/ / Indoor flower cyclamen: photo, planting and care at home

Indoor flower cyclamen: photo, planting and care at home

Цикламен – ярко цветущее, обладающее бесспорной decorative indoor plant that is rich in a variety of colors, shapes and sizes. It is often called the Alpine violet, at least - dryab. Cyclamen is home to Central Europe, the Mediterranean and Iran.

Description of the plant

Home flower cyclamen (photo - just belowtext) - the owner of a capricious and demanding temper, but for his magnificent and bright appearance he is forgiven for all the inconveniences of maintaining in terms of apartments.

The effective darling of women, gentle, plentifully and longA blooming, fragrant cyclamen is a herbaceous tuberous perennial belonging to the Mirsin family. Its easily recognizable inflorescences, resembling flying butterflies with raised wings, numerous bright flocks rise above the leaves on their long peduncles.

flowers cyclamen planting and care

And the radical leaves of the plant are not at allinferior in beauty and originality to inflorescence butterflies. Their plates have a rounded shape with a heart-shaped base and a light pattern of a lighter tone on the surface of a dark green leaf, which increases the decorative effect and attractiveness of the plant.

Cyclamen flowering occurs mainly in winter and lasts about three months. However, currently there are some home species that bloom in spring.

The genus of cyclamen is represented by 60 species. Of these, only about 20 are grown at home.

Requirements and preferences for the content and care

Further in the article - some more photos of the flower.cyclamen and how to care for (recommendations) for one of the most capricious houseplants. The fastidiousness of the alpine violet is known to all lovers of home flowers. But, armed with knowledge about the features of care for cyclamen, you can successfully grow this magnificent plant at home.

Comfortable most of all dryak will feel inspacious and cool room, on the veranda or loggia, bright, but protected from direct sun. At the same time, the place of residence of the cyclamen must be located away from heating devices. The plant does not take out drafts, but loves well-ventilated rooms.

Temperature conditions

Indoor flowers cyclamen care in the homeconditions prefer careful, with observance of temperature condition, optimum for them. In the summer, it can be from 18 to 22 ° C, but in winter, when flowering occurs, the ambient air temperature should be maintained within 14-16 ° C, that is, be much lower. At low temperatures, cyclamens bloom more abundant and longer.

If summer heat fails to provideIf the plant has cool air, it is necessary to put the pot with it in another larger tank with wet peat inside or wet pebbles to prevent overheating of the tuber. Survive the hot period of dryakve will help humidify the air in the place of its content.

Watering features and humidity levels

Cyclamen is good at spraying, but noton the plant itself, and in the air around it. In this case, we must try to keep moisture from getting to the tuber. Watering the plant, you should not allow water to enter the shoots and tubers. It is better to do this carefully, either along the edge of the pot or into the pan, but an hour after watering, the excess moisture from the pan must be removed, to avoid rotting of the roots. When watering water should be 3-4 degrees below the air temperature.

cyclamen flower photo

After the cyclamen flower blooms, wateringreduce, and in the summer, with the onset of the period of rest, reduce some more. Water intended for cyclamen must be well separated. If suddenly the plant needs watering, and the water is not prepared, then you can do boiled and cooled, but you can not use it immediately from the water supply.

Cyclamen prefers well-humidified air.If the leaves begin to turn yellow, it means that the air around is too dry, and if brown spots appear on them, then perhaps the water still got on the flower, and it rotted. You can moisten the air around the cyclamen by placing the pot with it in a tray with wet pebbles or wet peat.


Soil for alpine violet should beboth light and nutritious enough. A cyclamen flower will feel good in the soil, consisting of identical parts of foamed humus, peat, turfy ground, coarse sand, vermiculite and clay.

Чтобы не заразить растение микробами и грибами, New soil is better to pour a weak solution of manganese or burn it in the oven. At the bottom of the pot must be placed a layer of drainage, which may consist of expanded clay, clay shards, pebbles or broken bricks.

fine cyclamen

For convenience florists in the shops sold ready-made soil for cyclamen, but the land for saintpaulia is also suitable.


The cyclamen flower does not tolerate the direct rays of the sun, which easily burn tender greens and flowers. The plant is better to slightly pritenyat or scatter the light falling on it.

Bright light is necessary for cyclamen only during the growing season. An excess of light leads to wilting of the leaves and the appearance of brown spots on them.


What dressings prefers indoor flowerCyclamen and how to care for him without harming excessive care? It should be noted that this plant is better not to feed, than to make too much fertilizer. At the same time it is necessary to prevent an excess of nitrogen.

cyclamen flower care breeding

Cyclamen is very responsive to liquid mineralfeeding. However, the solution must be prepared strictly according to the instructions for its use, and it is even better to do the concentration of the substance in the water for irrigation a little less than recommended by the manufacturer of fertilizer.

