/ Best varieties of cherry for the Leningrad region

The best varieties of cherry for the Leningrad region

Beautiful cherry:snow-white in spring color, as if strewn with rubies in the summer, it always attracts the eye. This is not to mention how useful this berry is. That is why the culture has received such recognition of gardeners. But it is of particular importance in regions that are poorly suited to fruit culture. Today it will be about the cherry varieties for the Leningrad region. Today they are cultivated practically on all sites, amateur and industrial, despite the fact that winter temperatures here often reach critical levels. Fine fruits bring incomparable health benefits, so everyone wants to stock up on berries for future use.

cherry varieties for the Leningrad region

Features of gardening in the north-west

Initially cherry is a southern culture.Therefore, to make her happy with the eye and give a sufficient number of delicious berries, it is necessary to use varieties of local selection, zoned, that is, adapted to local conditions. Then you can easily grow on your site a cherry tree. Critical swings that are typical for the local winter can be harmful to any fruit tree, which is why breeders are breeding all the new varieties of cherries for the Leningrad region. However, local gardeners know that you need not only to choose the right variety, but also to observe certain rules.

To the tree grew

The best time for planting in this region -spring, until the buds are blossomed. It is necessary to choose a well-lit place, this is a prerequisite. In addition, in order to be able to count on a good result, it is necessary to choose neutral or at least weakly acidic soils. If your site is dominated by acidic, peat plots, then you need to prepare well for planting. To do this, dig a large pit and fill it with a purchased earth mixture. In the middle of this pit a young cherry is planted. Do not forget that it is necessary to choose only self-pollinated cherry varieties for the Leningrad Region. In addition, to ensure that your planting safely suffered a cold, varieties should be taken only with excellent winter hardiness.

felt cherry varieties for the Leningrad region

Felted cherry - favorite of Leningraders

Often gardeners make the same mistake -plant a felt cherry on a common stock. This is absolutely wrong, despite the similarity of the fruit, they are not genetic relatives. Therefore, it is better to buy ready-made saplings and plant in your garden, especially since due to excellent biological and economic qualities, the favorite cherry has become the favorite of local gardeners. Sorts for the Leningrad region today are the most diverse, we list only the most popular of them.

self-fruit varieties of cherry for the Leningrad region

The best varieties of felt cherry

  • The very first thing to note is the early cultivar Delight. The bush is very compact and easy to handle, cherries weighing about 3 g, sweet and sour. Bushes are very fruitful, with each you can collect up to 9 kg of berries.
  • An excellent variety is the Princess, each tree yields up to 10 kg of large berries. Sam bush average thickening, short and wide enough, you need to calculate the density of planting.
  • The most winter-hardyfelt cherry. Varieties for the Leningrad region all somehow have this quality, but the Oceanian Virovskaya surpasses the rest. At the same time the yield is high, about 9 kg from one tree.
  • If you are concerned about the lack of space on the site, then you can choose a very compact class called East. Productivity about 9 kg.
  • In addition, it is worth noting and other varieties of cherriesfor the Leningrad region, it's Alice and Natalie, Tale, Smuglyanka Eastern, Triana. What is the main advantage of these varieties? Many gardeners choose them not only for the special sweetness of the berry, but also for the compact crown. As if a low-grown, bushy felt cherry was created for local winters. Varieties for the Leningrad region (photos show only some of them) were derived specifically for severe weather conditions.
    varieties of cherries for the Leningrad region reviews

Choosing a variety for your summer residence

The variety represented on the market,really can prevent to make the right choice, as the gardener will simply get confused in bright descriptions. Therefore, let us outline the main criteria that will allow us to determine which cherry varieties are better for the Leningrad Region. First of all, you need to pay attention to the timing of maturation. Early-ripening varieties will please you with berries in the first half of July, middle-ripening main yield will be given in the second half of July, and late-ripening in August. Choosing different varieties, you will ensure yourself a harvest of fresh cherries for almost the entire summer.

The second point:pay attention to such characteristics as resistance to disease, large-fruited, yield. If the characteristics of the variety costs less than 7 kg from the tree - then this is not the one to which attention should be paid. Finally, the best varieties of cherries for the Leningrad region should be winter-hardy, preferably self-fertilizing, then your harvest will not depend on the weather and the activity of insects. We will introduce you to five new varieties, which are optimal for these climatic conditions.

cherry bush varieties for the Leningrad region

Yenikeyev's memory

We continue to consider varieties of cherries forLeningrad region. Reviews suggest that cherry Yenikeyeva Memory is one of the most popular and productive. It is obtained by crossing old varieties of Zhukovka and Korinka. A variety has appeared in the All-Russian Selection and Technology Institute of Horticulture. Crop ripens early, the trees show excellent winter hardiness. The variety is self-fertilized, universal. A tree of medium height, very convenient for harvesting. The fruits are large, dark red, sweet with a pleasant acidity.

Rastorguevskaya cherry

This is a medium-ripe variety, very fruitful,resistant to many diseases. Many gardeners love it for the feature of the crown, it is sprawling, that is, in general cherry bush. Varieties for the Leningrad region should be chosen very carefully, because even the district-wide Rastorguevskaya cherry is prone to freezing, but the trees are very quickly restored and have time to yield a good harvest. Fruits are average, dark red, the taste is very good, sweet and sour.

some varieties of cherries is better for the Leningrad region


As we have already said, it is necessary to consider onlyself-fruit varieties of cherries for the Leningrad region. This is such a wonderful variety, winter hardy, amazingly productive, resistant to diseases and pests. The tree itself is medium-sized, the crown is thick enough. The fruits are large, round with a red flesh. Taste quality is very high. Among the shortcomings of the variety can be noted low resistance to coccomicosis, that is, planting should be regularly processed.

Variety of Rusinka

Choosing an excellent winter hardy cherry varieties forLeningrad region, do not forget about this wonderful representative of its kind. One of the best varieties for the northern region, excellent wintering in the harshest weather conditions, has tremendous resistance to all pathogens. The tree is not inclined to "rest", fructifies annually. The variety is self-fertile, another amazing feature is the tremendous rooting of cuttings, that is, there will be no problems with growing a garden. The tree is below average, fruit collection will take place without the help of a ladder, the crown is spherical, spreading. Fruits of medium size, the flesh is dark, the taste is good.

], felt cherry varieties for the Leningrad region photo

Variety Sania

We presented to your attention excellent varietiescherries for the Leningrad region. Photos show their high decorative and yield, and the reviews of gardeners confirm that each of them justifies the trust and provides berries every year. To date, we are completing the review by considering one more variety. Sania is a medium-ripened cherry with a high yield. Partly self-fertilized and universal. It should be noted the high growth rate of the tree, the crown is spherical, the fruits are large enough, with red pulp. The tested varieties testify to the possibility of its use in severe climatic conditions, even if the air temperature can reach critical levels in winter. This makes the variety very valuable for gardeners of the Leningrad region. And he did not find any shortcomings.

This concludes the conversation about cherry varieties for the Leningrad Region, although the achievements of modern breeding can be discussed for a very long time.

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