/ / If the lips are weather-beaten, what should I do?

If your lips are chapped, what should you do?

Beautiful lips always attract a male look tofor a woman's face, so the beautiful sex is so eager to sing it out with the help of all sorts of cosmetic means. This is lipstick, and shine, and a contour pencil. But we must not forget that the skin on the lips is very tender, so it should be carefully looked after and protected from unfavorable external factors. This is especially important in cold windy weather, when you come from the street, you gasp: my lips have become bloated, what can I do ?! To avoid this unpleasant consequence of natural factors, it is necessary to observe certain rules:

- Do not lick your lips on the street;

- in cold weather, do not use moisturizing balms and lip gloss;

- do not clean your skin very often so that it does not overdry and do not deprive natural moisture;

- Lipstick in winter should be oily and contain vitamin E;

- Try not to use a toothpaste containing a lot of fluoride at this time, as it can overdry the lips;

- Choose a lipstick with a sunscreen factor.

And if the question arose that your lips were chapped, what to do with this problem? In this case, there are some tips that will help restore your healthy lips to your lips:

- Treat the lips with a gentle scrub;

- put a little honey or any vegetable oil on them, hold for 20 minutes, then rinse or remove with milk, and apply a nourishing cream;

- In the morning, massage your lips easily with a toothbrush with soft fibers, then apply a greasy cream;

- at night make a mask of olive oil mixed with honey. They are able to perform miracles with a delicate skin of the lips.

But it happens that all measures are taken, but all the samethe lips were frayed. What to do in such an unpleasant situation? The first is to pay attention to food. Add to your diet more foods containing vitamin A. Salads from carrots and peppers of Bulgarian, liver, eggs, and dairy products, fruits and berries will help you to regulate the intake of necessary vitamins in the body. Also rub your lips with fruit and berries juice, this will give them softness and silky.

If you also include sprouted in your dietgrains, cereals (especially buckwheat and oatmeal), bread with bran, as well as tomatoes, sea buckthorn, green onions, spinach, pumpkin and apricots, then the question: the lips have become frayed, what to do - will stop bothering you. Lips - a subject of female pride, and therefore requires careful care and care, one decorative cosmetics here is indispensable. Give your sponges everything you need - and they will please you with a beautiful appearance and excellent condition.

Often women are worried about not only the condition of the lips,especially in the winter time, as well as dry windy weather. The problem: the face was worn out, what to do - no less relevant. Here it is necessary to adhere to some simple tips.

- Do not wash your face before going outside;

- apply the cream at least 1 hour before going to fresh air;

- Apply several times a week a mask of egg yolks with the addition of olive oil, honey and glycerin.

Perfectly helps from the weathering of the face applemask. It is necessary to squeeze out the juice from the apple, mix it with oatmeal and fatty cream, then apply to the face. This mask will give the necessary protection to your skin. If you follow all these tips, the skin will be flawless at any time of the year, and a well-groomed look of your face will please not only you, but others.

Also many women ask: what to do if your hands are worn out? This problem can also be easily handled, observing some precautions:

- Always wear gloves when going out, not letting your hands be supercooled and weather-beaten;

- rub a mixture of glycerine and egg white;

- use special creams, which contain vitamins E and A;

- use hand masks from olive oil and oat flakes.

All this will protect your hands, make the skin soft and supple.

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