment

What drugs to use?

In most cases, the treatment of the abovediseases is reduced to eliminating the pain syndrome. For this, doctors can prescribe medications such as Diclofenac or Dexalgin. The first medicine has less pronounced effect. As for the "Dexalgin", it is a means of a new generation. It is most often used for acute pain in the shoulder joint.

If you can not do it yourself, buta visit to the hospital is impossible, then with unpleasant sensations in the joints, you can also use medicines such as ointments containing NSAIDs. These include "Diclofenac", "Butadion" and "Artrozilen."

In the event that the cause of pain syndromes is bursitis, it is necessary to use warming creams with the addition of pepper.

Pain after exercise

Above we found out that the pain at the raising of the handmay occur due to intense physical exertion. If you are an athlete who often has stretches of muscle tissue and ligaments, you should always keep special ointments in your medicine cabinet. After all, they can save you from unpleasant sensations.

aching shoulder when arm is raised upwards or sideways

One of the most effective means of this kindis an ointment called "Bengay". It very quickly relieves stress and muscle pain. By the way, with the last symptom it is recommended to minimize the load on the shoulder joint for a period of three to five days.

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