/ / What if the eye is watering? Elimination of pathology

What should I do if my eyes water? Elimination of pathology

The eyes, as you know, are the mirror of the souleach of us. That's why they must always be clear. However, sometimes our eyes are exposed to increased lacrimation. This phenomenon is extremely unpleasant and requires expert advice. Tearing is often caused by the weakening of the muscles located on the eyelid, or by cosmetic products of poor quality. An unpleasant pathology can have other causes.

what to do if the eye is watering
Many eyes are blinded in the street.This phenomenon brings a lot of inconvenience. We tend to believe that tears are a manifestation of the emotions caused by the disorder. However, in the cold season, spasm can occur in the canals that discharge liquid from the eyes into the nasal cavity. As a result, tears roll down your cheeks. In the case when this phenomenon is observed in frosty weather, one should not expect that it will pass by itself. What to do if the eye is watering in this case? Contact a specialist. The ophthalmologist will determine the cause of the pathology and recommend the necessary course of treatment. In the event that increased tear is caused by obstruction or narrowing of the tubules located near the eye and necessary for the removal of fluid from it, the doctor conducts a procedure for sensing. The essence of this manipulation is the widening of the tear ducts. This procedure is possible only after the introduction of a special probe into the tubules.

what to do if the eye is red
The cause of tearing may appear and increasesensitivity of the eye cornea to the effects of wind, light and frost. As a rule, this is an innate pathology. What to do if the eye is watered in this case? Before going out, in such a situation it is advisable to put on glasses protecting from sunlight. It is also necessary to drip in the nasal sinuses a drug that contributes to the narrowing of the vessels. Suitable drugs such as "Xylin," "Nazivin." These kinds of medications will provide free breathing.

Increased tearing in people oldergeneration can have purely age-related causes. This is due to the weakening of the muscles of the lacrimal sac and eyelids. Already unable to withstand various kinds of loads, they allow the eyes to cry without reason. What if the eye gets wet in this case? To ease the situation will help only a variety of exercises. The simplest of them is a strong closing of the eyelids in the morning and evening hours by five to ten times.

A network of pharmacies sells a lot of drugs,contributing to the elimination of lacrimation. However, they should not get carried away. Frequent use of these drugs reduces vision and negatively affects the eye mucosa. A preventive measure to prevent tearing is the intake of vitamins A, B2 and potassium. Symptoms of shortage in the body of these elements are the following: rapid fatigue and negative perception of bright light, drowsiness and cold extremities, as well as leg cramps during night hours and "arrivals" in the corners of the mouth.

Causes of the appearance of the pathology of redundantLacrimation can also come from external factors. These include: dry indoor air and poor-quality cosmetics, as well as the use of contact lenses. What if the eye is watered for these reasons? Humidify the air in an apartment or office, pick up quality cosmetics and suitable contact lenses.

the eyes are watering in the street
Often patients complain of inflammation of the eyelids.This pathology is often caused by conjunctivitis. What if I blushed my eye for this reason? You should immediately seek advice from a specialist. After a thorough examination, the ophthalmologist will prescribe the necessary course of treatment. If the eyes are red with fatigue, then make them a lotion of mint, dill and chamomile, or from tea bags (black or green).

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