/ / Manhole plumbing hatch: dimensions, application features

Hatch metal plumbing: dimensions, application features

Водопроводные коммуникации, выпирающие наружу, do not look very good. To hide them, the owners use various means. One of them can be a manhole metal plumbing. Its dimensions are very different. Therefore, they can fit into any interior of the bathroom.

Appointment hatch

Varieties and sizes of plumbing hatches frommetal, plastic and special material for painting a lot. Each of them has its own advantages. Metal hatches are the most practical and durable. They are suitable for pasting their surface with tiles.

Hatch metal plumbing dimensions

The most important quality of the door is its invisibility. It is on metal varieties after gluing to the surface that the tiles pay the least attention. They really can not be seen.

Close the water pipes and various appliances designed hatch metal plumbing. Dimensions of it are selected in accordance with the size of the node, which it must hide.

Installation of metal hatches

The size of the metal hatchdepends on the area of ​​the water supply unit. If it is small, apply the door to the magnet. On sale there are products with a length and width of 10 cm. Further the size increases every 5 cm both in length and width. The largest hatches reach a size of 100x100 cm. These are standard sizes. There is an opportunity to buy products on order.

For connections of a large number of communications,having water consumption meters and other elements, metal sanitary hatchways of rather large sizes should be purchased (the photo is shown below). Their door is fixed on hinges.

Hatches plumbing metal dimensions

Due to this, the system will be sufficiently strongand not fall down under the weight of the tiles. Hatches plumbing metal, the size of which is large enough, and the door is closed with a magnet, can fall down. If the door should be invisible, and the site is quite large, it is necessary to pay attention to the loop varieties.

Advantages and disadvantages

Certain qualities are possessed by sanitary-metal hatches, the dimensions (the photo is shown below) which should correspond to the opening in the wall.

Hatches plumbing metal sizes photo

Their magnetic varieties are quiteinexpensively. This is their main advantage. However, having a mechanism for closing the door on the magnet, they can rarely be invisible. These species also do not have large sizes. If the walls of the room are painted, and not glued with tiles, this option will suit the owners.

The hatches are very large.Sometimes their dimensions reach 1000х1000 mm. Even with such a large area, they can be pasted with tiles. The design can withstand the weight of the tile. However, the cost of such products is much higher than in the previous version.

The size of the space around the hatch

Select the hatch metal plumbing, the dimensions of which correspond to the water supply unit, it is necessary taking into account the surrounding conditions.

Sliding hatches are used where there is no frontsufficient space for opening. For them, ahead should be free about 12 cm. If the distance from the door to the interior is even smaller, folding varieties are used.

For an opening that is more than 70 cm wide, a two-door hatch should be used. This ensures the durability of the structure and will prevent the sagging of the door.

In the case of facing the wall and hatch mosaic, you must accurately calculate the size of the door and relate it to the size of the decor.

If the owners chose marble or another stone as a finishing material, you should purchase a product of enhanced carrying capacity. The same products should be used for openings of more than 60x120 cm.

After reading this element of the bathroom interiorrooms like metal plumbing hatch, the size of this product will be easy to pick up. They must match the opening in the wall. The size of the hatch will help determine its type. Also important is the facing material. All these nuances should be considered when choosing a sanitary metal hatch for the bathroom.

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