/ Why does a child hiccup in the womb? We'll figure it out!

Why does a child hiccup in the womb? We'll figure it out!

Первые проявления активности ребенка будущая мама notices in the second trimester of pregnancy. As a rule, this phenomenon can be observed at the 16-18th week, when light sensations of "butterflies in the abdomen" appear. Over time, they become stronger, more insistent, because the baby grows, turns over, moves the limbs. And sometimes the baby hiccups in the womb. It is easy to calculate by the same rhythmic jolts inside, not strong, but frequent. Sometimes such feelings occur several times a day. Why does a child hiccup in the womb?

why a child hiccups in the womb
This process is very individual.Some mothers feel hiccups like spasms, others - like light tapping, and still others - like serious tremors from the side of the baby. In some cases, it manifests itself in the 26th week, while others feel the hiccup of their unborn child only after reaching the 35th week of pregnancy. Both are a variant of the norm, and some do not even feel this process at all and do not even think about why the child hiccups in the womb of the mother. This is due to the fact that, according to statistics of doctors, most women feel only 10% of all fetal movements during pregnancy.

Ученые не имеют четкой и подтвержденной теории The reason for this process. Special experiments on this subject have not yet been conducted. However, there are some assumptions about why hiccups appear in the womb. In general, this is considered a positive sign - hence, the fetus is well developed CNS, which allows him to control the ingestion of amniotic fluid. That is, simply, the baby hiccups when the amniotic fluid swallows. No harm to him this process does not bring, just causes ambiguous feelings in the mother, feeling every push.

baby hiccups in the womb
Другие специалисты выдвигают свои версии насчет Why the child hiccups in the womb. They believe that in this way he develops a diaphragm, prepares for his first sigh at the moment of birth. There is also the opinion that hiccups in a child during pregnancy are nothing more than the development of swallowing functions. But in general, both are also a sign of a healthy and actively growing organism.

Ранее выдвигались менее оптимистичные версии about hiccups. At one time, doctors tried to connect it with a lack of oxygen from the fetus. However, no studies of the relationship of hypoxia and hiccups in the child have not been confirmed.

Worry about why a baby hiccups in the wombmother, not worth it. This is an indicator of fetal health, and according to some studies it is believed that the process of hiccups calms the baby, reduces pressure on his lungs, as well as other organs in the period of active growth.


Что делать, если малыш икает?Sometimes this condition can last long enough, up to half an hour. If the hiccup does not stop, many women advise to take a walk in the fresh air to calm the child. It is also useful simply to try to change the position of the body - lie on one side or kneel and rest on your elbows on the floor. Such exercises can help to save the baby from hiccoughs or at least to reduce the force of tremors in the abdomen, if they cause discomfort to the future mother.

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