/ Bursitis. Treatment with folk remedies

Bursitis. Treatment with folk remedies

Bursitis is a chronic inflammationarticular bag. Burs, or the bag of the joint, has a damping effect and reduces the load on the joint. Often, this disease occurs in the shoulder joints, knee, in the synovial pouch of the calcaneus, and also often occurs bursitis of the big toes. Treatment can be medicated, with the help of various ointments and procedures. In some cases, surgical intervention is necessary. However, there are alternative ways to cure bursitis. Treatment with folk remedies often gives a very good effect.

Bursitis can be acute, chronic, recurrent. Inflammation of the joint bag can occur due to trauma, infection, various pathologies of the joint.

Symptoms of bursitis

If the joint is inflamed, it swells, the skin turns red, movements are limited, and severe pain appears. Painful sensations can be and not strong, sometimes only during movement or loading on a joint.

Very often the patient does not pay much attention to this disease, which provokes the development of the disease. With acute inflammation the temperature rises, there is swelling and unbearable pain.

In chronic disease, bursitis develops incases of incorrect or untimely treatment. Very often suffer from this disease are people involved in sports and constantly experiencing stresses on joints. Chronic inflammation can occur in the case of severe joint injury, poor immunity, hypothermia, specific infections. Symptoms of chronic bursitis are usually not pronounced. When the load may appear sharp pain, stiffness of movements, a small swelling. Many do not attach importance to such symptoms and do not suspect that it is bursitis. Treatment with folk remedies can effectively help get rid of this ailment.

Bursitis: treatment with folk remedies

If you decide to treat bursitis at home, remember that you should exclude any strain on the joint.

  • Before a night sleep cut raw potatoesthin circles. Put them on a cotton cloth and wrap the inflamed joint. Cover with cellophane and woolen scarf. This compress should be left overnight.
  • Cut the onion and mix with the sugar. Put the mixture on the cheesecloth. Wrap the joint, cover the food film, top with a woolen scarf and leave it overnight.
  • Remove inflammation and strengthen immunity will helpthe next remedy: pour a tablespoon of celery seed into a glass of boiling water. The broth should be infused in the warmth and under a dense lid for several hours. Then strain and take the inside of the glass daily.
  • A good effect will be achieved with the help ofsuch a recipe: ten grams of propolis, pour half a glass of vodka. Close the container tightly and leave it in a dark place for six days. After this, it is necessary to make lotions on the affected joint 2-3 times every day.
  • Treatment of bursitis of the big toe canthe following way: in an enamel pot make a decoction of pine needles and cones. Dilute with equal amount of water, pour into the basin and immerse the foot for half an hour. A regular foot bath will help relieve inflammation and reduce the pain caused by bursitis.

Treatment with folk remedies should not be usedwithout consulting a doctor. Although all of the above methods are sufficiently effective and safe, first of all, you need to make sure of the correctness of the diagnosis and visit a doctor.

If there is swelling around the joint, whichaccompanied by an increase in temperature, the use of folk remedies is not worth it. You need to go to the clinic where the examination will be performed and the joint cavity puncture will be done - to clarify the diagnosis and the stage of the disease.

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