The phrase "I breathe - and not enough air" is foundso often that even the closest friends of the complainant sluggishly react to it. Over time, the person experiencing such sensations, begins to ignore them, waiting for "to pass by itself." But this is hardly reasonable. If during inhalation there is not enough air, it means that the body is insufficiently saturated with essential oxygen. A long period of such a shortage may in the future seriously affect the general state of health and health. In addition, in many cases, the body thus tries to tell the “owner” what exactly does not suit him.
All of us are not in the best physical shape.Disabling the elevator can be a disaster even for someone who lives on the fourth floor. Crawling up to the apartment, the unfortunate groans: "Choking." It lacks air only for the reason that the organism, unaccustomed to stress, does not have time to supply itself with oxygen. However, if shortness of breath occurs, even if you walked only one stop, you should think about more regular loads. Otherwise, in the foreseeable future, you will face heart problems that are accustomed to working lazily.
The very first thing to do whenthe person says, “I am choking, not enough air”, not after climbing to the tenth floor, - to check whether something got into his respiratory organs. Moreover, it does not have to be a hard object: a viscous substance and sudden edema can also close the valve. In all these cases, actions should be as fast as possible, otherwise the state “I cannot breathe” will quickly turn into the stage “I no longer breathe.”
Often when breathing in there is not enough air for peoplecaught under the "chemical attack", that is, inhaled in pairs of some compounds. The symptom is further complicated by exposure to toxins, operating in the blood. So with any chemical poisoning of a person, it is urgent to take him to the hospital.
Understandably, the second most commoncause of difficulty breathing. When they need to be very vigilant: very often when breathing in, there is not enough air when swelling of the throat develops (for example, severely flowing sore throat) or a significant amount of mucus accumulates in the bronchi. It is comforting that the sudden attacks here are rare. If you carefully observe the sick and do not neglect the recommendations of the doctor, you can not be afraid of serious consequences.
Asthmatics during inhalation do not have enough air regularly. However, this disease develops gradually, the person is usually quite aware of the causes of his shortness of breath and carries an inhaler with him.
The scourge of modern man is constant (orsudden) nervous tension. The sensation, as if there is not enough air, arises from the fact that the whole organism instinctively prepares for an active struggle - flight or combat. First, the person begins to breathe heavily to supply the blood needed for oxygen spurt. However, the breakthrough does not occur, the reason is something emotional, no one plots you with fists. Additionally, "breathed in" oxygen remains unclaimed. And it starts to affect the lack of carbon dioxide. The result: a stressed or frightened person cannot breathe. To quickly return to normal, there is a simple and effective recipe: to lay your hands on the boat and breathe in them. The effect will manifest itself more quickly if the same is done in the bag: a more enclosed space is more quickly saturated with carbon dioxide. And strong-willed people who do not have enough air after a fright when they inhale can simply force themselves to breathe in a normal, not extreme mode.
The second misfortune of the civilized world is wrong,far from natural food. A common consequence of it is anemia with iron deficiency. Women suffer from it usually, and observing one of fashionable diets. And if the lady does not have enough air when breathing in, it is quite possible that her body needs iron. Similar problems are often experienced by pregnant women from whom this element is “removed” from the blood by the growing fetus. You can check the suspicions by passing the appropriate tests. But you can do without them: the use of liver, red meat, pomegranates and buckwheat has not hurt anyone. Want a quicker result - drink vitamins, including iron.
Obesity is a consequence of the problems already described.civilization: inadequate nutrition and lack of movement. Not only that obese people do not have enough air, the heart under the influence of fat and increased stress also begins to play pranks. If a full person has shortness of breath for the first time, he urgently needs to visit a doctor: young men often get ischemia along with a heart attack. Constant difficulty breathing, accompanying excessive fullness, strongly indicates that it is time to start to fight with weight, and not independently, but under medical supervision. You should not start with writing to the simulators and give them two hours a day: it will end with a faint right in the gym, or even a heart attack. What you can do yourself right away is just three things:
The rest, the more drastic actions can stronglydamage and so precarious health. However, following medical recommendations will have to be very pedantic, if you do not want to live with shortness of breath not too long and not very comfortable.