/ / 122 medsanchast, St. Petersburg: doctors, address, reviews

122 medsanchast, St. Petersburg: doctors, address, reviews

Medical Unit No. 122 in St. Petersburg is one of thethe oldest and most respected medical institutions of the city. This multidisciplinary clinic specializes in providing medical services to all categories of citizens. In it, each patient receives quality treatment and proper care. This well-known institution will be discussed in this article.

122 medsanchast saint petersburg

general characteristics

122 медсанчасть (Санкт-Петербург)— уникальное a medical institution that includes a hospital, a polyclinic and more than twenty medical centers. The full name of this institution these days is Clinical Hospital No. 122 named after. LG Sokolova FMBA of Russia. However, in the people it is still called the central medical unit.

Since 1983, it turns outhighly qualified medical care for a large number of medical areas. At the same time, the clinic carefully preserves the traditions of Russian medicine, along with the constant development of new medical technologies. 122 medsanchast (St. Petersburg) is headed by the chief otorhinolaryngologist of FMBA, doctor of medical sciences, professor Nakatis Yakov Alexandrovich.


Every day the Clinical Hospital № 122 named. L.G.Sokolov is visited by more than a thousand people. At the same time, more than 44,000 employees of affiliated enterprises are serviced on a permanent basis in the central polyclinic. Annually, 80,000 patients are provided with diagnostic, diagnostic and medical assistance.

Many people turn to this clinic for an independentqualified survey. For example, in one of its buildings (St. Petersburg, 122 medsanchast, Lunacharskogo, 49), you can get a detailed opinion of the orthopedist and other narrow specialists about the state of their health.

In addition, the institution described by us is activecooperates with insurance companies. More than 50 leading insurance funds in Russia and St. Petersburg provide their services in this institution. Every day more than three hundred and fifty patients are served in it within the framework of VHI.

polyclinic 122 medsanchast saint petersburg

In the number of enterprises, whose collective is constantlyapplies for medical assistance in the Design Bureau No. 122, includes well-known research, production, scientific centers, educational institutions and many other organizations.


The medical center described by us is equipped withthe newest hi-tech equipment. Some types of medical and diagnostic equipment are available only in this clinic. For example, for ultrasound, premium technology is used here. It allows not only to conduct standard ultrasound diagnostics, but also to carry out new promising developments: to conduct research of the eyeball, joints, soft tissues, etc. In addition, with this unique equipment, it is possible to perform a sigmoidoscopy - a sonographic examination, with which it is possible to recognize at an early stage the cancer of the rectum.


122 medsanchast (St. Petersburg) hashighly qualified and experienced staff. It employs several dozen doctors of science and about a hundred candidates. In addition, the clinic employs about three hundred specialists of the first and highest category and a highly professional average medical staff.

Based on the central polyclinic of thispatients can be advised by the well-deserved doctors of the Russian Federation, leading specialists, candidates and doctors of medical sciences, associate professors and professors of various departments of city medical universities and some research institutes.

Polyclinic No. 122 (medical unit, St. Petersburg)gives the chance to the patients to pass inspection at the present stars of a medical science. In its spacious and bright offices you are waiting for seventy-five experienced doctors with many years of medical practice and eighty highly qualified nurses. They are taking care of various medical branches:

  • obstetrics and gynecology,
  • allergology and immunology,
  • andrology,
  • gastroenterology,
  • dermatovenereology,
  • surgery,
  • cardiology,
  • neurology,
  • oncology,
  • otorhinolaryngology,
  • ophthalmology,
  • occupational pathology,
  • pulmonology,
  • rheumatology,
  • traumatology and orthopedics,
  • urology,
  • surgery,
  • endocrinology,
  • pediatrics, etc.
    122 medsanchast saint petersburg paid services


122 medsanchast (St. Petersburg) offers to allpatients undergo a comprehensive diagnostic examination and receive in a short time a full picture of their health. For this, the clinic has everything you need: beautiful doctors, spacious and bright rooms, good equipment. The patient can undergo all the examinations in one day. This is possible because the polyclinic № 122 (medsanchast, St. Petersburg) has an excellent diagnostic base. Here you can make a checkup in the clinical diagnostic laboratory; visit the department of radiation diagnostics; undergo ultrasound, functional, radioisotope, X-ray examination; to undergo endoscopy, computer and magnetic resonance imaging, etc. After discovering the incipient pathology at an early stage, you can get rid of it without much expense for your own strength and health.

122 medsanchast saint peterburg reviews


A variety of activities thatengaged in 122 medsanchast (St. Petersburg). Doctors of this clinic work in different fields of medicine. With it, there are several specialized medical centers:

  • atherosclerosis and disorders in the metabolism of lipids;
  • osteoporosis (densitometry office);
  • health;
  • psychosomatic medicine;
  • mammology;
  • outpatient surgery;
  • somnology and respiratory therapy;
  • vascular surgery;
  • thoracic surgery;
  • surgical treatment of the liver;
  • geriatrics;
  • treatment of liver pathologies;
  • assisted reproductive technologies;
  • surgery of the endocrine system;
  • cosmetology room;
  • auditory rehabilitation "I hear the world!";
  • traumatological service;
  • high technologies in SPL;
  • surgical treatment of obesity;
  • soft tissue surgery;
  • plastic surgery;
  • proctology;
  • maxillofacial surgery;
  • halotherapy;
  • surdology;
  • occupational pathology;
  • phoniatrics;
  • laser technologies.

