/ / Eye retinal disease: major diseases and methods of diagnosis

Eye retinal disease: major diseases and methods of diagnosis

Diseases of the retina (eye fundus) are ranked among the most common human eye diseases that lie in wait for him throughout his life. Most often they appear after 45 years.

It is this age that becomes a turning pointthe moment when the metabolism taking place in the human body is rebuilt and takes a course towards aging. There is a lack of circulation, affecting all organs and tissues, including the retina of the eye.

eye disease
As a rule, specific complaints specific to thefor the disease of the fundus, does not exist. Reducing vision usually occurs when the eye disease has already been sufficiently formed, and the most accessible treatment is able only to stop the loss of vision, but not improve it.

Symptoms that should alert a person and encourage him to visit an ophthalmologist are the following:

  • curvature and / or combination of letters when reading;
  • the appearance of photopsies is light flashes and flickering sparks with eyes closed, appearing after physical exertion and / or eye movement;
  • changes in peripheral vision;
  • blurred vision in the evening;
  • violation of color perception;
  • loss of objects from sight.

All of these specific conditions suggest the presence of pathology on the part of the retina.

Major fundus diseases

fundus diseases
The diseases affecting the retina are numerous. But the most common are the following types:

1. Atrophy (dying off) of the optic nerve.This eye disease is characterized by the formation of inflammation of the main optic nerve causing its regressive pathological changes. There is a significant reduction in vision, a decrease in the field of view. Ophthalmoscopic examination clearly shows a dull optic disc.

2. Pigment dystrophy of the eye retina. With this disease, the formation of pigmented light foci, having the appearance of a star or a cell and located at the equatorial fundus of the eye.

This eye disease is in its initial stages.characterized by reduced twilight vision. Blind spots having the form of a ring are formed in the field of view. Gradually, the visual field is narrowed to a tube type, in which the patient can clearly see objects located strictly in the center. As the vision narrows, visual acuity also deteriorates, thinning of the blood vessels of the fundus occurs.

3. Central inflammation of the eye retina. This eye disease is accompanied by a pathological change in the retina associated with a spasm of blood vessels passing through it.

diagnosis of eye diseases
Barriers appear at the early stage of the diseasein sight, localized in the center of the visual field, the objects in question are visually reduced, and temporary farsightedness develops. The fundus of the eye is subject to spasm of the blood vessels and has a gray-red bulge in the area of ​​the yellow spot.

Diagnosis of eye diseases

The modern development of ophthalmology makes it possible to carry out all the necessary research required to establish an accurate diagnosis. Such studies include:

  • the establishment of visual acuity (subjective or computer method);
  • pressure measurement inside the eye;
  • examination of the retina;
  • keratotopography;
  • examination of the eyeball;
  • general electrophysiological studies;
  • fluorescent digital angiography.

Modern diagnostic tools in ophthalmology help not only to make an accurate diagnosis, but also contribute to the control and effective management of the treatment of the disease.

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