/ / Rose (Arboretum. Rosaceae): description, features and reviews

Rose (raz. Sem. Rosaceae): description, features and reviews

Rose - a symbol of excellence,

Wisdom and purity.

Recognized her primacy

Amid the floral diversity.

Розы славятся своей неповторимой прелестью и are the favorites of many flower growers. The definition of the concept of "rose - plant. Rosommesh family" means that this plant belongs to this family. Many shrubs, grasses and trees belong to the genus Rosaceae. The brightest representative is rosehip. The leaves, fruits and flowers of these plants have a peculiar structure. The rose is a beautiful flowering shrub adapted to almost any climatic conditions. The magnificence and prettiness of this regal flower compensates for all the worries and labors invested in its cultivation.

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Age of beautiful shrubs

Many wonder what the concept"A rose is a rose. Seed flowers." What does it mean? And it means that the garden roses are derived from wild rosehip species, of which about 400 species are known. They are the backbone of the Rosaceae family. That's what it means to "rose - razor. Rosmot family." Today, garden, park, hybrid tea, French roses are the backbone of the Rosaceae family.

Archaeologists have determined that this queen of flowersappeared on Earth more than 25 million years ago. Cultural varieties of the southern beauty of more than 5000 years. Gorgeous grandessa has a respectable age, but is very popular. Even the ancient Greeks were able to distinguish between wild roses from garden roses, they learned to propagate them, to plant, to care for them.

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Love symbol

Rose is called the queen of the garden and the sign of love. People admire her tenderness and grace, and poets are inspired to write beautiful poems.

A flower, beautiful as life,

Bloomed today at dawn

He was gentle like an angel.

No one knew his prohibition.

Многим влюблённым известно, как на заре пахнут roses These flowers give rise to dreams, excite the soul, bring confusion in the heart. There is no more romantic gift for a sweetheart than a bouquet of scarlet roses. In this case, it has the meaning of love confession.

Charm, delicacy, charm - everything in this regal flower! It's nice to sit near the city fountain on hot July days and admire the delicate rose petals.

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Legends and tales of the queen of flowers

Many people know a poem about how a nightingalefell in love with a rose. The proud young lady did not notice his loyal feelings, and he continued to give her his reverent unrequited love. Until the end of his days, he remained faithful to his aged lover, whose petals almost flew around. This legend proves that love is always stronger than death.

There is a tale about one mighty padishahhaving a daughter - a beautiful princess. Beautiful roses grew around the palace of the Eastern King. It was their beauty that he compared with the beauty of his daughter. Not for nothing in many countries, the common female name is the name Rosa.

No other flower is endowed with such symbolism and meaning as this queen of nature. She is the embodiment of greatness and perfection. Many nations of the world praise and love this flower.

how to understand rose rose this Rosaceae

Features of garden roses

Now it is clear how to understand: "The rose is old. This family.Rosaceae ". And what else is worth knowing about these flowers? Once upon a time they were grown in the gardens of monasteries. They became a decoration of the house, garden, symbolizing luxury and harmony.

Roses are not only magnificent appearance, butand good endurance. It is easy to care for shrubs, but their formation and pruning require some knowledge. It is important to consider which companion plants can be combined with roses. Delicate aroma and unusual colors make them the most charming and valuable flowers in the flowerbed. The best varieties of roses can transform every corner of the garden.

Types and varieties of modern roses and reviews about them

There are wild, old and newvarieties of roses. Wild shrubs bloom very much, but once. Modern varieties have the ability to please their admirers a whole season or 2-3 times for the summer.

Today, there are many plantations and specialized nurseries for growing garden and park roses. Gardeners bred unpretentious and frost-resistant varieties.

Many prefer to decorate their yard with climbing roses, known as ramblers and claimings. For them, make the original support or form in cascades. Feedback about them is only positive.

A very popular type of landscaping is landing.hybrid tea roses. They are distinguished by noble large flowers. The most famous and popular among them are the following varieties: Alex Red, Alexander, American Pride, Golden Masterpis, Double Delight, Lucky Pease, Landora, etc.

Many have heard about the magnificence of David Austin's roses. They belong to the English group and are distinguished by their pomp and abundance of petals. The tenderness of the shades of these flowers is simply fascinating.

definition of the concept of rose ger this Rosaceae

Splendor shades

There are no people who do not like roses.Everyone has their own favorite shade of these royal colors. White beauty amazes with its purity. They are the embodiment of light, goodness and innocence.

With the help of roses, a person can express joy andgrief, pay homage and respect. Lilac and blue buds have become novelties in selection. Special companies are already growing unusual sky-blue varieties.

Purple and lilac roses are no longer a novelty.The symbol of lovers are red beauties. The person who gives them expresses his affection, appreciation and love. The red rose expresses passion and frantic desires, harmonious love and unity of souls.

With the help of yellow buds, you can express concern. Sometimes they are given as a sign of reconciliation. They symbolize friendship, recognition, admiration and admiration.

Pink looks very elegant and elegantroses Most often they are given to young girls. They are presented as a hint at the beginning of a relationship. In addition to the above shades, enjoy the look of orange, peach, green and even black buds.

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The value and use of the southern beauty

Modern phytocosmetics can not do withoutrose oil, which is made from some varieties of roses. Shrubs growing close to the French town of Grasse, as well as on plantations in Bulgarian settlements, are especially valued. Rose oil equals the value of gold. For the manufacture of one kilogram of this wonderful oil requires half a ton of rose petals. The aroma of this flower is present in many branded perfumes.

Кулинары также не обходятся без лепестков этого plants. They are often used as a flavoring. Some varieties are grown specifically for adding to tea, others make a delicious jam, reminiscent of honey. Great drinks, fragrant liqueurs, wines - all complement the fragrant rose petals. Candied buds adorn cakes and desserts.

Rose bushes are planting parks, squares, gardens, facades of houses and manors. They decorate arches, arbors, vases, lawns, not to mention flower beds and flower beds.

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