Herpes infections can hardly be surprisedsomeone in our time. And although many people simply do not take such diseases seriously, it's not worth while ignoring the problem. In men, it is often possible to observe herpes on the head, scrotum or in the perineal region. So what is the danger of such a disease?
Herpes on the glans penis: causes
Genital herpes is very commonThe problem faced by many women and men. The reason here, naturally, is a viral infection, which is transmitted sexually. Therefore, it should be borne in mind that people who frequently replace their sexual partners fall first in the risk group. By the way, in some cases, infection through saliva, as well as the sharing of household items, although similar ways of spreading the infection are observed relatively less often. The state of the human immune system also matters. If the protective mechanisms of the body are strong enough, then the herpes virus may not manifest itself - the main symptoms appear against the background of a decrease in immunity.
In fact, the disease manifests itself as a very characteristic symptom, which must be paid attention. The incubation period can be different and last from 2 days to several weeks.
Для начала на коже в области наружных половых bodies there is a small, bubble rash, and the skin around the pimples can blush and swell. Rashes may be accompanied by itching and very severe burning. As already mentioned, men have herpes on the head, foreskin, scrotum, less often in the perineal zone. If you comb the pimples, then in their place can form ulcers, which are subsequently covered with crusts.
Along with this, there are other symptoms.In particular, activation of the infection is accompanied by increased body temperature, pain and aching muscles, decreased appetite, weakness, fatigue. You can also see an increase in inguinal lymph nodes.
If you notice a herpes on your head,should immediately consult a doctor. In the absence of treatment, the symptoms may disappear on their own, but in the future there will be periodic relapses. In addition, combed rashes can become a gateway for bacterial infection, which will only complicate the situation.
Unfortunately, modern medicine is not knownways of complete cure - the herpes virus still remains in the body. Therefore, therapy is primarily aimed at eliminating the main symptoms and increasing the time interval between relapses.
For the purpose of treatment, antiviral andimmunomodulating drugs, which can be in the form of both tablets and injectable solutions. In addition, special ointments and gels for the treatment of affected areas of the skin are prescribed-such drugs relieve itching and discomfort, and also contribute to the disappearance of the rash.
Nevertheless, that the herpes on a head did not appearagain, one should adhere to preventive measures that boil down to safe sex and a healthy lifestyle. For example, with the right diet, regular physical activity, hardening, lack of stresses, the immune system is strengthened, which reduces the chances of a relapse