/ / Can I use the drug "Nazonex" in adenoids?

Can I use the drug "Nazonex" in adenoids?

Modern medicine treats adenoids with twoways: conservative and surgical. The choice of conservative drugs today is quite large, but many experts prefer to treat adenoids in the complex. For this, vitamins, immunostimulants, vasoconstrictive, anti-inflammatory and antihistamines are used. One such means is the spray "Nazonex", with adenoids it is used from the age of two.

What is the protective function of the body?

Всего в организме человека имеется шесть tonsils, located in the nasopharynx, they form the so-called ring Pirogov. This formation plays a protective role, the tonsils do not allow the infection to penetrate deep into the body. To the ring of Pirogov are pharyngeal, lingual, two tubal and two palatine tonsils. Diseases of lingual and tubal tonsils in humans are extremely rare, most often affected by pharyngeal and palatine tonsils. Sprouting and hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsil is usually called adenoids.

What are adenoids??

The most common enlargement of the palatine and pharyngealtonsils occurs in children, this is due to the fact that these organs are the first to take on the attack of pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Adenoids arise in the body of the child as a protective function, preventing the colonization of the nasopharynx and oropharynx by pathogenic bacteria. In this case, the violation of nasal breathing, a prolonged runny nose, nasal voice are the hallmarks of adenoids. Violation of swallowing, snoring, muffled voice are signs of hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils.

How to apply the drug "Nazonex" in adenoids?

In the treatment of adenoids, an excellent effect is given.antihistamines, hormones and immunostimulants. Since the growth of the tonsils is, first of all, a protective reaction of the body, it is possible to use the Nasonex preparation quite effectively with adenoids. It is used in the form of nasal drops or inhalation once a day for children from the age of two. It should be noted that the treatment with this drug in 80% of children has a lasting positive effect, which occurs already on the second day of treatment with Nasonex.

What is "Nazonex"?

"Nasonex" is a complex drug,focused on reducing allergic status and reducing tissue hypertrophy, it also relieves itching and burning in the nose. The preparation contains a small dose of the hormone, however it is possible to use it even for children, since it has only a local effect. The active substance Mometasone, which is part of the drug, inhibits the development of the inflammatory process, and also prevents the formation of scars at the site of inflammation. That is why the Nasonex drops are successfully used in acute adenoiditis, sinusitis and vasomotor rhinitis. The drug has the ability to stop not only the early allergic processes, but has been successfully used in cases of advanced.

"Nasonex": contraindications

Using the drug "Nasonex" with adenoids, do not forget that it has contraindications. These include:

  • Severe purulent processes in the nasal cavity, in the absence of antibacterial treatment.
  • Fresh injuries or nose surgery.
  • Tuberculosis of the lungs, viral and fungal lesions of the nose, herpes with damage to the eyes.
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • Child age is up to two years.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding. (Sometimes in this case, "Nasonex" is used as directed by the doctor).

Nasonex nose drops are effective.a remedy that is used to treat adenoids and chronic nasopharyngeal diseases. Do not just forget that it can be used only as directed by the attending physician.

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