/ / Useful than birch sap

Than useful birch sap

"I drank birch sap in the spring forest ..."- these words are caused by nostalgic feelings for most of us, but in addition to being a personification of the homeland for many, than remarkable, what is useful for birch sap? It is a rich source of vitamins and trace elements, sugar. , in the period when the sap moves in the trunks of trees and before the leaves blossom, it is preferable to do it on the places warmed by the sun, since the process of juice movement starts there earlier.Collect the juice from trees with a diameter of not less than 10-20 centimeters. The best time for collection is from 10 am to 6 pm The tree's roots do not lie close to the surface, but go deep and therefore do not absorb toxic substances from the surface layer of the soil.The birch per day can give about 2 liters of juice, if you take it back more, the tree can dry out.After collecting the prescribed norm, the holes should be covered with moss, a cork or wax., Later the amount of juice decreases sharply, and it has a bitter aftertaste.

Birch juice is not stored for a long time, so it is advisable to drink it fresh, but it is also canned, like all other juices. In 100 grams of this healthy drink contains 20 kilocalories.

Useful properties of birch sap are due topresence in it of such trace elements as potassium, sodium, copper, manganese, aluminum, iron, magnesium, calcium. It also contains malic acid, polysaccharides, essential oils, fructose, sucrose, organic acids, B vitamins.

What is useful for birch sap?And what can perfectly absorb the body and has remarkable properties - diuretic, anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic and regenerating. During menopause, the juice helps to relieve fatigue, drowsiness, irritability, and other unpleasant phenomena. Birch juice is especially useful to rinse hair from dandruff, it also gives them shine and softness. The same qualities and has a decoction of birch leaves. If you have a chronic cold, then it is advisable to drink one glass of juice every morning, and for a cold and cough it is better to warm it up, add milk and a small amount of starch.

Birch sap, the properties of which are foundapplication not only in folk medicine and cosmetic products, has long been known in Russia. Contraindications to its reception practically does not exist. But people with an allergic reaction to birch pollen can not drink it.

From birch sap, many useful drinks are prepared, such as kvass, syrup, vinegar. And this is not all that birch sap is useful for.

Kvass is prepared in this way.The juice is heated to 35-36 degrees, then add yeast, honey or sugar, raisins and lemon zest. After the dishes are closed and allowed to wander for 1-2 weeks. Then the drink is poured into bottles and put in a cold place for storage. To make birch syrup, add sugar to the juice and boil to the state of thick sour cream.

Birch juice is suitable for making vinegar.The process is very simple: juice is poured into a keg, add vodka, honey and put in a warm place for two months. Ready to vinegar should be stored in a cool place.

To answer the question, what is useful birchjuice, it is worth remembering that he has the property to restore kidney tissue, helps the process of scarring of stomach and bowel ulcers. Its use is proven in the treatment of obesity, as well as pneumonia and tuberculosis.

With diseases of the stomach and intestines, you canto prepare a birch-oat drink. For this purpose, one glass of washed whole oat is poured with 1.5 liters of birch juice and insists in the refrigerator overnight. Then cook until the volume is reduced by half. The broth is filtered and taken three times a day for 150 milliliters per month.

Birch sap is a gift of nature, and it is necessary to treat it carefully so as not to lose it. Otherwise it will turn out like in the saying: "What we have, we do not store, we lose our weeping".

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