/ / Is it painful to put a spiral after childbirth?

Is it painful to put a spiral after birth?

Intrauterine spirals for the purpose of protectionfrom pregnancy more than 200 million women in the world use. Some use this type of contraception for a long period, periodically changing the IUD. Patients who have never consulted this method of contraception are interested in whether it is painful to put a spiral.

Is it painful to put a spiral after birth

Choosing a method of contraception

At present, women arethe number of different methods that have merits and demerits. And the choice of type of contraception depends on the general condition of the woman and the presence of concomitant diseases. A few can advise the choice of oral contraceptives because of such problems as premenstrual syndrome, problems with conception, thyroid and adrenal diseases. Not everyone accepts taking pills, as there is a chance to forget to take a pill, which can lead to various malfunctions in the menstrual cycle.

Interrupted sexual intercourse often leads topregnancy, and the use of vaginal suppositories, tablets is not always convenient. Condoms are a good method of contraception, but most often it does not suit men, especially if it's your regular partner.

Advantages of IUD

The intrauterine device is the easiest, safestand the most effective way to control births. But there are doubts: whether it is painful to put an intrauterine device, what complications are possible, how long-term wear of an intrauterine contraceptive affects reproductive health.

Types of IUDs and their effects

There are different intrauterine contraceptives.In general, they are a T-shaped device, which is an effective type of reversible birth control. The IUD is used for quite a long time - from 5 to 10 years, depending on the species. Most often used spirals with wound wires of copper, silver, gold. In some Navy 2 types of metals are used. Recently, the Mirena spiral has a great popularity, which has a container with levonorgestrel and ensures the constant release of this hormone, which contributes to complex contraceptive action and, in some cases, treatment of bleeding or hormonal disorders.

The main action of intrauterine contraceptives -it is spermicidal, as well as increased uterine tone, thickening of cervical mucus and the formation of aseptic inflammation in the uterine cavity. IUDs with copper are also used for emergency contraception if it is administered within five days of unprotected intercourse.

is it painful to put a spiral of reviews

How to put a spiral

In order to understand if it is painful to put a spiral, it is necessary to know how to install the IUD. Each intrauterine device includes a conductor to facilitate its insertion.

With the help of mirrors, the cervix is ​​removed in such a way that it is available for manipulation.

After treatment with furicilin or miramistinthe external opening of the cervical canal and the use of bullet forceps are used to insert an intrauterine probe to determine the length, location, physiological folds of the uterus and the patency of the internal pharynx. The length of the probe establishes a restrictive ring on the conductor so that the coil adjoins the uterine mucosa in the region of the bottom. Then a conductor with a spiral is inserted, and after removing the conductor, the spiral should be located in the uterine cavity, and the control tendrils in the vagina. The cervix is ​​treated with an antiseptic solution, and the mirrors are removed.

After the introduction of a woman, an exception is recommendedsexual activity, lifting weights during the week. It is recommended 2-3 days to take a prophylactic dose of antibiotics to prevent inflammatory diseases.

Pain Management Anesthesia

Is it painful to put a spiral?Comments of women who use this type of contraception, indicate that this procedure is basically painless. The most unpleasant sensations occur when pulling the cervix before insertion of the probe and when it passes through the inner opening of the cervical canal.

is it painful to put a spiral of peace
Basically, anesthesia is not applied.For particularly sensitive women, the cervical canal is treated with a solution of dicaine, intravenous dexalgin, tramadol, or intravenous anesthesia.

When is it better to put a spiral

The Navy can be placed at any time.Some doctors prefer the 4-7th day from the beginning of menstruation. Everyone who is invited to come to the women's consultation at this time, are interested in whether it is painful to put a spiral during menstruation. At this time, painful sensations are minimal, because the cervical canal is ajar for the release of menstrual flow and the threshold of pain sensitivity is reduced.

When is it better to put a spiral after childbirth and abortion

After the birth of the IUD can be put in 48 hours.But it is desirable to conduct this procedure 21 days after delivery. It is necessary to make sure that there are no inflammations and pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases. For this, ultrasound is performed and a swab is given. Is it painful to put a spiral after birth? Most often during this period, the introduction of the IUD is painless, since the uterus has not yet completely contracted and the cervical canal is completely open. After the operation, the cesarean section is introduced after 3-4 months, not earlier, since the unformed scar on the uterus serves as a contraindication for the introduction of the contraceptive. Many doctors are of the opinion that the introduction of the IUD immediately after birth does not make sense, since the myometrium is constantly shrinking to restore the structure of the non-pregnant uterus and pushes out the spiral.

is it painful to put an intrauterine device

After abortion, IUD insertion is possible immediately afterscraping. However, the doctor should be sure that the remains of the fetal egg are not left to prevent inflammation and septic conditions. Is it painful to put a spiral in this period? In this case, no woman feels any pain, because the cervical canal is open; and abortion, and the introduction of IUDs are conducted under intravenous anesthesia.

Spiral "Mirena"

Recently the Navy has been in great demand"Mirena" is a contraceptive that constantly releases a gestagens hormone from a special container. Is it painful to put the Mirena spiral? This question is of interest to many women with endometriosis who are offered the introduction of this IUD for medical purposes. The painfulness of the procedure depends on the qualification of the doctor and compliance with the rules of administration. Pain can occur in the first weeks after the spiral is inserted. They can also accompany copious spotting from the genital tract. All this takes place within 1-2 months.


is it painful to put a spiral
After the introduction of various complications,which must send a woman urgently to the doctor. In the early days there may be drawing pains in the lower abdomen and prolonged profuse periods. In the future, there may be an exacerbation of chronic processes of the pelvic organs. And so the question of whether it is painful to put a spiral is not so important, it is important not to miss the complications after its introduction. Especially it is worth to be attentive to your feelings in the first days: if the pain does not go away within 1-2 days or there are abdominal pains that can be accompanied by fever, it is necessary to visit the doctor urgently to avoid a terrible complication - perforation of the uterus. In some cases, self-expansion of the spiral is possible. This is observed in those cases when, following the introduction of the IUD, a woman engaged in heavy physical labor or had an active sex life.

Removing the IUD

After the duration of the contraceptive effect of the spiral (from 5 to 10 years, depending on the type of IUD), it must be removed. The procedure for removal is painless.

Is it painful to put a spiral during menstruation?

After removing the cervix with mirrors, the doctor pullsfor the control antennae and extracts it from the uterine cavity. In some cases, in the absence of inflammatory diseases, cervicitis, infectious colpites and good tolerability, the extraction and introduction of a new spiral can be accomplished in one step.

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