/ / Corrugated walling. Application, characteristics and installation

Corrugated walling. Application, characteristics and installation

In the modern market,a lot of new finishing materials. They include professional flooring. They call galvanized iron, stamped in the form of a trapezoidal profile. Above, such sheets are coated with a special polymer compound, which prevents corrosion.

corrugated walling
Previously, this material was used only fordevices of utility rooms - huts, warehouses, etc. However, recently, thanks to improved technologies for making and painting sheets in bright, juicy colors, the corrugated board has become more and more often used for finishing living quarters.

The main difference between it and the siding isunconditional ecological cleanliness and very high strength. Produced as wall profiled, and roofing. The difference of the first is that the wave height of the profile can not be more than 2 cm. On such sheets, after installation, there are less loads of both mechanical and unfavorable environmental factors. Therefore, the wall panels are somewhat less durable than roofing panels.

Marked corrugated wall as follows:

  • C10 - a universal sheet, which is used for both walls and roofs with a large slope of skates.
  • C8 - sheet with a small profile height, used for fences, walls and ceilings.
  • C21 - universal corrugated sheet.
  • MP18 is a sheet having a sinusoidal profile (18 mm high).

installation of walled corrugated board
Profiled walling is used both for finishingwalls, and for the installation of fences, the arrangement of temporary and business premises, as partitions, etc. The popularity of this material is explained by many qualities. As already noted, it is absolutely harmless to health. In addition, this material is distinguished by high strength, durability and, importantly, ease of transportation and installation.

Mounting of walled corrugated board, when usedit as facing the finished wall, begin with the installation of leveling horizontal, perpendicular wall, brackets. After all of them are fixed, heat insulation sheets are installed. They are fixed on the wall with polyamide dowels. A wind-proof film is attached over the heater. Then, to the brackets, leaving a small gap for ventilation, using vertical rivets attach vertical guides. Thus, the frame is obtained, which, in the future, will be fastened with corrugated wallboard. The sheets are installed with self-tapping screws. The pitch depends on the type of profiled sheeting used. It is necessary to make fasteners so that the sheets are rigidly supported on the guides.

wall corrugated board
When installing temporary premises, cabins and otherconstructions that do not require thermal insulation, the fastening is made to the crossbars of the pre-installed frame, also through one wave, and vertically by rivets.

A wide range of applications, an acceptable price andremarkable performance characteristics, distinguishing corrugated walling, made it the most purchased finishing material for walls and roofs. Galvanized and protected by polymeric composition, the surface of the sheets allows to significantly extend the service life. It is not less than 20 years. This is another remarkable quality, which explains such a high popularity of this finishing material.

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