/ / What the rash on the skin tells the child

What the rash on the skin tells the child

There are many diseases, one of the firstsigns of which is a rash. It should be remembered that the types of rashes on the skin with different diseases are different. And you can assume the reason immediately. However, the final diagnosis is always made only by a doctor. Let's name a few diseases, for which a rash is characteristic. They are found most often, so they can be considered basic.

Scarlet fever

This is the most common disease in childreninfectious. Infection, as a rule, occurs by airborne droplets. The child gets infected through things that he takes in his mouth: those can be toys, spoons, cups and the like, at first glance, small things. The typical age at which you can get scarlet fever is 2-6 years. The onset of the disease is particularly acute. The temperature rises, general weakness, red rashes on the skin, difficulty in swallowing. The rash first appears on the neck, then on the upper part of the trunk, then reaches the face and limbs. It is usually spot, the center of the pimple is colored brighter, and when pressed, a white spot forms on the skin. Most often the patient has a scarlet fever isolated white nasolabial triangle, which can not be overlooked against the background of red cheeks and forehead. With such symptoms, you need immediate medical attention, and at home you should give your child more fluids.

skin rash

Prickly heat

Rashes on the skin of a child can beElementary sweating, which outwardly resembles a lightweight form of scarlet fever at the beginning of its development. But with this disease the rash spreads on the body in those places where sweating is most active.

Prevention of sweating can serve as an air bath. The child should not be wrapped up to avoid overheating. Neck and wrinkles should be treated with baby oil.


The child is infected by airborne droplets.The causative agent of the disease is able to move for long distances, therefore, those who visit the patient should always be on their guard. It all starts with fever, a cold, coughing and sneezing. Also, have photophobia and lacrimation. When measles rashes cover the ears, face, upper chest and neck. The nasolabial triangle is also prone to rash. On the second day the rash is already observed on the entire body, and on the third it is covered with limbs. Initially, the rash on the skin of the child is represented by a pink tubercle with a red border. Gradually, all the tubercles merge into one large spot.

types of rashes on the skin


It, in addition to the rash, can be characterized by the presencesuch symptoms as pain and swelling in the lymph nodes. Within a few hours, a rash with rubella can spread throughout the body, especially quickly - on the buttocks and back. The spots differ in that they are large and sometimes reach the same size as the lenticular grain. The rash on the skin of a child is accompanied by an increase in temperature, but the state of health does not practically change. In the treatment of rubella is not necessary. It is dangerous only for pregnant women.

red rashes on the skin


It has an airborne pathway of infection,a rapid rise in temperature, severe headache and sometimes vomiting. Then there is a rash that looks like a smallpox, which spreads throughout the body, including the mucous membranes of the mouth, eyelids and genitals. The rash on the skin of a child has the appearance of a tubercle of pale red color, which soon become bubbles. The size of the bubbles can be different: from the point to the pea. If you pierce the bubble, liquid will flow out. In the treatment of chickenpox it is important to maintain the purity of the skin, to treat pimples zelenok or Fukortzin. In addition, remember: the stronger the immunity of the child, the easier it will be for him to have chickenpox.

However, the course of any infectious diseaseit will be easier with good immunity. The risk of complications also decreases. Therefore, always strive to maintain the natural protection in the body of your baby: both before the illness, and during and after. And be healthy.

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