/ / Perinatal Screening

Perinatal Screening

Perinatal screening is a specialcomplex, which is recommended for almost all pregnant women in the early stages. This study is conducted to completely exclude possible fetal abnormalities arising from chromosomal or genetic impairment. Such congenital defects most often do not respond to treatment, which is why it is so important to perform ultrasound treatment at an early stage. The term "screening" in translation means "sifting".

Screening of newborns in hereditaryThe disease consists of a three-time ultrasound and a biochemical blood test. It is not necessary to be afraid of this procedure, it is absolutely safe for both the mother and the baby.

Doctors recommend perinatalScreening in the first trimester, in the interval of 10 to 14 weeks, with the optimal period is the period from 11 to 13 weeks. The study helps to assess the course of pregnancy according to all the prescribed parameters, the fact of the development of multiple pregnancies. However, the main goal of ultrasound at this time is to reveal the thickness of the collar space of the embryo. The collar space itself is a zone of fluid accumulation between the soft tissues of the neck area. In the event that the received value exceeds the permissible norm, the risk of a genetic anomaly in fetal development is likely.

Only by ultrasound it is impossible to draw a conclusion,a whole range of studies is needed that are part of perinatal biochemical screening. Only on the basis of a comprehensive study can conclusions be drawn. In general, a biochemical blood test is also called a "double test", and it is done for a period of 10-13 weeks. During this study in the blood, women examine the level of two placental proteins.

By results of ultrasonic research,calculation of the possible genetic risk, and also after obtaining the data on the protein level, the risk is calculated using a computer program. Such a specialized program allows to take into account even such factors as the ethnicity of a woman, her age and weight. Also, when calculating the fact of the presence of hereditary diseases in the family and family, the presence of various chronic diseases is taken into account. After a comprehensive study, the doctor examines the results and is able to classify the pregnancy as a risk group, such as Edwards syndrome and Down's syndrome. However, even in this case, such a threat is not a diagnosis, but only suggests an opportunity. Only an experienced geneticist can precisely determine which will prescribe a further examination, a chorionic biopsy. This procedure is more complicated, an instrument is inserted into the abdominal wall and a part of the chorion is taken. Such a biopsy is more dangerous, since it can lead to some complications.

Perinatal screening should be done exactlyat this time, since the accuracy of the result is maximal precisely in this period. In the event that the tests are given too late or too early, the accuracy of the result is reduced several times. If a woman has an irregular menstrual cycle, then due to ultrasound examination, you can accurately determine the duration of pregnancy. The next such examination should be done at a later date, approximately 16-18 weeks.

The first perinatal screening is a veryexciting and touching. The woman will first meet her baby, see his hands, legs, face. From the usual medical examination, it turns into a real holiday for the mom and dad of the baby. The main thing to remember is that any deviation from the norm is simply attributed to the risk group, and not a diagnosis. In this case, you do not need to get upset, it's better just to conduct an additional examination.

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