Just purchased in the store plantcan not be fed for about three months, as it is supersaturated with nutrients - to maintain the attractiveness and presentation.

Fertilizer is better every 14 days, alternating mineral and organic fertilizer. It is necessary to do this only during the period of active growth and flowering.

Features landing and transplant

Cyclamen flower, like other indoor plants,needs regular transplants. In this case, you should choose the right pot, which should not be too spacious. A size at which from a cyclamen tuber to the pots will be no more than 3 cm distance will do. In slightly cramped conditions, the plant blooms better and more abundantly.

indoor cyclamen flowers

What are the secrets of planting and care?Flowers cyclamen, do not belong to fast-growing crops, this is always worth remembering. Corm of alpine violet increases volumes about two years. After this time, the plant should be transplanted into a larger pot, changing the substrate to fresh in known proportions.

Пересадку лучше проводить способом перевалки.At the same time, an earthen clod with a tuber is gently removed from the old pot and, without shaking off the ground, rolled into a new pot, a little more spacious, and emptied with new soil, leaving the top of the tuber above the ground. The transshipment is carried out at the end of the rest period, until the plant begins active growth.

If the cyclamen was just purchased or donated, then you do not need to hurry with a transplant. It is better to wait about a month to let the plant bloom and acclimatize to a new place.

The rest period

Indoor Cyclamen Flowers for Home Careconditions need a rest period, which occurs when the plant is finished to bloom. At this time, its buds begin to fade, then the leaves turn yellow, and the aboveground part dies off, leaving only the tuber.

Inexperienced growers often decide that cyclamen died, and throw it away. However, worry and panic in this case is not worth it. The plant is only prepared in this way for a period of rest.

Faded leaves can be removed without waiting for complete extinction, unscrewing the stalks in a clockwise direction without using scissors. Care during the rest period requires the following:

  • as soon as the leaves began to turn yellow, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of watering;
  • pot with tuber should be moved to where there is less light and cool;
  • watering a sleeping plant is necessary, but very rarely, just to prevent the soil from drying out and to support the corm.
    indoor flowers cyclamen care

Cyclamen sleep in winter if the room is toowarm and dry air, waiting uncomfortable conditions. For flowering they need coolness and humidity. In general, they should have a rest period in summer, when it is too hot and not enough moisture. Hibernation lasts about three months. Then, with the first awakened leaves, cyclamens are transferred to a bright place and gradually resume watering.

Methods of reproduction

For reproduction flower cyclamen care requires special. There are two ways:

  1. Division of the tuber.
  2. Sprouting seeds.

With the help of the division of the tuber to get a new plantIt will be difficult, since basically the corm has only one growth point. Rare plants with several tubers, then this method can be used. However, delenki root very poorly and often die.

Способ размножения семенами более результативен.It is better to sow them in spring, when the daylight becomes longer (small cyclamens will stretch less). Before sowing, the seeds are disinfected in a manganese solution or in a solution with a growth stimulator.

In a container for seedlings placed nutrient soil,grooves are made in it and seeds are planted at a distance of 2 cm, then they are sprinkled and covered with film or glass, creating the conditions of the greenhouse, not forgetting to air and spray the soil from the sprayer.

In a couple of months or a little earlier shoots will appear.It is necessary to remove the film gradually, increasing the residence time without it. It is necessary to ensure that the temperature and humidity of the air are observed for the shoots, otherwise small plants will fall asleep.

If after a month shoots did not appear, then nothingscary, you just have to wait. Some species can sit in the ground for up to 5 months. When sprouts are formed on a pair of leaves and small tubers are formed, they can dive into separate containers. At the same time young bulbs can be buried in the ground completely, and not as in adult plants. The first bloom will occur no earlier than 18 months.

Diseases and pests

Improper care may provokecyclamen disease and pest infestation. If watering was too intense and the plant was kept in a cold room, the tuber may rot. In this case, the tuber should be removed from the ground and cut off the rotten area. Then it is washed in a weak solution of manganese and planted in fresh ground, pre-dried root.

pink cyclamen

If pests such as aphids, thrips, and mites are found on the plant, then treatment with special products is necessary, which can always be purchased at flower shops.

The causes of cyclamen withering can be disruptions in care. For example:

  • too high air temperature;
  • wrong pot;
  • watering is not in the pan, and on the tuber;
  • disturbances in feeding - either they have not been fed for a long time, or there is too much nitrogen in the fertilizer.

Неважно, сколько сил было вложено в выращивание flower But when cyclamen begins to bloom as soon as it can - brightly, abundantly, exuding a unique pleasant aroma - then all the difficulties fade into the background, leaving satisfaction and pleasure from observing the beauty of the process.

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