/ How much does the battery weigh? Weight of one section

How much does the battery weighs? Weight of one section

Cast-iron batteries have been around for more than a century.And today this type of heating radiators continues to heat human dwellings, not inferior to more modern compact convectors and aluminum analogues.

Advantages of cast iron

Cast iron has a lot of undeniable advantages.It is durable, resistant to corrosion, has a high thermal efficiency. Released cast-iron batteries in retro style amaze with their beauty. Yes, and modern conventional cast-iron batteries look very attractive, favorably differing in spectacular design.

how much does the cast iron battery weigh?

The cast-iron batteries have one drawback - their weight.How much does the cast-iron battery weigh, one can understand, taking into account that the weight of the section alone ranges from 7 to 7.5 kg. Among modern developments there are also more light modifications. They have a weight of 5.7 kg.

Features of installation of cast-iron batteries

Since the installation is done on the walls andpartitions, and they are often made of a fragile material, it is important to know exactly how much one section of the cast-iron battery weighs. This is necessary in order to calculate the weight of the total load. If it turns out that the design load is higher than the standard, then such an installation will have to be abandoned completely, or you need to make special fasteners so that the battery does not break the wall, or install a heating battery on the floor.

how much does the cast-iron battery weigh

Usually the standard cast iron batteries consist ofseveral sections - sectional elements. As a rule, their number varies from 4 to 10. But sometimes there are also batteries with 20 or more sections. But to use such bulky radiators is inconvenient, so in practice, usually install a few batteries, 5-7 sections in each. Usually the dimensions of the modern section of the cast-iron battery are 140 x 500 mm. Calculate the weight of the entire battery is easy, knowing the exact weight of one section.

For example, you need to determine how much it weighsbattery. The cast iron section weighs 7.5 kg. Consequently, a set of seven sections will weigh 49-52.5 kg. The same battery, but already out of ten sections, will weigh about 75 kg. It should also be taken into account that this is the weight of the battery without taking into account the weight of the coolant.

The average volume of one section of the cast iron batteryis about 1.5 liters of fluid. There are also more economical models, with a volume of 1 liter. When deciding how much an old cast-iron battery weighs, it is necessary to know that in old samples of cast-iron batteries, the volume of liquid reached 1.7 liters per section. Therefore, after starting the system, the weight of the instruments increases.

Technical characteristics of batteries made of cast iron

To correctly determine the required quantitysections in the heat source, it is important to take into account other characteristics of cast-iron batteries. The main indicator of the efficiency of the radiator is the power. If you know exactly the power of one radiator, then it is not difficult to determine the total amount that is required to provide housing with heat.

If the correct amount is not calculated correctlyradiators in the room will appear excessive dryness of the air, and this is no less unpleasant than the lack of heat. Radiators will heat up the settled dust, because of the need for frequent airing, drafts will increase.

how much does the cast-iron battery 1 section

Nominal heat output per sectioncast iron radiator ordinary modification is 160 watts. When calculating the size of each radiator to be installed, you first need to know how much the cast-iron battery weighs. 1 section is taken as standard. Then you need to determine what is the amount of heat flow in the heated housing. This characteristic in many respects depends on what material the walls are made of, what is the thermal insulation of the house, how professionally the windows in the building are installed.

Thus, in panel houses, the heat flux is about 0.041 kW / m3. In brick buildings, this figure is already 0.034 kW / m3. And with a quality heat insulation - 0.02 kW / m3. In the last example, it does not matter what the walls are made of.

Calculation of the required number of sections in batteries

After determining how much the battery weighscast iron, it is necessary to calculate the required number of links in the radiator or the number of devices that need to be installed in a separate room. The figure that denotes the room volume is multiplied by the heat flow of the room, the resulting figure is divided into the heat flux of one section. Its value is 0.160 kW.

The figure obtained as a result of calculationsround to the whole - this will be the number of required sections. It is not necessary to connect all the sections to one radiator. It is better to distribute them in several devices, setting one under each window opening. Let us calculate in this way how much the battery weighs. Cast iron weighs much more, we have already found out. It remains to determine the place to install the radiator.

how much does one section of the cast iron battery weigh?

The size of the window opening also affects the selectablenumber of sections in the installed radiator. To use the entire capacity of the heater, its length should be wider than the window by at least 70-75%. In this case, the radiator itself should be located at a distance of 8 to 12 cm from the sill.

Dimensions of the cast iron radiator

Paying tribute to tradition, radiators releasegenerally accepted sizes, thus ensuring efficient operation and safety of heating. The width of one section is, as a rule, from 30 to 60 centimeters. This is due to the fact that competing manufacturers are striving to produce as unique as possible products. In addition, different models can also have different overall dimensions. Typical products usually have depths of 92, 99 and 110 mm.

In today's market, you can meet manydesign modifications. The height of the cast-iron batteries is always greater than the interaxial distance and can always be increased if the device is to be installed on the floor. The area of ​​one section of the cast-iron battery is about 0.25 square meters. m.

Service life of cast-iron radiators

Cast iron radiators have been used for decades, oftenwithout repair. Therefore, installing such heaters, you can in the next 20-25 years not to think about replacing the batteries. Pressure, which is considered working for cast-iron batteries, is 9 atmospheres, this makes it possible to install them in both autonomous and central heating systems.

how much does an old cast-iron battery weigh?

In houses of pre-revolutionary construction such batteries regularly serve to this day. But they were cast more than 100 years ago.

Among other things, cast-iron batteries calmly transfer the summer draining of the coolant and do not lose their properties until the next heating season.

Knowing the technical specifications and how muchweighs the battery is cast-iron, for reasons of practicality it is better to entrust calculation and installation to specialists than to try to do it yourself. Then do not have to get upset because of theerrors.

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