/ How to sharpen knives for a meat grinder at home?

How to sharpen knives for meat grinders at home?

Meat mincer is an integral attribute thatyou can see in any modern kitchen. With this mechanism, you can easily make minced meat, which is necessary for making a variety of tasty and healthy dishes. Unfortunately, over time, meat grinder, like any other household appliance, can fail. Continued intensive exploitation can lead to blunting even the most expensive cutting elements. After reading this article, you will learn how to sharpen the knife on a meat grinder. After all, you do not have to go to the workshop.

how to sharpen knives for meat grinder

How are the cutting elements of the meat grinder arranged?

To understand how to sharpen knives for a meat grinder, should understand the principle of their work.Inside any device are two types of cutting elements. One of them is stationary. This knife is a round piece with small holes. The second one has blades with sharp edges. When the pressure-fed product rests against a non-rotating knife, part of it is forced through the auger into the holes. At this time, the rotating knife cuts out small pieces. The quality of the minced meat directly depends on the sharpness of the cutting parts.

how to sharpen a knife for a manual grinder

Preliminary preparation

Before you sharpen the knife for a manual mincer, it must be prepared.This will determine the quality of the work. After all, in case of violation of the grinding technology, you can easily damage the knife. Before proceeding to the process, it is recommended to lubricate the blades with ordinary vegetable oil. The same must be done with the grindstone. These simple manipulations will save the knife from the possible appearance of fragments due to incorrect rotation of the working blades. After five minutes, when the knife and the grinding tool slightly dry, you can start grinding.

grind the knife for the meat grinder at home

Sharpening with sandpaper

This is one of the most popular and affordable methods for quickly sharpening a meat grinder knife at home. When choosing the thickness of the emery should be consideredthe thickness of the knife itself. Thin small knives are perfectly sharpened using weak paper, whereas for thick metal blades you need a large fraction of grains.

Taking a knife in one hand and paper in the other, you should wipe each blade of the knife with sandpaper until it becomes sharp.

how to grind a knife in a meat grinder

Sharpening with a grinding stone

This second most popular method is equallyeffective as the previous one. Those who do not know how to sharpen knives for a meat grinder, you can try to do it with the use of a grinding stone. In this case, you can go two different ways. The first involves the rotation of the knife, the second - the movement of the stone.

Those who wish to use the first methodit is necessary to acquire a small fractional grinding stone, whose area is three times the diameter of the knife. Otherwise, the sharpening process will be very long and not very effective. Putting the knife in the middle of the grinding tool, you should make sure that its blades fit snugly to the surface of the stone. Slightly holding the knife with your finger, you need to twist it, gradually increasing the speed of rotational movements. It is recommended from time to time to interrupt this procedure in order to check the uniformity of the blades. Sharpening is considered complete after all irregularities and notches disappear on the knife. It should be borne in mind that this technique is effective only for not too dull blades.

Now we need to figure out how to sharpen knives forGrinder through the rotation of the stone. This technique applies even to very dull blades. In this case, it is recommended to use a fine-grained grinding stone, whose dimensions are comparable to the diameter of the knife. Sharpening is ensured by rubbing the blades against the tool surface.

Sharpening using a special machine

This is the most convenient method, but, unfortunately, it is not suitable even for beginners who have no idea how to sharpen knives for a meat grinder. Используемый для этого станок имеет гладкую abrasive surface that looks like a regular disk. Before sharpening, a special paste is applied to the surface of this tool, which contains small abrasive particles. After it dries, the disc is fully operational.

In order to sharpen the knife, you need to gently press its blade to the included machine. During work, you need to make small breaks to prevent overheating of the metal.

In conclusion, it should be said that this techniqueThere are several significant drawbacks. It can be used only by those who have basic skills. A person who has never before sharpened the knives for a meat grinder is unlikely to be able to properly sharpen them on such a machine. The second disadvantage of this method is the high cost of a grinding machine. Therefore, before you purchase such a machine, you must carefully consider how appropriate such a purchase.

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