/ / Harm and benefit of sorrel for the body. Horse sorrel: benefit, harm, contraindications for use

Harm and benefit of sorrel for the body. Horse sorrel: benefit, harm, contraindications for use

Польза щавеля известна славянским народам давно:Who does not like the famous soup seasoned with sour cream? Everyone knows that sorrel is useful, but not everyone will answer what organs it has beneficial effects. When did this plant appear in gourmet dishes and why should it be eaten by all means?

History of the plant

benefit of sorrel
Польза щавеля для организма впервые стала obvious to the French. On the tables of noble bourgeois and even kings, this plant began to appear from the 12th century. Eastern Slavs, on the contrary, for a long time considered this herb unsuitable for food and weeded like a weed.

It is noteworthy that this "weed" is reallyIt has high resistance: it grows almost all over the world. Of the 200 species in food, in fact, you can eat only two - horse and sour sorrel.

Culinary specialists quickly adapted and invented not only oxalic soup, but also all sorts of recipes for salads, pancakes, and also learned how to make a stuffing for pies from the plant.

Do not stay away and the master of folk medicine.After long experiments and observations, they established that this plant helps fight many diseases. Among the people immediately began to spread home-based recipes based on sorrel, which are used for various ailments. Why is sorrel considered such a useful product?


horse sorrel
The use of sorrel for the body is beyond doubt.First of all, it is a dietary product. It is great for maintaining a protein diet, because in this "weed" really protein is more than carbohydrates or fats.

The benefit of sorrel is due to its rich vitamin composition, which includes:

  • provitamin A;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamins of group B;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin PP.

This vitamin cocktail is also supplemented by suchuseful minerals like potassium and magnesium. Sorrel leaves contain calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium. And of course, one can not but mention a number of organic acids: coffee, oxalic, citric and malic. This plant is rich in flavonoids as well as tannins.

All this long list of useful components, of which the oxalic leaves consist, determines many useful properties that they possess.

What diseases treats?

sorrel benefit and harm contraindications
Horse sorrel, whose benefits and harms are the subject of discussion not only of traditional healers, but also of physicians, is readily used in everyday life as a means of dealing with many problems:

  1. Cholecystitis, abnormal liver function. Oxalic leaves, rich in chrysophanic acid, stimulate the liver, as well as the process of production of bile.
  2. Intestinal dysfunction. All the same chrysophanic acid can effectively relieve constipation. But tannins plants save in some cases from diarrhea.
  3. Bleeding. Sorrel leaves do an excellent job with stopping bleeding. They can be applied on the outside of the wound, and when internal bleeding is better to take inside as decoctions.
  4. Boils, dermatitis. The unique sap of the plant is suitable for treating the skin: it accelerates the healing of ulcers and the resorption of boils. Will help the sorrel juice and dermatitis.
  5. Menstrual and menopausal syndromes.The Persian scientist Avicenna suggested using oxalic broths a few days before the onset of menses to reduce their pain and profusion. Such decoctions are also suitable for the treatment of menopausal syndrome, reducing nervousness and eliminating many unpleasant symptoms of menopause.

Folk recipes

use of horse sorrel
As a choleretic agent, as well as a remedy forConstipation is good sorrel juice, which is necessary to drink 3 times a day for a tablespoon. Also, to normalize the chair, you can use a decoction of the rhizomes of the plant. The broth is prepared according to the standard recipe: a tablespoon of chopped herbs should be poured with hot water (250 ml) and boiled for half an hour; then insist, strain and drink a quarter glass 3 times a day.

The benefits of sorrel in menopausal and menstrual syndrome becomes evident if drinking oxalic broth in higher doses - 100 ml for half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Few people know, but with rhinitis and sinusitis, oxalic juice is also effective. A few drops in each nostril can be dripped and a decoction of sorrel root.

From rheumatism save oxalic alcohol tincture.For its preparation is enough 20 g of the oxalic rhizome pour 10-15 ml of vodka. 10 days, you need to insist the mixture in a dark and warm place, and then strain and take 20 drops several times a day a few minutes before meals.

Sorrel - blood-purifying plant

sorrel benefits and contraindications
Польза конского щавеля кроется еще в его the ability to purify the blood. This property of the plant will have the way for any disease, starting with allergies and ending with dysentery. Purified and enriched with blood vitamins will speed up the process of recovery from any disease.

A decoction for cleaning the blood is preparing enoughsimple: just 1 tablespoon of crushed plants pour 2 cups of hot water, and then simmer for 10 minutes. The broth is infused for an hour, while the vessel in which it will stand, should be covered with a towel. Before use, you need to filter the infusion.

It is necessary to drink sorrel decoction 15 minutes before meals, preferably 4 times a day, in a quarter cup.

Sorrel: the benefits and harm. Contraindications

use of sorrel for the body
To use every, even the most useful product, there are always contraindications. So is sorrel: the benefits and harm, there are also contraindications for this plant.

In the spring, when only the first appear on the bedsleaves, the level of oxalic acid in them is low. Therefore, the plant is not dangerous for the kidneys. But the older the leaves, the more oxalic acid in them. Getting in large quantities in the human body, it enters into a chemical reaction with calcium and is deposited in the kidneys in the form of stones and sand.

Также высокое содержание кислот в этом растении makes sorrel exclude from the diet of all those people who are sick with gastritis, ulcers or suffer from increased acidity of the stomach. It is not recommended for pregnant women to eat.

Nutritionists tend to assume that oxalic acid, subjected to heat treatment, is difficult to process by the body. Therefore, sorrel healthier still fresh.

Interesting Facts

Horse sorrel, whose benefits and harms are discussed by nutritionists, has been eaten since ancient times not only by the French. Greeks, Dutch, Germans, Bulgarians, too, are addicted to the plant with sour.

На Руси растение начали добавлять в блюда только in the 16th century. Moreover, people did not call him a sorrel: following the example of their ancestors, the Eastern Slavs continued to refer to the plant as “wild beet” or “meadow apple” in their speech.

Due to the fact that its leaves resemble a spear, in Latin the plant is called Rumex.

Sorrel, benefits and contraindicationswhich has not yet been fully studied, it still remains a regular at our dinner table. It should be consumed in any case, but preferably fresh, while respecting the norm.

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