/ / Nutrition and its basic principles

Nutrition and its basic principles

What is healthy food, and how is it different?from the one to which we are all so used to? This is really a very important issue. It is not easy for all people to understand that the state of the organism, ability to work and much more depends on the quality and quantity of daily food consumed.

healthy diet

A healthy diet is based on certainprinciples that can not be respected by everyone. This statement is not based on the fact that we are all gluttons, unable to control ourselves. Simply not everyone has free time, which can be spent on cooking useful food.

In fact, everything is much easier than it seems.A healthy diet with the right approach will not be a significant waste of time. There are no big difficulties here. Even limiting yourself in many ways is not always necessary.

What is served to the table?

Всякий, кто будет длительное время питаться exclusively bread with fried meat and similar products, will soon find out that the forces are leaving him, and something completely unimaginable begins to take place in his stomach. What is the basis for proper nutrition? On scientifically based principles. In general, many nutritionists long ago came to the conclusion that it should be separate. What does this mean? The meaning of separate food is that it is inadmissible to eat proteins and carbohydrates at the same time. Yes, both are contained in almost any product, but their proportions are always different.

healthy diet for weight loss

Carbohydrates and proteins can not be used together for thatthe reason that they are digested with different enzymes. Eat them at the same time - and neither can be completely digested. How to be? What is the limit itself? Restrictions are not required. The bottom line is that you should separate the methods of carbohydrate and protein foods in time intervals. Two hours will be quite enough. There is a special table of compatibility of various products. It will be indispensable for anyone who thinks about what is healthy food.

Let's just talk about healthy food.Another important principle of healthy eating is the following: any products that can be eaten raw should not be subjected to heat treatment. It is permissible but undesirable.

healthy food for children
Do not fry in oil at all!If there is a need for such a heat treatment of food, then get a great and expensive teflon pan, allowing you to fry food without any additional substances. Do not get carried away with canned food, as its use is permissible only in extreme cases.

Каким должно быть полезное питание для похудения?Eliminate all fat and flour from your diet. The use of low-fat cottage cheese, fruits, vegetables will be effective. Want some meat? Eat chicken breasts - they are not fatty at all and are well digested. What should be healthy food for children? This question is very important, as a growing body needs a balanced diet. Make sure that your kids do not eat too many sweets, and make a diet for them with your doctor.

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