/ / Disease of the rectum - hemorrhoids, symptoms of its occurrence

Disease of the rectum - hemorrhoids, symptoms of its occurrence

Such a disease, as hemorrhoids, is widespreadcommon and occurs in 70% of people, most often in the male at the age of 30 years and female during pregnancy. In any case, a large number of people have this disease as their age increases. So, hemorrhoids symptoms manifests as the hemorrhoids increase, located in the rectum of a person. Considering why hemorrhoids appear, it can be noted that it appears due to varicose veins of the rectum or anal canal, in which stagnation of blood disturbs the condition of the nodes, and they protrude outward.

The disease can spread with constipation, prolonged sitting of a person, as well as with obesity, prolonged stomach disorders, pregnancy, diseases of the rectum and smoking.

Considering such a disease as hemorrhoids, its symptoms can be identified as the main: protrusion of the nodes outward, bloody discharge and pain in the anus.

1.Bloody discharge appears as a result of stagnation of blood in the nodes, the nodes at the same time stretch, they form cracks that provoke bleeding. It should be noted that bleeding can lead to anemia, so you need to see a specialist and get a check-up.

2. Bulge protrusion occurs with strong straining during defecation.

3. Pain sensations and itching in the anus are caused by the formation of erosion at the nodes, the pain can be intolerable and appear when the site is infringed.

4. The perception of a foreign body in the anus can occur with the increase of nodes due to their inflammation, while they are painful.

You can say that the hemorrhoids symptoms manifestsslowly, so a person can have a long time to feel discomfort in the anus. In this case, the disease is detected, most often, with stomach disorders or constipation, as well as during pregnancy.

There are several stages of hemorrhoid development:

1. Hemorrhoids in the first stage are accompanied by hemorrhage, while the nodes are small and do not protrude outward. A person has burning and itching in the anal canal.

2. Nodules protrude and independently recur, and severe pain occurs.

3. The nodes drop out when the pressure on the abdominal cavity increases, and independently they can not be adjusted.

4. The last stage is characterized by prolapsed nodes in the state of rest, with bleeding, pain and thrombosis of the nodes.

So, hemorrhoids at an early stage is treated out-patient, whereas at the last stage it is necessary to conduct infrared coagulation.

With chronic disease, pain syndromeoccurs with inflammation or thrombosis of the nodes, bleeding while drip, internal nodes fall out, there is anal itching. This form of the disease is characterized by remission and periods of exacerbation, which often change each other.

Treatment of a disease such as hemorrhoids,the symptoms of which are pronounced, conservative, the purpose of which is to eliminate the inflammatory process in the anus. It should be borne in mind that the violation of diets, large physical exertion and stress can cause an exacerbation of the disease. With frequent exacerbations, surgical intervention with a further anti-inflammatory method of treatment is recommended. At the first stages of hemorrhoid development, outpatient treatment with the appointment of diets and the minimization of physical activity can be used. Adhering to the recommendations of specialists, the disease may not manifest itself for a sufficiently long period of time, thereby excluding the appearance of discomfort and discomfort in the rectum.

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