/ What is furunculosis? The reasons for its appearance

What is furunculosis? The reasons for its appearance

Furunculosis is called inflammatory purulentthe disease, the cause of which most often becomes staphylococcus. Appear on the body can as one formation, and several on any parts of the body. Its sizes range from a small pea to a large walnut. Most often furuncles occur in places where the body is exposed to contamination or friction, for example, on the hands, neck, face, buttocks and lower back.

causes of furunculosis

There is a more severe form of the disease-carbuncle. The causes of furunculosis and his fellow are the same. Outwardly they are similar, but in the second case the inflammation spreads much deeper - to the subcutaneous cells that necrosis.

Furunculosis: Causes and Symptoms

The skin surrounding the neoplasm,thickens, blushes and hurts. After a while, the abscess develops, it ripens, and the liquid comes out. The remaining wound heals. The whole process can be accompanied by malaise and fever.

As mentioned above, furunculosis, causeswhich is attributed to skin lesions with metal, clothing, dust or nails, you need to start treating immediately. In fact such wounds, as the open doors for hit of a microbe in an organism.

Can cause furunculosis causes related to diseases of the stomach, metabolic disorders, obesity, diabetes, alcoholism.

General recommendations

causes of furunculosis

The most important thing is caution. Incorrect treatment leads to penetration of infection into deeper tissues. The ideal option, of course, is to visit a doctor.

The sooner the furuncle ripens and breaks, thefaster the disease will recede. Therefore, to soften the skin and break it, you can apply dry and warm compresses several times a day to the affected area.

On the wound, after the pus comes out, a bandage is applied to prevent the infection from re-entering inside.

And most importantly, squeeze out the boil not! Treat yourself carbuncles is unacceptable!


Treatment should appoint a doctor, judging by the stage orcomplexity of the disease. At the first degree, ultraviolet radiation of the focus is carried out, in the second, injections are given. Antibiotic is injected into the area of ​​the boil.

Perhaps the application of gypsum to the place of formation or dressing dipped in a solution of silver nitrate, it changes twice a day.

furuncle treatment ointment

Continues even after it is openedfuruncle, treatment. Vishnevsky ointment is used to apply a dressing to a drying out center daily. It heats the wound well and prevents the repeated entry of microorganisms. Also promotes the healing of ichthyol. It is placed on the hearth with a thick layer, and the top is covered with fleece. After the cake is formed, the ointment is washed off with plain water. The procedure should be done in the morning and in the evening. After the boil breaks through, ichthiol is not used, so as not to close the outlet for pus.

Non-opening formation is removed surgically. The doctor cuts the hearth and rinses the wound from the pus.


What is furunculosis, the causes of which lie in thedamage to the skin and entering a microbe, you can never know if you follow all the rules of hygiene. The purer the body, the less the percentage of infection. Any scratch and small wound should be immediately treated with peroxide or green. In addition, strong immunity will not allow the microbe to settle in the body. This natural barrier should be maintained in the body all year round with the help of sports, hardening, proper nutrition and vitamin intake.

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