/ / At what time does toxicosis begin?

At what time does toxicosis begin?

На каком сроке начинается токсикоз – такой вопрос most of the future mothers are interested in, because this insidious disease can darken the pleasant moments of expectation of the baby. So what is a toxicosis? In simple words, toxicosis is a protective reaction of the woman's body, which consists in removing all toxic and unnecessary products from the body for the normal course of pregnancy.

In accordance with this, a number of symptoms characteristic of toxicosis are distinguished:

- nausea and vomiting. More than 90% of women report a predominant manifestation of these symptoms in the morning, but some women can feel them throughout the day.

- increased need for sleep.This phenomenon is explained by the fact that it is in a dream that the processes of renewal and synthesis of new cells are actively going on, as well as restoring and resting the nervous system, and this is so important for a future mother.

- frequent mood changes, tearfulness and irritability. These changes in the nervous status of women are associated with hormonal changes in the body and bursts of ejection of certain hormones.

- change in taste preferences, loss orincreased appetite. This is a rather unfavorable symptom in relation to the fetus. in the case of inadequate supply of any nutrients or, on the contrary, their excessive intake, there is a violation of the laying of organs and tissues of the fetus, and as a result of anomalies of development.

At what time the toxicosis would not have begun, a woman should always take seriously its manifestations, and not allow negative consequences.

Conditionally it can be divided into first-line toxicosisand the second half of pregnancy. By the fact, at what time the toxicosis appears, one can judge the severity of these or other consequences and the severity of the symptoms. It is considered that the toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy proceeds more safely to the fetus and the mother than the toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy, however, in such cases there are exceptions.

At what time does toxicosis begin can not be saidwith 100% accuracy, because this is a purely individual state that can not be foreseen, and it is not inherited (as many believe). It has been proven with accuracy that women who have had toxicosis in the first weeks of pregnancy have miscarriages and spontaneous abortions fewer than those of other pregnant women.

There are 3 degrees of severity of manifestation of toxicosis:

  1. Light degree of severity, does not require interventiondoctor. Toxicosis begins on 3-5 days from the moment of conception, it is manifested by slight malaise, nausea, sometimes vomiting. Usually passes to 8-12 weeks of pregnancy.
  2. Medium severity, requires medicationcorrection of the state of health of the future mother. Nausea and vomiting is possible throughout the day from 3 to 5 times a day, a woman feels weak, malaise, decreased appetite.
  3. A severe degree of toxicosis requires hospitalization of the patient in a hospital. There is vomiting 10-20 times a day, weight loss, increased heart rate, skin is dry, pale.

На каком сроке начинается токсикоз?Perhaps, one of the most asked questions on the forums. But why so few women ask, but how can you avoid toxicosis or at least slightly zainize it?

You need to start with the cause of toxicosis.Most often, nausea and vomiting cause sharp smells and odors. In eliminating this cause, you should be helped in every way by your family. First, for a while to remove from everyday use toilet waters, colognes and deodorants with sharp (for you) smells. Secondly, cooking and eating food should also not cause you any negative consequences. Therefore, the whole family should switch to diet food with the exception of fatty, fried, salty foods, spicy sauces and seasonings. Include in your diet tea with mint, it suppresses the feeling of nausea and helps to cope with malaise. The intake of food should be divided into small portions at intervals of 2-3 hours, and eating while lying down will help get rid of heartburn and nausea. Food should not be too hot, preferably slightly warm, then it does not cause irritation to the walls of the stomach. Include in your diet mineral alkaline water (better without gases) and drink drinks separately from food. If the condition worsens, you should consult a doctor and consider a possible medication.

Of course, the most ideal option isthe passage of a course of purification and preparation of a woman before pregnancy. This is the so-called pre-gravity preparation, when the future mother takes a complex of vitamins and trace elements against the background of a certain diet that contribute to the strengthening of organs and systems.

Behavior of a woman during pregnancy is notdepends on what term the onset of toxicosis begins, it should always be cautious. After all, toxicosis at any time in a serious degree is dangerous for the future baby, and sometimes can lead to miscarriage or spontaneous abortion.

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