/ / "Roundup" and "Ground" from weeds: user reviews

"Roundup" and "Ground" from weeds: user reviews

Many gardeners and truck farmers for manyyears can not overcome the weeds in their plots. The task is difficult, but feasible. Knowing the characteristics of each weed, you can get rid of them once and for all. They can be fought with mechanical methods, and special herbicides can be used. Good help "Roundup" and "Ground" from the weeds. Reviews about these drugs are usually positive.

Ground against weeds reviews
Weeds and methods of combating them

Pyritei creeping - the most harmful and hard to extract grass.The roots of the plant are on the upper part of the earth in a horizontal position, which contributes to the rapid growth of the site. It grows well on fertile soils. Does not like drought and dense soils. Control measures: the soil can not be digested, a herbicide with a high concentration is used. The "Ground" from the weeds helps a lot. Reviews speak about the great effectiveness of the facility.

Quinoa - very tenacious weed. Has an excessively strong root and stem. It is difficult to remove mechanically. It grows on any soil. Control measures: use herbicides.

Roundup reviews

Ambrosia - a weed causing a strong allergy in the population.Expands into long stems, while drying the soil. Control measures: soil digging, use of herbicides. Optimum preparations - "Roundup" and "Ground" from weeds.

Cyclaken - high, broad-leaved grass. Shadows the soil. Control measures: mechanical pulling (you need to have time to pull out the grass before fruiting), use of herbicides.

Highlander bird - unpretentious and hardy grass.Can grow on a trampled earth, forming a carpet. Mechanically removed difficult. Control measures: use the preparations "Ground" and "Roundup" - user reviews they have positive.

Field dogfat - burdock, or "thorn", as it is also called inpeople. It is very difficult to get rid of weed. Remove it before flowering, otherwise the seeds will be blown by the wind and the task will become even more difficult. Control measures: mechanical pulling, use of herbicides. The preparation "Ground" from weeds is applied. Feedback on the effectiveness of positive.

Mechanical way to control weeds

The mechanical method is the most common removalPlant by cutting the grass under the root or digging. The disadvantage of this method is a great deal of laboriousness. Crop the weeds several times during the summer.

Ground from weeds
Soil salinity

This method consists in making a largethe amount of salt in the ground. The soil becomes unsuitable for many weeds. However, there are herbs that tolerate salinity well. For reliability, a lot of ordinary salt is added to the ground. The disadvantage of this method is that the soil is deteriorating, and planting of cultivated plants on it will be possible only in a few years.

Herbicide treatment

This method is considered to be the least time-consuming andmost effective. Herbicides completely kill the weeds. The most common means are "Roundup" and "Ground" from the weeds - reviews of the summer residents about them are positive. These herbicides are low in toxicity and decompose in the ground quite quickly. A month after the treatment of the soil, it will be possible to plant cultivated plants.

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