/ / Analysis for disgrupp in any medical institution

Analysis for disgruppe in any medical institution

The health of our babies is extremely important andis relevant not only for parents, but also for the state. Therefore, the issue of motherhood and childhood is given so much attention. Throughout the country there are children's hospitals, polyclinics, health camps, kindergartens and schools. The most dangerous disease for babies is diarrhea, which can cause malnutrition and dysbacteriosis.

analysis for a dysgroup
The analysis for the disg group can be performed in any bacteriological laboratory.

In the intestine is a huge amountvarious bacteria, many of them are involved in the process of digestion and are an integral part of our body. Some bacteria are considered pathogenic and dangerous to health. The analysis on the disgroup allows to reveal such pathogens in the intestines of the child. In the presence of Staphylococcus aureus, salmonella, dysentery and other toxic pathogenic microorganisms, the child is hospitalized, intensively treated with antibiotics, and parenteral administration of fluid and medications is prescribed.

Analysis for the disgroup can reveal a lack of stool of enzymes involved in digestion. Why food is not digested, not sucked, the child does not gain weight, is dehydrated and may even die.

feces for disgroups
In such cases, simply assign missingEnzymes that normalize the activity of the intestine until the moment when the body itself will restore their production. The analysis for the disgroup most often shows a lack of feces of the enzyme lactose. The child is prescribed lactobacterin for a while, and your baby grows well and develops. To preserve the life and health of the child at the first sign of diarrhea, immediately consult a doctor. It must be remembered that the children's organism is much weaker and vulnerable to an adult. Severe diarrhea in a baby can dehydrate and kill a child for a day. Do not wait until the baby's chair is restored on its own.

stool of a baby

When analyzing for a disgroup, a stool culture isa nutrient medium that ensures the growth of microflora. Because of the slow growth of the intestinal flora, the analysis response is prepared for several days. It is recommended to consult a doctor who will medically treat diarrhea while the result is being prepared.

Kal for the disgroup is the only indicativethe ability to determine the bacteriological composition and the presence of enzymes, to correct the intestinal microflora. By bringing these indicators back to normal, you will achieve your child's recovery. Parents should closely monitor the excrement of children, because this indicator is directly related to health. If the child is on artificial feeding, you can simply change the milk formula or refuse to feed the infant nutrition. If the baby is growing in breast milk, then the mother should stick to the diet and not eat foods that cause diarrhea due to the large amount of fiber. To avoid the risk of dehydration and blood clots at the first sign of diarrhea, consult a doctor immediately.

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