The first-aid kit is used in emergency cases at construction sites, enterprises, in home and field conditions, and in hiking trips.
Going to travel, each touristthe group, irrespective of the range of the route, is obliged to take along a set of medicines. It should be carefully packed in a safe and convenient container that can be quickly opened. It is desirable (for the same water routes it is necessary) complete tightness of the package.
The composition of the first aid kit is home, automotive orset taken on a long journey, should be selected individually (it is even better to compose them together with a doctor). A healthy person at hand should have at least a small set of funds in case of sudden illness or injury. After all, help should be provided at the very moment when it is necessary.
So, the standard kit first aid kit:
1. Bandage medical non-sterile, sterile or dressing package.
2. Wadding is sterile.
3. Adhesive plaster.
4. Green solution, tincture of iodine.
5. Medical alcohol.
6. Medical tourniquet rubber.
7. Potassium permanganate.
8. Analgetic ("Baralgin", "Analgin", "Spazmalgon", "Andipal", "Spazgan").
9. Activated carbon.
10. Antihistamine preparation ("Dimedrol", "Tavegil", "Claritin").
11. Antiseptic ointment ("Levomekol", "Synthomycin", "Levosin").
12. Means against various food infections ("Ftalazol", "Besalol", "Furazolidon").
13. Nitroglycerin ("Sustak").
14. Preparation "Valocordin" ("Corvalol", "Valoserdin").
15. Means for rinses of a mouth and a throat ("Furatsilin").
16. Sterile disposable syringe with needle.
17. Drinking soda.
18. One-percent menthol, tooth drops.
19. Synthomycin or streptocid emulsion.
20. Vaseline.
In each family there is a medicalfirst-aid kit, where there are many drugs that someone at least once used. But there is another, special type of drug collection - a child. This kit first aid kit may be needed when there are problems with the child when traveling or at home. This list consists of the most necessary. It is advisable to purchase everything, to equip such a first aid kit just in case, in order to always have at hand what will help the baby with minor injuries or illnesses.
Of course, this list is available every timesupplement if you are at home. But, going on a trip, be sure to grab at least the main thing, in order to always be ready for the troubles, often accompanying childhood. But it is better, if there is no trouble at all, and the first-aid kit will not disturb parents.