The abovementioned medical centers enjoy a stable popularity among the population. We will describe some of them in more detail.

Outpatient Surgery Center

The main activity of this centeris considered aesthetic phlebology. This is the newest method of minimally invasive treatment of varicose veins. Endovascular and endoscopic methods of treatment are widely used here.

In the center of outpatient surgery are heldexamination and consultation of patients, surgical and conservative treatment of surgical pathologies. Using the advanced diagnostic base of the clinic makes it possible to qualitatively examine the patient in just one day. Most of the operations in the center are performed on an outpatient basis, on the day the patient calls for help. The postoperative period the patient spends in the day hospital of the hospital. If necessary, it can be placed for some time in the comfortable chambers of the center of outpatient surgery or hospital KB № 122.

122 Medical Unit St. Petersburg Address

Лучшими специалистами располагает 122 медсанчасть (St. Petersburg). Phlebologists are no exception. All stages of treatment - pre-operative, surgical, rehabilitation - they are performed at a very high quality level. To perform operations, they use all types of anesthetic modern manual, based on individual indications and the wishes of the patient.

ECO Center

In KB № 122 in St. Petersburg successfully struggle withinfertility For this, it uses the most advanced methods. Assisted reproduction suggests that the stages of conception and subsequent development of the egg are performed outside the body. The goal of treatment in this case is the successful introduction of a fertilized egg into the female reproductive system and the subsequent onset of pregnancy.

In the center of ART is held:

• Reception and examination by highly qualified obstetricians-gynecologists, reproduction specialists, embryologists.

• Therapy with assisted reproductive technologies, such as IVF-ICSI (the production of sperm into the egg) and in vitro fertilization (IVF).

• Practice of surrogacy, donor programs, artificial insemination.

Before the IVF procedure is carried out very thorough.training. Both partners undergo a comprehensive examination to identify the causes of infertility, and then the choice of the optimal method to facilitate pregnancy. This task is effectively handled by 122 medical unit (St. Petersburg, department of ART). Reviews of numerous patients indicate that they managed to conceive and produce healthy and strong babies. They recommend that all women suffering from infertility seek medical help in KB No. 122.

Osteoporosis Center

Center for metabolic skeletal diseases andOsteoporosis opened in KB No. 122 in 2002. It deals with the treatment of bone pathologies: osteoporosis and its secondary forms, renal osteodystrophy, deforming osteitis (Paget's disease), etc. Success in healing these diseases is directly related to their early diagnosis. Therefore, the most progressive of them - densitometry - is performed in the center described by us. It is produced on the modern X-ray two-energy apparatus of the Hologic Discovery W company and allows to identify not only the first signs of osteoporosis, but also to assess body composition, the structure of the hip joints, and to effectively monitor the treatment of the disease. Every person should undergo densitometry at least once every two years, then he will be able to prevent the onset of a terrible disease in time.

St. Petersburg 122 medical unit Lunacharsky


Many are wondering where the 122 medical unit is located(St. Petersburg). The address of this institution is easy to remember: 194291, St. Petersburg, Kultury Avenue, Building 4. You can reach it in different ways:

  1. Get off at the Ozerki metro station, take tram number 9 or number 20, as well as route taxi number 58 or number 70 and get off at the stop Rudneva Street or Prospect Kultury.
  2. Get off at the Polytechnicheskaya metro station, transfer to the tram number 55 or number 61, trolleybus number 4 or number 21 and get off at the stop Lunacharsky Avenue.
  3. Get to the metro station "Akademicheskaya", go up to the surface, take bus number 178 or tram number 9 and get to the stop "Lunacharsky Avenue".
  4. From the metro station "Prospect Prosveshcheniya" you can reach the clinic by fixed-route taxis under number 214, 72, 188, 178 or 283.

Located in the heart of the city 122 medical unit (St. Petersburg). How to get to her? If you still have questions, you can see the map, published below.

 122 medical unit Saint Petersburg how to get

Paid services

Старается сделать эффективную медицинскую помощь 122 medical and sanitary unit (St. Petersburg) accessible and not burdensome for the population. Paid services in it are provided at the lowest prices. In addition, there is a flexible system of discounts and benefits for various categories of citizens. Thus, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, disabled children, students and pensioners are served at a reduced price in KB No. 122. All patients are offered discounts on laboratory tests, medical book design, issuing 086U certificates, physiotherapy procedures, etc. All the activities of the clinic are aimed at ensuring that visitors receive high-quality and affordable services.


Reviews about the medical unit number 122 in St. Petersburgindicate a remarkable organization of work in it. Thanks to the well-coordinated work of the clinic team, a comprehensive and individual approach is found to solve every medical problem. The combination of traditional methods with the latest achievements of medical science allows KB No. 122 specialists to offer the best course of treatment to any visitor.

Many patients are not only obliged to theirhealth, but also the life of the clinic specialists. The unique diagnostic methods carried out in it make it possible to recognize any pathology at the very early stage of development and effectively prevent its further development.

It is also famous for its quality service.122 medical unit (St. Petersburg). Visitors' comments show that it has exceptionally polite and helpful medical staff, ready to come to the rescue at any time and advise on any matter.

In this clinic, in the shortest possible time you will gain lost health and great well-being!

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