/ / What are the vitamins in kiwi

What are the kiwi vitamins

Shaggy and round fruit of kiwi has long ceased to existbe exotic for us. Many people think that this strange brown berry was born in New Zealand, that's why it bears the name of a flightless bird, as fluffy as the fruit itself. However, very few people know that the real homeland of kiwi is China. We learned what this berry tastes like, and what kiwi vitamins are thanks to Alexander Ellison, a gardener from New Zealand. It was he who brought the "progenitor" of the berry, the vine of the michuato to his island, and, through many years of breeding, turned the small and tasteless fruits of this plant into such tasty and useful berries. In addition to New Zealand, kiwi is grown in many other countries located in the subtropics.

About what vitamins are in kiwi, it became known toend of the twentieth century. Soon, dieticians from around the world began comparing kiwi with a "vitamin bomb". And not in vain, because only vitamin C in it is concentrated much more than in an orange, lemon or black currant. To replenish the daily dose of this necessary substance, it is enough to eat just one shaggy berry. The use of kiwi every day significantly strengthens the immune system and improves metabolism. In addition, a wonderful fruit reduces cholesterol and stabilizes blood pressure.

What vitamins are in kiwi other than vitamin C,you ask. This berry is rich in almost all known vitamins. It consists of vitamins A, E and D, as well as B2, B3 and B6. In addition, the fetus contains a significant amount of folic acid and beta-carotene. In addition to vitamins, fruits of kiwi contain magnesium and potassium, calcium and sodium, iodine and iron. Thanks to the actinidin present in the kiwi, this fruit can save from the heaviness in the stomach and heartburn, and also improve the assimilation of food rich in protein.

This product has other usefulproperties. Enzymes and folic acid contained in it can burn fats and form collagen fibers that strengthen the tissues of the body. Due to the abundance of fiber and low sugar content, the kiwi fruit has a very low caloric content, which is only 46 kcal. Regardless of how much vitamin in kiwi, this fruit is perfect for everyone who wants to lose weight quickly. However, "sitting down" on the "kiwi diet", it is worth making sure that you do not have this allergy for this fruit - the concentration of various useful substances is very high in it.

Talking about what vitamins are in kiwi, you can notnot to mention the beneficial effects of this berry on the skin of the face. Not only vitamins, but also organic acids contained in berries, have a tonic and therapeutic effect on the face skin. All kinds of cosmetic masks, which include kiwi, will help to clean and tighten the skin on the face, make it supple and young.

Among other things, kiwi has a verymemorable taste and aroma. The unique taste of this berry with a green pulp and an abundance of small black stones resembles strawberry, watermelon, banana, and gooseberry at the same time. Kiwi is used as food not only as a separate fruit. This berry is a part of many salads, cakes, jams and even cocktails. However, do not add kiwi to the jelly - this berry is incompatible with gelatin.

Knowing what vitamins are in kiwi, it remains to learnto distinguish ripe fruits from unripe. Ripe kiwi soft to the touch. Even if you have acquired solid fruits, they quickly ripen in a dry, dark and warm place. A ripe fruit should not be dry or too soft. Its peel on pressing should be pressed very little. Choose fruits without dents and other damages. Ripe kiwi fruit can be determined by the smell - it smells of strawberries, bananas and lemons at the same time. Kiwi does not like "competitors", so store this fruit in the refrigerator, wrapped in a paper bag, away from other vegetables and fruits.

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