/ / Sex reassignment surgery: from a psychiatrist to a surgeon

Sex Reassignment Surgery: From Psychiatrist to Surgeon

Let it seem unnatural to manywrong, but there are people for whom this is the only way to normal life. Their own body for them is a mistake of nature, they feel uncomfortable in it, alien. They may obey the “rules of the game” imposed on them, but in reality they will only portray that person who is seen by others. And in the soul they will always be their own opposite, at least - by gender. These people are transsexuals, and the fact that they feel themselves to be of the opposite sex is not a whim or perversion. The nature, really, can be mistaken, the blessing, the medicine has learned to correct these errors in many respects. Gender reversal is just such a correction of natural creation.

Actually, transsexualism is the only thingindications for such a surgical intervention. This condition is innate, as opposed to various sexual deviations, such as transvestism, homosexuality and so on. Just transvestites and homosexuals are often denied to clinics, as they do not insist that they need a sex change operation. And in order to distinguish real transsexuals from them, at the first stage, when applying to doctors, a psychiatric examination is carried out. This is a serious and slow examination, in the course of which the patient’s psychological stability is also determined along the way, for he is facing a complete life transformation.

The next stage can be called "fitting" -a person is invited to live the life of a person of the opposite sex, and not a day or two, but at least a year. At this time, he can still give up his intentions, because then there will be no way back.

Then hormonal preparation follows.By the way, a person will have to take hormonal drugs throughout his life. Hormones begin to change their appearance: in women, body hair increases, the voice grows coarse, menstruation stops, and men acquire some female figure shapes.

Only after all these preliminary stages should the actual sex change operation take place.

Превращение мужчины в женщину на хирургическом the table begins with orchectomy - this term is called the removal of the testicles. Testosterone production by the body is stopped and the consumption of female hormones can be reduced. The next stage - vaginoplasty - as the name suggests, is the formation of the female sexual organ. Usually, penile tissue is used for this. When the sex change operation is performed using modern technology, it is even possible to preserve the sensitivity of the organs - the “newborn” woman will be able to experience an orgasm. The final touch is the implantation of breast prostheses.

Slightly more complicated sex change surgeryheld in the opposite case - when a woman is made of a man. First, the mammary glands are removed (this is called a mastectomy), but in such a way as to preserve the nipples and locate them in natural places on the body. Then the formation of the penis takes place, for which the patient's own tissues are also used. Inside the penis, the urethra is placed, and from the labia, a scrotum is made into which testicular prostheses are implanted. The final stage - the removal of the uterus with appendages.

When the sex change operation is over, the result does not look aesthetic yet, so the patient will need one or more cosmetic surgeries later, but the most difficult is over.

However, the most difficult - only from the medical pointview. A man has a long process of getting used to his new body, and everyone experiences it in his own way. But, as practice shows, after a professionally performed operation, none of the patients regrets their earlier decision.

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