/ / How to buy an apartment or build a house

How to buy an apartment or build a house

Probably, one can not find such a person on earth,who would not dream of building his own cozy home. So, from the solution of the question of how to buy an apartment or build your own house, in fact, depends on the fulfillment of your dreams, because for some such an event happens only once in life. A modern house or apartment is not just a place in which we feel more secure, but which brings us closer to other people, unites our family under one roof, a place where we can rest. From time immemorial it turned out that the house was built, usually with their own efforts, only occasionally resorting to the help of their relatives or sympathetic neighbors.

Today, this approach to theto buy an apartment correctly, it seems an anachronism, because there appeared in a sufficient number of companies and companies engaged in the construction of housing professionally, on the basis of accepted standards and rules. Typically, such companies can offer a variety of repair and construction services, including a full cycle and erection of the house "turnkey" or the same finish the apartment. In order to ensure that your home or apartment is reliable and beautiful, so that they will please you with comfort and comfort, so that moving to a new apartment does not become the beginning of a new construction process, you will have to go through several procedures in order to comply with the order of construction and its legal registration.

It should be remembered that the order of construction inThe Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with Art. 51 Urban Development Code, and the initial document that gives the right to start construction, is a building permit. It is very important to understand that the construction of a capital facility without obtaining a permit is likely to entail problems related to the registration of ownership.

If your decision is the right way to buyapartment, will be focused on using the services of a real estate company - do not be too lazy to get as detailed as possible from various sources about its reputation. Applying to any construction (if you build a house) firm - be sure to get detailed information about its registration and rights to conduct construction, and only then take a measured decision about who to entrust erecting your house.

If you buy an apartment,it is necessary to have an idea of ​​how to prepare, conduct and execute this rather troublesome transaction. The simplest and most reliable solution would be to contact a real estate company.

The firm will help you clarify the legal"Cleanliness" of the apartment. It is especially important to pay attention to the fact whether someone is retaining title to it, such persons may not even know that someone is selling an apartment with an arch. If you do not pay attention to this issue, then subsequently the sale transaction can be recognized as illegal and terminated. You can protect yourself from such cases by insurance of risks when buying an apartment, but for this you will have to pay a fairly substantial amount.

After that you can start collecting documents.To complete the sale and purchase of an apartment and the conclusion of a relevant agreement, you must have a package of documents, a full list of which can be found in the BTI or real estate company. In addition, the collection and preparation of them can be entrusted to the same firm.

When the documents are collected - you can enter into a contract. According to the law, it can be concluded both in a notary's office or by a simple written agreement.

The final stage of the transaction is its registration, as well as registration of ownership of the purchased apartment. These procedures are performed by the BTI in a 30-day period.

When buying an apartment, especially on a secondarymarket, it should be remembered that the process of legalizing the purchase is a rather tedious and not always pleasant procedure. Therefore, it is not enough to know how to choose an apartment, it is important to make the right decision who specifically will do it. Here, also the most rational option is the appeal to realtors. Experts not only can give good advice on how to buy an apartment, but they will take all the trouble on this issue for themselves. Yes, of course, for this all will have to pay. Therefore, carefully compare your priorities and determine what is more important for you: to pay money and get quality service that relieves you of the hassle of buying, or to trust only yourself, in the end to feel yourself as the sole "creator" of your home.

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